加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息免费的Credit Report,骗你你是小狗。
cited from:http://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/oca-bc.nsf/eng/ca02197.htmlHow do I request a copy of my credit report / file? Glossary How do I request a copy of my credit report / file? Various Methods Although there are many ways to order your credit report, such as by phone, fax, or e-mail, the easiest and safest method is by mail or by Internet1. Here is a summary of those methods to request your credit report and their respective characteristics: Mail Free of charge Credit score is not providedCan take some time to receive Internet Almost instant reportOption to get credit score Fee charged By mail free of charge1 If you make your request in writing and send it by mail, the credit-reporting agencies will provide you, by mail, with a free copy of your report. It is important, however, that in your request you include a copy of two pieces of I.D. Contact the credit-reporting agencies to find out which pieces of I.D. are acceptable. You will find the coordinates for each agency below. Online some fees apply You can also order your credit report through the reporting agencies' websites. This method is faster since you will receive your credit report online only a few minutes after you made the request. However, credit-reporting agencies charge a fee for providing you with an online copy of your credit report. Equifax Canada: Consumers may obtain a copy of their credit report, plus credit score, and a score analysis online in Canada, for a fee. They provide consumers online, real-time access to their credit information. Consumers provide personal information during the order process for their credit information so that their identity can be verified.2.TransUnion: Consumers are asked to provide information that confirms their identity, plus valid credit card payment information, when applicable. Following a confirmation of their information, consumers may view their TransUnion Personal Credit Report & Score online. Ordering online is available to current or former residents of Canada. Fees may vary by province3. Credit Report Samples what do they look like? If you want to know what a credit report looks like and what it contains, you can visit the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada's publication entitled Understanding Your Credit Report and Credit Score for detailed information. Coordinates for each credit reporting agency Here are Canada's two major credit-reporting agencies: Equifax Canada Tel: 1-800-465-7166 Fax: 514-355-8502 TransUnion CanadaTel: 1-866-525-0262 (except in Quebec)Tel: 1-877-713-3393 (Quebec residents) Fax: 905-527-0401
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[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]cited from:http://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/oca-bc.nsf/eng/ca02197.html How do I request a copy of my credit report / file? Glossary How do I request a copy of my credit report / file? Various Methods Although there are many ways to order your credit report, such as by phone, fax, or e-mail, the easiest and safest method is by mail or by Internet1. Here is a summary of those methods to request your credit report and their respective characteristics: Mail Free of chargeCredit score is not providedCan take some time to receiveInternet Almost instant reportOption to get credit scoreFee chargedBy mail free of charge1 If you make your request in writing and send it by mail, the credit-reporting agencies will provide you, by mail, with a free copy of your report. It is important, however, that in your request you include a copy of two pieces of I.D. Contact the credit-reporting agencies to find out which pieces of I.D. are acceptable. You will find the coordinates for each agency below. Online some fees apply You can also order your credit report through the reporting agencies' websites. This method is faster since you will receive your credit report online only a few minutes after you made the request. However, credit-reporting agencies charge a fee for providing you with an online copy of your credit report. Equifax Canada: Consumers may obtain a copy of their credit report, plus credit score, and a score analysis online in Canada, for a fee. They provide consumers online, real-time access to their credit information. Consumers provide personal information during the order process for their credit information so that their identity can be verified.2.TransUnion: Consumers are asked to provide information that confirms their identity, plus valid credit card payment information, when applicable. Following a confirmation of their information, consumers may view their TransUnion Personal Credit Report & Score online. Ordering online is available to current or former residents of Canada. Fees may vary by province3.Credit Report Samples what do they look like? If you want to know what a credit report looks like and what it contains, you can visit the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada's publication entitled Understanding Your Credit Report and Credit Score for detailed information. Coordinates for each credit reporting agency Here are Canada's two major credit-reporting agencies: Equifax CanadaTel: 1-800-465-7166Fax: 514-355-8502 TransUnion CanadaTel: 1-866-525-0262 (except in Quebec)Tel: 1-877-713-3393 (Quebec residents)Fax: 905-527-0401点击展开...
回复: 免费的Credit Report,骗你你是小狗。Mark!
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