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回复: 如何摆脱打工命运,实现财务自由呢?如果还不到40,去念书吧。点击展开...支持支持!
回复: 如何摆脱打工命运,实现财务自由呢?这个通常是那些搞传销的用来引诱人入会必定要问的问题
回复: 如何摆脱打工命运,实现财务自由呢?财务自由都是从打工开始的,而且大多数起点都不高。
一叶知秋这个通常是那些搞传销的用来引诱人入会必定要问的问题点击展开...实现财务自由---这句话有点像。 他们一不主张给人打工,二不主张开店,自己做生意。三爱主张女权,提倡女子出来挣私房钱,贴补娘家。 通常都是从以上三点切入,给你洗脑。
赏 财务自由都是从打工开始的,而且大多数起点都不高。点击展开...
回复: 如何摆脱打工命运,实现财务自由呢?财务自由都是从打工开始的,而且大多数起点都不高。点击展开...
回复: 如何摆脱打工命运,实现财务自由呢?如何实现财务自由来源:新浪财经 日期:2011-04-03 2009年股市的上涨,使很多股民、基民收益颇丰,股票基金的开户数创了新高;2009年和2010年一季度房产价格的上涨,使房产投资者资产增值,吸引很多跟风者,也使房价进一步上涨。炒黄金、炒外汇、炒期货……人们在不同的投资领域不懈努力,为实现财务目标而努力着。 财务自由是财务目标的较高层次,指资产的被动收入能够覆盖日常支出,这样就不必为了生活而工作,可以做自己喜欢的事情。这是每个人都希望实现的梦想。如何实现财务自由呢?做实业和做投资是实现财务自由的两大途径。做实业需要具备适用的技术、丰富的管理经验、强大的营销策划能力……,这些显然不是每个人都适合的。投资分为金融投资和非金融投资。非金融投资包括字画、邮品、收藏品等,也需要投资者有足够的专业知识。金融投资相对而言更大众化一些,不过金融投资品种繁多,风险收益特征迥异,一定要谨慎选择。对于不具备金融专业知识的普通投资者而言,借助展恒理财这样的第三方理财顾问,可以在投资上少走一些弯路,少些误区,少些不必要的风险,更有利于实现财务自由。 财富是本金、收益率和时间三者的结合,财富的数额与三个因素成正相关,投资者不断地增加投入本金,持续获得比较稳定的收益,经历足够的时间,一定可以积累可观的财富。以投入100万元为例,如果年化收益率为12%,10年后本利和312万元,20年后本利和965万元;如果年化收益率达到20%,10年后本利和619万元,20年后本利和3833万元;这样一笔财富产生的收益足以支付生活开支,可以称为财务自由了。 这个过程中,时间是很重要的因素,作为投资者,需要多一些耐心。暴利固然好,长期合理收益率的复利积累一样可以实现财务自由,而且更可行一些。 如何选择能实现财务目标的金融产品呢?资产配置是长期要坚持的原则。不能盲目跟风,在股市最火热的时候买股票,在基金最热门的时候买基金,在房市最火爆的时候买房,跟风投资的结果很可能是损失而不是收益。以目前市场环境而言,公募基金、阳光私募可以作为投资者的重点关注方向,黄金、外汇、期货等杠杆产品具有高风险高收益的特征,不适合普通投资者参与。 具体到2010年余下的日子,展恒理财认为股市仍将是震荡市,建议配置管理能力优秀的主动管理型基金,在资金允许的情况下,配置一些优秀的阳光私募。2009年下半年以来震荡市里,阳光私募的平均表现优于公募。不过阳光私募个性鲜明,投资风格差异较大,收益差异也很大,在可查到资料里,今年以来阳光私募最好的赢利33%,最差的亏损17%,同期公募基金最好的赢利10%,最差的亏损15%。阳光私募的业绩差异比公募基金更大。面对六百只左右公募基金和同样数量的阳光私募,选择是非常重要的,展恒理财的作用就在于帮投资者筛选产品。 坚持不懈地进行投资,进行合理的资产配置,借助专业理财机构的慧眼选择适合的品种和策略,假以时日,财务自由的目标一定可以实现。
回复: 如何摆脱打工命运,实现财务自由呢?读了书就能财务自由?还是老老实实工作,苦中作乐吧
终于......回复: 如何摆脱打工命运,实现财务自由呢?读书有可能做回专业工作,不读书做回专业工作的,不能说没有,但不多
回复: 如何摆脱打工命运,实现财务自由呢?5 Steps To Financial IndependenceEveryone seems to think there is a secret formula to becoming financially independent. There’s not and as much as I want to, I can’t give you step-by-step instructions on how to retire in 5 years. Even if I could, you’d be a retard for following it. There is no single financial recipe that fits every market, every situation, every individual. You’ll either find your own direction or you’ll stay poor.But like I said before, it’s not so much about connecting the dots anyway. It’s about changing your perceptions, re-evaluating your wants and needs, and gaining the ability to make your own choices even if they go against the grain. A little self discovery will take you farther than any spread sheet I could show you.I guess the real question is: How bad do you want it?I asked myself a similar question a few years ago and realized that I wanted it more than anything I could possibly purchase for myself. Big screen TV? Diamond earrings? Trip to Italy? I could wait. For the time being, I was working on securing my freedom. There was nothing more important.So how did I do it? I’ll try to narrow it down.1. I Lived Frugally And Put My Extra Money Into InvestmentsThis seems really fucking obvious, doesn’t it? But it’s not if you consider that most people define ‘living frugally’ as giving up their weekly outing to the movies. But shaving $100 off of my living expenses was not enough for me. Remember, I wanted to gain financial independence as quick as possible. I wanted to save as much of my time as I could. To do this, I had to re-define what it meant to be frugal.I gave up every single one of my creature comforts. I moved into a tiny apartment and I got a roommate to share the expenses. I drove to work in a crappy car and walked to the grocery store. When gas prices got out of control, I bought a space heater to keep me warm at night so I could turn down the heat. I learned things like basic home repair and car maintenance so I wouldn’t have to pay a professional. I bought basic necessities at the dollar store, people! The dollar store!Was I miserable?Oh, for sure. But it almost became a game to me. How cheap could I live? After awhile, I was paying for all of my living expenses on what one would earn working part time at a fast food restaurant….which freed up a lot of my money for investing.2. I Only Invest In Things I EnjoyI know a guy who is a whiz with stocks; he loves them. My