http://video.v2load.de/483064/ [ame]http://www.no video.com/watch?v=n8K7j5olaeg[/ame] A woman who was shoved to the ground by a Vancouver police officer despite the fact she suffers from cerebral palsy and multiple sclerosis hopes he’ll face “meaningful consequences” now that the police-complaint commissioner has ruled a one-day suspension isn’t punishment enough.Sandy Davidsen, 29, was walking past three officers on the city’s Downtown Eastside in June, 2010, when Constable Taylor Robinson pushed her to the concrete. Video of the incident drew tens of thousands of views and immediate condemnation, and challenged the force’s already-strained relationship with residents of the poorest neighbourhood in the country.Ms. Davidsen filed a complaint with the Office of the Police Complaint Commissioner, which provides civilian oversight of complaints against municipal police in B.C. Last week, commissioner Stan Lowe sent a letter to Constable Robinson and the Vancouver Police Department rejecting their proposed punishment in addition to the one-day suspension, the officer would have had to undertake extra training and receive advice on his conduct.Mr. Lowe wrote that “the discipline proposed does not reflect or adequately address the seriousness” of Constable Robinson’s misconduct. He said the matter would instead proceed to a discipline hearing later this year.Through her lawyer, Ms. Davidsen wrote in a statement she supports the commissioner’s decision. She also said an apology letter Constable Robinson sent her shortly after the incident was inadequate.In the letter, the officer said he pushed Ms. Davidsen because he thought she was reaching for his firearm. He also expressed regret for not helping her back to her feet.Constable Robinson was charged with assault in December, 2010, though the case was eventually stayed. He has been with the force since 2009 and currently works in patrol in southwest Vancouver.Scott Bernstein, Ms. Davidsen’s lawyer, said his client could not be reached for an interview Tuesday because she does not have a phone. He said the experience has been an “emotional, powerful, traumatic” one for her.Mr. Bernstein said he hopes the case serves as a wake-up call because police discipline too often amounts to little more than a slap on the wrist.“If you were in Kitsilano and you’re a person with disabilities first of all, you wouldn’t see three police officers walking three abreast down your sidewalk. The second [point] is they’d get out of your way, they’d assist you, they’d help you. It’s because it’s the Downtown Eastside, this kind of us-versus-them mentality of the police,” he said in an interview.Vancouver police spokesman Constable Lindsey Houghton disagreed, writing in an e-mail that the department has a good relationship with the community and community groups who work and live in the Downtown Eastside. He pointed to programs such as Sister Watch which is designed to combat violence against women in the neighbourhood and Projects Rescue and Tyrant, two investigations that led to several arrests.When asked if the punishment handed to Constable Robinson was too light, Constable Houghton said it would be inappropriate to comment while the discipline process is ongoing.Mr. Bernstein said the discipline hearing is slated for October. He’s requested the police-complaint commissioner appoint a retired judge to review the case and make recommendations, rather than a police officer.Rollie Woods, the deputy police-complaint commissioner, said in an interview that Mr. Lowe has only rejected discipline agreements a handful of times since he took office in February, 2009 一名温市警员在温东喜士定东街(E. Hastings)推倒一名残障妇人,将面临市警局的惩处。 2010年6月,一段监视器的摄影画面清楚显示警员罗宾森(Taylor Robinson),将一名在喜士定东街行走的残障妇人大卫森(Sandy Davidsen)推倒在地。 罗宾森在事件发生六个月后遭起诉,并在今年2月开庭;但是由于罗宾森同意以其他方式进行惩戒,因此检方撤销控罪。罗宾森已经在怠忽职守与滥用公权力上遭到定罪。 罗宾森的律师表示,警局内部的惩戒公听会上周开始,预计在未来几周才知晓罗
回复: 温哥华警察法纪严明,这么小一件事,居然就被扣一天薪水。冤枉2年前在温东大街上推倒一残障妇女的温哥华警察,本月早些时被温哥华市警察局内部裁定停薪一天,不过此处罚决定日前遭到卑诗省警察投诉专员办公室(OPCC)的否决。 2010年6月,警官Taylor Robinson和另外2名警员肩并肩的,在温哥华市中心东端一条繁忙的马路人行道上行走;当时身患多发性硬化症和大脑性麻痹症的女子Sandy Davidsen,正在人行道上艰难蹒跚。当举步维艰的Davidsen无意中撞倒了三人行中的警官Robinson时,Robinson粗鲁的将行动明显困难的Davidsen一把推倒在地。整个过程被马路上的监控摄像头摄录下来。 2010年10月,视频公布,公众哗然。公诉方对Robinson警官提起了攻击控罪。不过后来起诉过程中止。Robinson被令完成一个替代措施的程序。然后,温哥华市警察局内部处理的结果就是:停薪一天,并在适当的情况下接受一天的特殊培训。
回复: 温哥华警察法纪严明,这么小一件事,居然就被扣一天薪水。冤枉嗯,有说服力. 加油.
