加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息十大最伟大国家,中国排第四


1 ItalyAncient Roma created present western society, including law, culture and religion. After the fall of Roma Empire, Europe struggled in darkness for more than 1000 years. And then, Italy brought Europe back to the brightness through Renaissance. It is great to create one civilization, but Italy, after 1000 years, saved the whole Europe, which is much greater.2 Great BritainGreat Britain is giant in industry and ocean in 19th century and her contribution is “creation of a modern world” and plays important role in developing western capital, capitalism and congress democracy, literature, art, as well as technology. In her prime time, the territory of Great Britain was more than 1/4 of the world, with a population percentage of 33%.3 AmericaNo matter estimating from what aspects, America is undoubtedly the richest, most powerful and influencial country in human history. She is not only the top of the list only because of her short history. America grows up from the two world wars in last century and is the only country who do not suffered the war. Especially after the cold war and the disintegration of USSR, America becomes the only super power in the world.4 ChinaChina used to be the super power of the world and it will regain power in the future. China is one of the ancient civilized countries and is the only interrupted civilization. It has the longest history of written language. It can be estimated from the present trend that China may replace America and become the most powerful countries in the world.5 GreeceGreece is regarded as the cradle of western civilization. It is also the founding place of modern democratic politics, western philosophy, Olympic Games, western literature, politics and drama (including comody and tragedy). The history of Greece is long and rich. The culture of Greece also have significant influence in Europe, North Africa and Mid-east.6 EgyptRegular flood of River Nile and desert separate Egypt from both eastern and western world, which enabled the old civilized country growing powerful. In 3200 BC, King Narmer established a united Egypt and the Narmer dynasty controlled this country for 3000 years. Around 343 BC, the last King was overthrown by Persian. Persian digged a canal, which was the predecesser of Suez Canal, and connect Red Sea and Mediterranean Sea. After that, Egyptian were defeated by Greece, Roma Empire. In 7 AC, muslim Arabian introduced Islam and Arabic language into Eygpt.7 IraqThe reason of Iraq’s selection is that the country locates in the historically famous Mesopotamia region, where early human civilizations were cultivated, such as Sumerian, Akkadian, Babylon and Assyria. These civilizations brought to the world the earliest literature, natural science, math, law and philosophy. And that’s the reason why it is called the “cradle of civilization”. However, all the glories has gone now in Iraq and the time of its recovery is still unsure.8 IndiaFirst residents came into India 9000 years ago and they gradually developed a civilization along the Indian River. During this period, important trade center and Indian Empire wer established. Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Dongba, Sikhism are all originated in India.Iran (ex Persia)Iran had first residents in even Ogygian period, which is several centuries before Mesopotamia region. With the conquer of Islam, Iran become the central place in goldern Islamic Era, especially from 9 AC to 11 AC     10. Chad2002, Expert discovered that about 7,000,000 year ago, the ancestor of human beings lived here. Before this discovery was released, the origin of human being had been a mistery. Scientists used to think that Kenya and Ethiopia are the founding place of human beings. But now, Chad replaces them, which helps her got the position in the list.美国《思想之林》杂志评出了10个人类有史以来最伟大的国家。入选国家和入选理由如下:1.意大利。古代罗马创造了现在的“西方社会”,包括法律、文化和宗教。罗马帝国灭亡后,欧洲在黑暗中度过了1000年。后来,意大利通过文艺复兴,使欧洲重新焕发了活力。创造一个文明就已经够伟大的了,但意大利在1000年后又拯救了欧洲,这确实不同凡响。2.英国。英国是19世纪的工业大国和海洋大国,英国的贡献是“创造了现代世界”,在发展西方的资产、资本主义和议会民主以及在文学、艺术和科技等方面都扮演了重要角色,在鼎盛时期,大英帝国的疆土一度超过了全球地表的1/4,人口占全球的1/3。3.美国。无论从哪一方面而言,美国无疑是世界历史上最富有、最强大和最有影响力的国家,只是因为它的历史太短暂没能登上榜首,美国从“一战”和“二战”的胜利中崛起,是战争中唯一没有遭受战争的大国,尤其在冷战结束,苏联解体后,美国成为世界上独一无二的超级大国。4.中国。中国曾经是世界强国,未来也会成为超强国家。中国是早期人类文明古国之一,是世界上文明持续时间最长的国家之一,也是世界上使用书面文字历史最长的国家之一。今天看来,中国有可能取代美国,成为世界上最强大的国家。5.希腊。希腊被认为是西方文明的摇篮,也是现代民主政治、西方哲学、奥林匹克运动会、西方文学、政治学和戏剧(包括悲、喜剧)的诞生地,希腊的历史悠久而丰富,希腊文化对欧洲、北非和中东的影响尤其显著。6.埃及。每年有规律的尼罗河洪水泛滥,外加沙漠将它与东方世界和西方世界呈现半隔离状态,这让这个世界上伟大的文明古国变得强大起来。公元前3200年,纳尔迈国王建立了统一的埃及王国,此后,纳尔迈王朝一直统治了埃及3000年,公元前343年前,最后的纳本土王朝――第十三王朝被波斯人推翻,波斯人挖了一条运河(即苏伊士运河的前身),将红海和地中海连接起来。再后来,埃及又败在了希腊、罗马和东罗马帝国之手。7世纪,穆斯林阿拉伯人将伊斯兰教和阿拉伯语言传入埃及。7.伊拉克。伊拉克共和国上榜是因为它位于历史上有名的美索不达米亚地区,这一地区孕育了一些人类早期文明,其中包括苏美尔文明、阿卡德文明、巴比伦文明和亚述文明。这些文明古国为世界带来了最早的文学作品、自然科学、数学、法律和哲学,这个地区中心因此被称为“文明的摇篮”,但是,辉煌过后就开始一蹶不振,每况愈下了。8.印度。9000年前,印度出现了第一批定居者,他们逐渐发展形成了印度河流域文明,这个时期形成了重要的商业中心和印度帝国,在人类历史上,印度长期扮演着一个重要的角色,印度教、耆那教、佛教、东巴教和锡克教都起源于印度。9.伊朗(前波斯)。在史前时期,伊朗就有人类居住,这比附近的美索不达米亚地区早了几个世纪。随着伊斯兰征服波斯,这里就成为伊斯兰黄金时代的中心地带,尤其是在9世纪和11世纪期间。10.乍得。2002年,迈克尔・布鲁尼特发现,大约700万年前,这里孕育了人类的祖先。在这一发现之前,人类起源何处一直是个谜,科学家认为肯尼亚和埃塞俄比亚是人生最早的诞生地。所以,现在,乍得取代了肯尼亚和埃塞俄比亚,因此加分不少。

