加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息联邦预算出台,养老金领取推迟2年!


有兴趣的朋友可以关注。 养老金领取年龄逐步提高,2023年开始。

一叶知秋赞反馈:unusual 2012-03-29#2 unusual 4,071 $0.00 回复: 联邦预算出台,养老金领取推迟2年!正式定下了,蛮好。 个人真心希望是100岁后开始领,反正俺早回国了,呵呵。省下来的钱修修路,让俺这几年看得顺眼一点。

回复: 联邦预算出台,养老金领取推迟2年!2年会有多少等不上的去天堂报道?

我认识的人越多,我越喜欢狗... ...赞反馈:私人订制 2012-03-29#4 私人订制 7,727 $0.00 回复: 联邦预算出台,养老金领取推迟2年!- Gradually raise the age of eligibility for Old Age Security from 65 to 67 beginning in 2023.- Contain no new taxes or tax increases.- Stop policing health claims on food labels.- Eliminate the penny.- Eliminate 19,200 government jobs over three years, including 600 senior executives and 7,200 through attrition.- Reform regulation in the resource industry, including amending the Canadian Environmental Protection Act.- Allow Canadians to claim more goods duty-free at the border. The limit after 24 hours goes from $50 to $200.- Cap EI premium rate increases to 5 cents a year until the fund is balanced again.- Cut $2.1 billion from the Department of National Defence over the next three years.- Give $5.2 billion over 11 years to the Canadian Coast Guard.- Give $67 million to the National Research Council to refocus on "business-led, industry-relevant research."- Streamline overall regulatory reviews of major economic projects.- Provide $275 million to build and renovate schools on reserves.- Pass legislation to create standards for First Nations education.- Refund $130 million in application and processing fees to skilled foreign workers stuck in immigration limbo.- Raise the retirement age of public servants from 60 to 65, for new employees beginning in 2013.- Increase employee-contribution levels to pension plans for those working in Canadian Forces, RCMP, Public Service Commission and parliamentarians.- Make the Governor General pay income tax beginning in 2013.- Shut down the Public Appointments Commission, Assisted Human Reproduction Canada, and the National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy.- Sell official residences abroad, generating $80 million in revenue.- Standardize all government emails to one system.- $205 million over one year for Hiring Credit for Small Business.- Give $50 million over two years to Youth Employment Strategy.- Give $150 million over two years on Community Infrastructure Improvement fund- Give $105 million next year to Via Rail for operational and capital projects.- Give $101 million over next five years for Esquimalt Graving Dock.- Give $50 million over two years to protect wildlife at risk.- Provide $450 million for sports facilities in the Greater Toronto Area for the 2015 Pan American and Parapan American Games.- Give $8 million to clean up low-level radioactive waste in Port Hope and Clarington, Ont.- Provide $44 million over two years to the Canadian Grain Commission to reform their funding model.- Provide $13.5 million over two years to improve pipeline safety.- Give $35.7 million over two years to improve tanker safety and inspections, emergency preparedness related to oil spills and updated charts for shipping routes.- Announce a new global commerce strategy in 2013 that sets trade priorities.- Provide $9.6 million over three years to the RCMP to fight counterfeiting.- Give $ 99.2 million over three years to help the provinces create permanent flood mitigation measures.- The Government has found $5.2 billion in ongoing savings from departmental spending or less than two per cent of federal program spending.Compiled by Kirsten Smith and Dan Neutel.Read more: http://www.canada.com/Budget+Highlights+2012+federal+budget/6380795/story.html#ixzz1qXe9Xa9A​

一叶知秋回复: 联邦预算出台,养老金领取推迟2年!gis呢?

人生不过是行走的影子回复: 联邦预算出台,养老金领取推迟2年!轮到坛子里大多数人能领时,恐怕得延长到95岁,哈哈

回复: 联邦预算出台,养老金领取推迟2年!正式定下了,蛮好。 个人真心希望是100岁后开始领,反正俺早回国了,呵呵。省下来的钱修修路,让俺这几年看得顺眼一点。点击展开...ARE U SURE 你还回得去?回去了,你还玩得开?玩开了,你还能不腻歪?腻歪了,你还能不想回来?人生走棋看5步,脚下的路就踏实了。

回复: 联邦预算出台,养老金领取推迟2年!要不然怎么付2000刀/天的薪水? 看起来修路是不太可能的。

回复: 联邦预算出台,养老金领取推迟2年!Allow Canadians to claim more goods duty-free at the border. The limit after 24 hours goes from $50 to $200.鼓励更多人到美国购物,加拿大人真大方呀

回复: 联邦预算出台,养老金领取推迟2年!加拿大傻子政策,不把物价降下来和美国接轨,却让人把钱直接送到美国去。

好兄弟,有话好好说!回复: 联邦预算出台,养老金领取推迟2年!不招人待见的政策

回复: 联邦预算出台,养老金领取推迟2年!太可恶了,下次大选那个政党反对这条我就投它!!

回复: 联邦预算出台,养老金领取推迟2年!向美国看齐。67岁可以领full benefits.不过美国62岁就可以领,只是永久性打7折了。

回复: 联邦预算出台,养老金领取推迟2年!做好60岁回国退休的心理准备。这边不值得付出太多。以translink 为例,明明有700多万的逃票罚款不去追收,却打普通市民的注意,联合政府将经营不善的后果转嫁给普通市民。又想加地税,又想开征同行费。

回复: 联邦预算出台,养老金领取推迟2年!第4条不错

回复: 联邦预算出台,养老金领取推迟2年!太可恶了,下次大选那个政党反对这条我就投它!!点击展开...我认为靠选票没用的。否则要占领华尔街干吗?投投票不就解决了么!


回复: 联邦预算出台,养老金领取推迟2年!这预算案通过了吗?还是能推翻不?

回复: 联邦预算出台,养老金领取推迟2年!这预算案通过了吗?还是能推翻不?点击展开...不是通过通不过的问题,是到时候就付不出钱来了。入不敷出,破产了。你想想,都不愿意生,80岁还不愿意死,税源断了,支出20年翻一番,钱从哪里来?加税最简单,可更没有人愿意干活了。10万年薪要拿一半出去,我宁愿拿8万,闲暇多些。加税把中小企业都整垮了,就业又成了大问题。餐馆上监税机,你说2011年的税收在这一块增长了吧?每家投资2000$,整个社会成本增加了多少,这投资应该有收益吧?NO,ABSOLUTELY NO!税收减收了。这薄利多销,培养税源,放水养鱼的简单道理这些政治家们咋就不懂呢?再不削减福利,整个资本主义都要破产。美国很多州都修改了劳工法,工人不经过黑社会可以自己跟老板谈DEAL上班了。想想加航罢工,20$洗厕所嫌累?我们新移民10$的工都找不到啊。其实人类的命运很悲惨的,比野生动物好不到哪里去的,保持住基本的人道就够了,老人社会只能管个温饱--我也会老。最好是美国那样的妥协法案(bill)成为法律(law),60岁开始半价,63岁开始7折,70岁开始100%发放。

回复: 联邦预算出台,养老金领取推迟2年!还好没入籍

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