加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息请教关于在西雅图买iphone4s
是不是在美国买iphone4s会比较便宜?最近去西雅图,想知道哪里买,价钱多少?买了拿回国能直接用吗? 谢谢
回复: 请教关于在西雅图买iphone4sApple Store Bellevue SquareApple Store Bellevue Square106 Bellevue Square Bellevue, WA 98004phone: (425) 519-0080distance from Seattle, WA: 4.8 milesApple Store University VillageApple Store University Village2656 NE University Village StreetSeattle, WA 98105phone: (206) 892-0433distance from Seattle, WA: 5.3 miles这两个都是苹果的店,可以买到无锁的iphone 4S, 华盛顿州的税率是8.5%这边的税率是12%,价格都是$649,所以会比温哥华便宜点.不过如果有时间推荐去波特兰去买,车程从西雅图过去大概是三个小时,下面是地址.为啥呢?因为波特兰的消费税为0%!没错,如果觉得8.5% 乘以 $649 值得六个小时的车程的话,可以跑一趟. 700 SW Fifth Ave., Suite 1035Portland, OR(503) 265-2010
回复: 请教关于在西雅图买iphone4s完全没有必要。楼上实际忽略了一点:回到加拿大进关时需要申报的,理论上当天往返是无免税额的。为十几二十块钱藏着掖着,就不是果粉的作为了。况且加币还比美金值钱。曾几何时,美金值钱,美国的iphone要比加拿大便宜,就值得走西口一趟。现在若果买个Tiffany钻戒去西雅图一趟还值,至少省500加币以上。
24小时新浪微博上找俺、悄俺、互粉http://weibo.com/u/2756378825?wvr=3.6&lf=reg回复: 请教关于在西雅图买iphone4s的确是,如果申报了海关而且还要求缴税的话的确不太值了.不过分享一下个人经验,曾经自己在Portland买过一个Ipad,加上套和插件什么的大概1000左右,还买了一些衣服,在Portland住了三天,大概总共带了1500左右的东西入境,入关的时候如实上报,没有补交任何税款.另外一次是给我阿姨买Ipad, 当天往返, 如实上报, 也没有要求补交税款. 虽然不知道为何没有让我缴税,不过如果楼主希望尝试看看是否能够免于缴税的话可以尝试.不过建议就是一定要如实上报,否则如果被发现上了黑名单的话以后每次过关都会被彻底清查的. 以下为海关关于免税额的规定及链接. 以供参考. http://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/publications/pub/bsf5056-eng.html What are your personal exemptions?After each absence of 24 hours or moreYou can claim up to CAN$50 worth of goods without paying any duties. This is your personal exemption. You must have the goods with you when you arrive in Canada and you cannot include tobacco products or alcoholic beverages in this exemption. If the goods you bring in are worth more than CAN$50 in total, you cannot claim this exemption. Instead, you have to pay full duties on all goods you bring in.After each absence of 48 hours or moreYou can claim up to CAN$400 worth of goods without paying any duties. You must have the goods with you when you arrive in Canada. Although you can include some tobacco products and alcoholic beverages, a partial exemption may apply to cigarettes, tobacco products and manufactured tobacco. See the sections called "Alcoholic beverages" and "Tobacco products" for more details.After each absence of 7 days or moreYou can claim up to CAN$750 worth of goods without paying any duties. Although you can include some tobacco products and alcoholic beverages, a partial exemption may apply to cigarettes, tobacco products and manufactured tobacco. See the sections called "Alcoholic beverages" and "Tobacco products" for more details. With the exception of tobacco products and alcoholic beverages, you do not need to have the goods with you when you arrive.To calculate the number of days you have been absent, do not include the date you left Canada but include the date you returned. Dates matter but not times. For example, we consider you to have been absent seven days if you left Friday the 7th and returned Friday the 14th.
回复: 请教关于在西雅图买iphone4s完全没有必要。楼上实际忽略了一点:回到加拿大进关时需要申报的,理论上当天往返是无免税额的。为十几二十块钱藏着掖着,就不是果粉的作为了。况且加币还比美金值钱。曾几何时,美金值钱,美国的iphone要比加拿大便宜,就值得走西口一趟。现在若果买个Tiffany钻戒去西雅图一趟还值,至少省500加币以上。点击展开...要是买钻戒还是去波特兰吧,连税都省啦。
回复: 请教关于在西雅图买iphone4s好的 谢谢大家的建议
回复: 请教关于在西雅图买iphone4s留爪
回复: 请教关于在西雅图买iphone4s不是说如果是美国产的电子产品可以免税么?
回复: 请教关于在西雅图买iphone4s不是说如果是美国产的电子产品可以免税么?点击展开...免的是关税Duty Tax,而HST/GST/HST是免不了的
联邦FedEx快递最新优惠价奶粉/保健品 无首磅费 $6/磅5~10天即可送达 点击详情电话: 604-312-3030 Email: [email protected]回复: 请教关于在西雅图买iphone4s留印
回复: 请教关于在西雅图买iphone4s不是说如果是美国产的电子产品可以免税么?点击展开...iphone 4s是中国产的。
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