[FONT=Arimo, sans-serif]机会像雪片一样向我扑来,都被我一一闪过。。。。。。[/FONT]回复: 温哥华警察法纪严明,这么小一件事,居然就被扣一天薪水。冤枉我觉得性质很差,要判的更重的多才行。 扣一天薪水根本就啥都不是,一天能有多少钱? 200来刀? 也就等于一张交通罚单。
回复: 温哥华警察法纪严明,这么小一件事,居然就被扣一天薪水。冤枉我觉得性质很差,要判的更重的多才行。 扣一天薪水根本就啥都不是,一天能有多少钱? 200来刀? 也就等于一张交通罚单。点击展开...但不管怎样,公正的加拿大法律和政府机构已经对肇事者进行了经济制裁,它充分体现了加拿大对弱势群体的一种人文和关怀。相比较,中国的警察几个人穷凶极恶踢死流浪汉,这才令人发指。哦,打错字了,是美国。http://video.sina.com.cn/p/news/w/v/2012-05-09/180061744689.html视频:美国加州警察当街打死流浪汉录像曝光 加拿大也打,不过有的死(温哥华机场)有的没死,只是半死(维多利亚)等它也体现了加拿大警察手下留情,温柔可人的一面。
回复: 温哥华警察法纪严明,这么小一件事,居然就被扣一天薪水。冤枉但不管怎样,公正的加拿大法律和政府机构已经对肇事者进行了经济制裁,它充分体现了加拿大对弱势群体的一种人文和关怀。相比较,美国的警察几个人穷凶极恶踢死流浪汉,这才令人发指。点击展开...说的太好了, 加油.
[FONT=Arimo, sans-serif]机会像雪片一样向我扑来,都被我一一闪过。。。。。。[/FONT]我觉得性质很差,要判的更重的多才行。 扣一天薪水根本就啥都不是,一天能有多少钱? 200来刀? 也就等于一张交通罚单。点击展开...警察他们的工资年薪一般都在七八万以上哦,呵呵,大概三百来刀吧。但具体看那个警察的资历啦。如果做的时间长的话,就比较多一点。确是和交通罚单差不多吧。
See to it that no one misses the grace of God. -- Hebrews 12:15警察他们的工资年薪一般都在七八万以上哦,呵呵,大概三百来刀吧。但具体看那个警察的资历啦。如果做的时间长的话,就比较多一点。确是和交通罚单差不多吧。点击展开...所以 加拿大很多地方的警察,是有裙带关系的 一个家庭,从爷爷开始,父母、叔伯舅、姑姨,再到儿女这一代,警察辈出,甚至是只要是成年人,家里没有一个不是 那些没有教养、对人行为粗暴的警察,多半就出自警察世家
回复: 温哥华警察法纪严明,这么小一件事,居然就被扣一天薪水。冤枉警察嫌恶流浪汉,有个老外就说,他之所以不做警察了就是受不了酒鬼和流浪汉的臭味儿,哈哈。
永久封禁用户回复: 温哥华警察法纪严明,这么小一件事,居然就被扣一天薪水。冤枉加拿大的流浪汉和酒鬼 90%不值得同情,大部分是懒汉
