加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息The Internet blacklist legislation
Two proposed laws in the United States, called SOPA and the PROTECT IP Act. On January 24th, the U.S. Senate will vote on the PROTECT IP Act to censor the Internet, despite opposition from the vast majority of Americans. The Internet blacklist legislation―known as PROTECT IP Act (PIPA) in the Senate and Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) in the House―invites Internet security risks, threatens online speech, and hampers innovation on the Web. Urge your members of Congress to reject this Internet blacklist campaign in both its forms! Read More
Ponder in the Wind(Thanks for correcting me if you think I am wrong)回复: The Internet blacklist legislation所以今天wiki 也来blackout一天, 以唤起民众意识.这个世界真是越来越精彩
回复: The Internet blacklist legislation所以今天wiki 也来blackout一天, 以唤起民众意识.这个世界真是越来越精彩点击展开...对互联网经济和西方的言论自由而言,这不啻是一场大灾难。过去的政府也偷听、也搞敏感词侦测,但只是用于情报探测,是属于不见阳光的行为、或属于非政治而是军事或战略参考的小范围违法应用。如果通过了立法,会带来大面积的滥用(即是规范后也会大量存在),加大互联网和信息共享的信息成本,会应了中国的一句古话:水至清则无鱼。
Ponder in the Wind(Thanks for correcting me if you think I am wrong)回复: The Internet blacklist legislation原来还有人没看明白。刚看新闻,美国有两个参议员撤回对这两个提案的支持。律师和国会议员也在改变态度。民主和自由,也不仅仅是在中国才是要追求的。现在加拿大到美国的基石输油管道也被美国很策略地拒绝了。哈珀发表声明重申加拿大市场开拓的多元化。
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