加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息酸奶的两种伴侣:granola & muesli


Differences Between Granola & Muesli​ Granola or muesli with fresh fruit and yogurt are healthy breakfast foods. Granola and muesli have more similarities than differences, including why and where they were created. Both cereals are made with grains, fruits and nuts. Granola is coated with oil and a sweetener and baked until it's crispy and crunchy. Muesli is made from uncooked, whole grains and is usually soaked in milk solids, making it less sweet and chewier. Dr. James Caleb Jackson of New York created "granula" in 1863 for patients in a sanitarium, a hospital or retreat for people with chronic diseases. Swiss doctor Maximilian Bircher-Benner created muesli in 1894 for patients in a Zurich sanitarium. Both doctors believed diet and nutrition were essential for optimal health and healing​

回复: 酸奶的两种伴侣:granola & muesliIngredients​Both granola and muesli contain a mixture of grains (such as oats), nuts, dried fruit and sometimes bran and wheat germ. Muesli may contain sugar and dried-milk solids, but it can be unsweetened. Granola is typically toasted with honey and oil, resulting in a crisp texture and sweet glaze not found in muesli.Nutritional Profile​Because granola contains the addition of honey and oil, it tends to have a higher sugar and fat content. As a result, granola is, on average, higher in calories than muesli.Benefits​Both granola and muesli offer nutritional benefits. Both have fiber from the grains, fruits and nuts. In addition, the dried fruits provide antioxidants, while the nuts offer healthy fats. Topping either muesli or granola with low-fat milk, soy milk or yogurt makes for a nutritionally balanced, filling breakfast.Misconceptions​Most people do not realize that muesli and granola are fairly easy to make at home. Making homemade muesli or granola allows you to choose your favorite ingredients and avoid those you do not care for. Homemade muesli is particularly simple since you only toss together the desired ingredients. While granola requires toasting, making it at home allows you to limit the amount of sugar and oil added, thus creating a healthier granola.

回复: 酸奶的两种伴侣:granola & muesli求翻译!

回复: 酸奶的两种伴侣:granola & muesli求翻译!点击展开...就是两种麦片 健康,也挺好吃

回复: 酸奶的两种伴侣:granola & muesli就是两种麦片 健康,也挺好吃点击展开...都是两个世纪前,两个医生各自为了自己的病人改善饮食而发明的,一个美国,一个瑞士。 我现在要做的是:再改进,呵呵。

回复: 酸奶的两种伴侣:granola & muesli都是两个世纪前,两个医生各自为了自己的病人改善饮食而发明的,一个美国,一个瑞士。 我现在要做的是:再改进,呵呵。点击展开...都在谈政治,没人对食品感兴趣了

回复: 酸奶的两种伴侣:granola & muesli不如自己切点香蕉放里面,又好吃又没防腐剂。

回复: 酸奶的两种伴侣:granola & muesli不如自己切点香蕉放里面,又好吃又没防腐剂。点击展开...对,好办法之一

回复: 酸奶的两种伴侣:granola & muesli都是两个世纪前,两个医生各自为了自己的病人改善饮食而发明的,一个美国,一个瑞士。 我现在要做的是:再改进,呵呵。点击展开...请问您是自己在家做吗?我一直就在超市里买,尝试了N种,最近才找到一种自己喜欢的。

班芙跟团游小贴士交流有关mini school的信息笔试小体会学车记回复: 酸奶的两种伴侣:granola & muesli营养早餐:1、酸奶+flax seeds+水果粒2、大麦片+燕麦片+quinoa煮粥,甜味:煮好后+核桃碎+杏仁碎+葡萄干或红莓干,咸味:+虾皮+火腿末+青菜丝这比那速成的健康多了

回复: 酸奶的两种伴侣:granola & muesli营养早餐:1、酸奶+flax seeds+水果粒2、大麦片+燕麦片+quinoa煮粥,甜味:煮好后+核桃碎+杏仁碎+葡萄干或红莓干,咸味:+虾皮+火腿末+青菜丝 这比那速成的健康多了点击展开...特别第二条,值得借鉴。

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