回复: 温哥华警察法纪严明,这么小一件事,居然就被扣一天薪水。冤枉所以 加拿大很多地方的警察,是有裙带关系的 一个家庭,从爷爷开始,父母、叔伯舅、姑姨,再到儿女这一代,警察辈出,甚至是只要是成年人,家里没有一个不是 那些没有教养、对人行为粗暴的警察,多半就出自警察世家点击展开...没那么夸张,很多警察的孩子都不愿做警察。警察自己也不愿意娶同一个系统的人。我碰到的很多警察,都对做警察了解不多,做了以后才后悔入错行的。从录像里看,那个警察并没有刻意去推那个智障女人,她正好撞到他身上,人的第一反应就是推开对方嘛,换了是你碰到一个人撞你后你是什么反应?本能地就会推开他嘛。再说,这个女人撞到警察后站不稳就摔了,他们也没有马上离开而是停下了察看。这件事玩politics的成分更大,没理由去检控他,除非他是故意去打她推她戏弄她。需要对他不依不饶吗?在卡城downtown就有个智障三十多岁了整天流着鼻涕见女人就抱还挨个来,我们远远见到他就得绕道,否则你推开他也不是让他随便抱啊亲啊也不是,态度不好人家还说你歧视残疾人呢,我就看到过不知情的mm被他抱到都快要哭了的,漂亮的姑娘都被弄的脏兮兮的了。
See to it that no one misses the grace of God. -- Hebrews 12:15加拿大的流浪汉和酒鬼 90%不值得同情,大部分是懒汉点击展开...
回复: 温哥华警察法纪严明,这么小一件事,居然就被扣一天薪水。冤枉1)我觉得是警察三个大汉完全并排走路挡了道(非常不礼貌)不知道是不是执勤的标准队形,才造成了事件的发生。 2)就算是条件反射,但条件反射伤人也必须道歉和赔偿。国家工作人员应该比普通百姓更严格,而不是包庇。 3)刚才我仔细看了,是有意的,大家看最后出手这动作。 4)不值得同情,不代表可以动手。如果这样,世界就乱了。
回复: 温哥华警察法纪严明,这么小一件事,居然就被扣一天薪水。冤枉他的行为绝对是属于有意的攻击,人都让过去了,回过身来再推,性质很恶劣,判罚一天工资实在太轻
生活和生存的区别在于,前一个心是活的,后一个只是心还存在 上联:不错不错,春未老,且将新火试新茶,诗酒趁年华。下联:罢了罢了,冬尤在,不过旧人念旧事,独饮度残日。横批:一醉方休他的行为绝对是属于有意的攻击,人都让过去了,回过身来再推,性质很恶劣,判罚一天工资实在太轻点击展开...它体现了加拿大的一种人文和关怀,但可惜不是对着他们口中念念有词的弱势群体。
回复: 温哥华警察法纪严明,这么小一件事,居然就被扣一天薪水。冤枉太可恶了。那女的是个病人,智障的。再有眼不识泰山没给警察大老爷让路,警察也不该背后故意推她一下啊。NND,万恶。 画面上看,一群弱势群体个个衣衫褴褛身形枯瘦,三个警察膀大腰圆虎背熊腰。这要是让三毛他爸画成漫画,就成了恶霸警察欺负贫苦市民了。
回复: 温哥华警察法纪严明,这么小一件事,居然就被扣一天薪水。冤枉要是在国内,曝光之后,最起码地,公安也要开新闻发布会,宣布这警察是“临时工”啊。555
回复: 温哥华警察法纪严明,这么小一件事,居然就被扣一天薪水。冤枉这种当街推搡甚至打人的事情,怎么也归警察管了?加拿大怎么不设立一个叫“城管”的部门来负责这种事情呢?据说还是针对智障人士下手!!这可叫楼主以后怎么再敢出门遛弯呢?唉!可见,还是没与时俱进的体现出一种人文、一种关怀!
从不到6%的样本中,居然得出100%的结论!能得出如此“驴唇不对马嘴”结果的神奇人物是谁? 赏
永久封禁用户尤其让人担心的是最近他很喜欢出门。点击展开... 不是,而是不喜欢长时间和人争论。婉转,大家有面子的一种做法。 以前就一直让强嫂说最后一句的惯例。
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