Ting (David) Ho: Vancouver billionaire pleads guilty to charges stemming from a night of sex and smoking cocaine at his mansion.
Ponder in the Wind(Thanks for correcting me if you think I am wrong) 赏 2012-02-02#2
1,739 $0.00 温哥华一名杰出商人被指控在家非法禁锢并袭击一名性工作者David Ho(也叫Ting Kwok Ho),今年57岁,Harmony Airways航空公司的前拥有人兼CEO,是一位冉冉升起的亿万商人。他于2002年创建Harmony Airways航空公司(该公司于2007年关闭)。评论
Ponder in the Wind(Thanks for correcting me if you think I am wrong)回复: Ting (David) Ho: Vancouver billionaire pleads guilty加国华裔亿万富豪 涉暴力召妓 认罪轻判:http://www.iask.ca/news/canada/2012/0202/116160.html
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