husband, on the other hand, gets a huge kick out of investing in small businesses. Yet another friend is into precious metals. There are countless investment opportunities out there, but the trick is finding one that fascinates you.Personally, I love real estate. I can walk into the biggest, dumpiest, most wrecked foreclosure on the market and find something cool about it. I adore single family homes, old buildings, abandoned restaurants and I’d rather go to an open house than the movies. I’m obsessively diligent about watching the market and at any point in time I could tell you with reasonable accuracy how many houses in my city are for sale, how long they’ve been on the market, and how much they’d have to go for to make money. Real estate is ‘my thing’ and I’m convinced the only reason I’m successful with it is because I enjoy it. Give me 10K and tell me to the play the stock market and it’s likely I’d be broke in a week. Give me 5K and a copy of a MLS and watch me go.3. I Educated Myself and Made ContactsIf you’ve taken my advice in Step 2, it won’t even feel like education. You should want to read about, talk about, and research the things you’re interested in. If you don’t, you picked the wrong investment, dummy.Also, remember that you can get a lot of great tips if you talk to people in your field. Do you want to know where the people into real estate hang out? The bar. I’ve met realtors, mortgage brokers, notaries, builders, tradesmen and other investors just hanging out at the bar. The information I’ve gleaned from them has been invaluable to me.4. I Never Advertised How Much I Was Making to My Friends and FamilyWow! That one came out of left field, didn’t it? You’re not supposed to shares stories of your success with your loved ones? Well, why the hell not?The answer is simple, really. For every success you have, you will have a friend who will match you with a story of woe. Because they are family (Or close to it), your heart will bleed for them and you will loan them money. And sometime after hell freezes over, you’ll get it back! It really is shocking how many people suddenly end up down on their luck the second they hear you have extra money.I am not advising you against helping your family. I am simply saying that if you refrain from advertising your wealth, you will only hear about financial hardships when they are actually an emergency.5. I Quit Letting People Talk Me Into Making Financial MistakesThis one is the most difficult because peer pressure is a bitch. Every day people will insist that you ‘work so hard’ and that you should ‘treat yourself!’ It’s even worse if you have children because the world is full of well meaning idiots who will imply that you’re a bad parent if you don’t plow your kids with toys and trips to Disney Land. They will poo-poo every thing that you do and then go home and stare in horror at their checking account that just went into the negatives again.Fuck em all. They’ll be making your lattes someday.We live in a youth obsessed culture that thrives on gluttony and excess. People don’t want cultivate qualities such as self discipline and constraint because they refuse to believe that they will ever get old. Everyone is always banking on ‘the big break.’ They’re going to become a rock star! They’re going to get onto a reality TV show! They’re going to marry someone famous! They’re going to win the lottery!They’re ridiculous self obsessed children wearing big boy clothes. One day the party will end and they’ll be popping prozac quicker than they can fluff your hotel pillow all the while thinking to themselves, ‘What happened?” What happened was that the big break never came and they never figured out that a few years of self restraint could add up to a lifetime of joy and leisure.There is nothing wrong with being an adult. In the long run, adults have more fun.Now pass the corona, will ya?
回复: 如何摆脱打工命运,实现财务自由呢?两个办法:1) 勤劳致富, LZ 显然不愿意走这条路.2) 投机取巧, LZ 可能没这智慧, 看发帖得出的印象. 解决方案:趁早死了这条心, 争取实现心灵自由.
--漂在温哥华回复: 如何摆脱打工命运,实现财务自由呢?睡个好觉!没准美梦成真!
回复: 如何摆脱打工命运,实现财务自由呢?中彩票大奖一般也可以财务自由。
一叶知秋念书不如念经点击展开... 一定是念书出生的.
回复: 如何摆脱打工命运,实现财务自由呢?买649
回复: 如何摆脱打工命运,实现财务自由呢?看穷爸爸,富爸爸,给自己提高财商
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