回复: 十大最伟大国家,中国排第四达瓦的贴子挑点刺,语法错误很多。


回复: 十大最伟大国家,中国排第四可惜被流氓统治着

fn:2007.6-6 / 2010- 7-12 邮局领回大信封!哪里?粘贴拷贝,无暇审核点击展开...只看了中国,起码两处。


。。。让“流氓”统治着国家富强,总比让汉奸统治国家没落要好得多。点击展开...中国目前的问题归根结底是一党专制 派生出了 贪污腐化 司法不独立 人治大于法治

luckyluo 说:让“流氓”统治着国家富强,总比让汉奸统治国家没落要好得多。点击展开...呵呵,看着逻辑,真雷人。话又说回来了,人均GDP多少?3000,差不多倒数了。

回复: 十大最伟大国家,中国排第四就是需要这么治这。不然都像美国自由散漫不累死

回复: 十大最伟大国家,中国排第四呵呵,看着逻辑,真雷人。话又说回来了,人均GDP多少?3000,差不多倒数了。点击展开...是4300.

回复: 十大最伟大国家,中国排第四呵呵,看着逻辑,真雷人。话又说回来了,人均GDP多少?3000,差不多倒数了。点击展开...要让汉奸来当国,中国就亡国亡种了,GDP是0。

。。。回复: 十大最伟大国家,中国排第四人家说的是历史上曾经的十大国家

2001年递交新西兰2002,2006年两次递交加拿大 2008年递交澳洲 2009年预备递交巴西2010年递交魁北克回复: 十大最伟大国家,中国排第四古代中国确实是个伟大的国家

对亲人和朋友关爱无比的感激,对眼前幸福的生活无限地感恩回复: 十大最伟大国家,中国排第四古中国确实是个伟大的国家

对亲人和朋友关爱无比的感激,对眼前幸福的生活无限地感恩回复: 十大最伟大国家,中国排第四古代中国 average GDP ranked the 1st all over the world

回复: 十大最伟大国家,中国排第四Great!

回复: 十大最伟大国家,中国排第四伊拉克共和国上榜是因为它位于历史上有名的美索不达米亚地区,在人类历史上,印度长期扮演着一个重要的角色,印度教、耆那教、佛教、东巴教和锡克教都起源于印度。

回复: 十大最伟大国家,中国排第四古中国确实是个伟大的国家点击展开... 是的...近代的中国让无数国家蹂躏过...

回复: 十大最伟大国家,中国排第四人家说的是历史上曾经的十大国家点击展开...

回复: 十大最伟大国家,中国排第四中国想取代美国?胃口可真大!

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