加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息新鲜美味的温哥华本地食品


http://www.eatlocal.org/markets.html2012 Market LocationsOur locations are all unique and different and reflect the diverse neighbourhoods that host them. Each one has a different style and character - visit all of them to see for yourself!Trout Lake Farmers Market Saturdays, May 12 - October 209am - 2pm each weekNorth Parking Lot of John Hendry Park at Trout LakeBetween Templeton and Lakewood south of the 13th Avenue AlleyPlease note: There is no parking in the North Lot and no parking on 13th Avenue. Please park away from the area & walk in. Or better yet: walk, cycle or take transit if you can! Map of Market LocationINTERACTIVE MARKET MAPKitsilano Farmers Market Sundays, May 20 - October 2110am - 2pm each week2690 Larch Street at 10th Avenue, Parking Lot of Kitsilano Community Centre Map of Market Location INTERACTIVE MARKET MAPWest End Farmers Market Saturdays, June 2 - October 209am - 2pm each week1100 Block of Comox Street across from Nelson Park at Mole Hill Map of Market Location INTERACTIVE MARKET MAPMain Street Station at Thornton Park Wednesdays, June 6 - October 33pm - 7pm1100 Block Station Street along Thornton Park across from the VIA Rail Station and near the Main St Skytrain StationMap of Market LocationParking Information INTERACTIVE MARKET MAPKerrisdale Village Farmers Market Saturdays, July 7 - October 610am - 2pm each weekEast Boulevard between 37th and 41st Avenue - near Kerrisdale ArenaMap of Market Location INTERACTIVE MARKET MAPWinter Farmers Market Saturdays, November 5, 2011 - April 28, 201210am - 2pm each weekEast Parking Lot of Nat Bailey Stadium - 30th & Ontario StreetMap of Market Location MORE INFORMATIONHoliday Market Saturday Only - December 1510am - 4pmCroatian Cultural Centre, 3250 Commercial DriveMap of Market Location

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华人网大家好: 我父母來了加拿大都已經十年啦,開始準備申請加拿大老人金。 本人對這項福利都還好迷茫,希望各位多多指教, 多謝!本人父母居住加拿大已經十年,過去十年,沒有工作 ...



华人网不想在大城市了,从出生到现在一直在大城市,来到温哥华,这房价和工资的不对等更搞得无法呼吸。来加拿大又不是奔着这些来的,加上本人很佛系,现在就梦想找一份WFH的工作到乡 ...



华人网今天送老公先回加拿大,从沈阳出发经首尔当天飞多伦多。 给老公买的是沈阳至首尔 大韩航空的 从首尔到多伦多 加拿大航空 行李在沈阳可以直挂到多伦多 给了两段航程的登机牌 行李 ...



华人网郁金香正在凋谢,蒲公英也进入最后的一搏。这个时候,她们已经不像小黄花绽放时那么可爱了(应该说多数人是这么感觉的),但仔细观赏,我还是很喜欢的。心中喜乐,到处都是美 ...