加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息提醒大家:去美国时千万别招惹美国的警察!
美国警察于近日成功射杀一名坐在轮椅上的精神分裂症病人,死者曾因交通事故造成一条腿和一条手臂被截肢,死前住在精神病院。冲突的起因是其向保姆索要香烟和汽水未果,导致情绪失控。警察赶到,命其扔掉手中物品---一支鹅毛墨水笔。死者拒绝,并试图用鹅毛笔刺向一警察。警察于是果断拔枪,将其就地正法。从而庄严地维护了"法律"的正义! (CNN) -- Sep 23rd. A Houston police officer shot and killed a schizophrenic, wheelchair-bound double amputee threatening people with a pen at a group home for the mentally ill after authorities said the man advanced on the officer's partner.The shooting occurred early Saturday morning after police responded to a call that resident Brian Claunch was acting aggressively after his caretaker refused to give him a cigarette and a soda, the owner of the home and police said."The officers made verbal commands for the suspect to drop whatever he had in his hand, to stay still and to speak with the officers, but the suspect continued to make threats," Jodi Silva, a police spokeswoman, told CNN affiliate KTRK in Houston.Claunch, who lost an arm and a leg in a train accident, trapped one of the officers with his wheelchair in the corner of a room and attempted to stab the officer with an object that turned out to be a pen.Officer Matt Marin, "in fear of the safety of his partner and the safety of himself, discharges his duty weapon, striking the suspect," Silva said.Marin shot Claunch once. He died at the scene, according to investigators.It was the second time Marin was involved in a shooting. In October 2009, he shot and killed a knife-wielding man who stabbed his girlfriend and a neighbor, according to published reports at the time. Marin joined the Houston Police Department in 2007.CNN could not reach the department for comment, but Houston police said the officer was placed on administrative leave per policy.Claunch, who was in his 40s, had been at the Healing Hands home for 18 months, John Garcia, the owner of the group home, told KRTK.Houston police have not released the identity of the man, though Garcia identified him as Claunch.Garcia told the Houston Chronicle that Claunch liked to "doodle."Two days earlier, Garcia gave Claunch a black felt pen to draw. Garcia told the newspaper he did not know if it was that pen or another one that Clauch had in his hand when he was shot.Garcia said Claunch suffered from schizophrenia and a bipolar disorder."He had a temper. He could fly off once in awhile," he told CNN affiliate KHOU.Claunch was capable of making people in the house feel threatened during an outrage, even though he was confined to a wheelchair, Garcia said."Emotionally disturbed individuals, when threatened, are going to react in most instances, excessively," Dr. Ed Reitman, a clinical psychologist, told KRTK."This was an incident that didn't have to take place if the individual -- a police officer -- had been trained in dealing with emotionally disturbed individuals."The Houston Police Department has officers trained to deal with the mentally ill, though the department would not say whether Marin received training, according to KRTK.
大清国完了,中国还是中国国民党走了,中国还是中国共产党没了,中国就亡了国?回复: 提醒大家:去美国时千万别招惹美国的警察!http://www.no video.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=DjlbdMg7FQc
大清国完了,中国还是中国国民党走了,中国还是中国共产党没了,中国就亡了国?回复: 提醒大家:去美国时千万别招惹美国的警察!一言难尽!
香港英国保诚保险公司保险代理人 游强00852--52669216[email protected]回复: 提醒大家:去美国时千万别招惹美国的警察!加拿大警察也一样。当年不也是在温哥华机场成功电击死了一个手拿订书器的波兰新移民。
回复: 提醒大家:去美国时千万别招惹美国的警察!没有警权的话你去当警察牺牲吧,自己不冒险却要别人冒险,一点不厚道
回复: 提醒大家:去美国时千万别招惹美国的警察!难道中国警察可以招惹?题目本来就有问题,城管打死你呵呵呵
回复: 提醒大家:去美国时千万别招惹美国的警察!你跟中国有仇啊,人家楼主只是好意提醒大家注意别引起不必要的误会,这你都能扯过来,抬杠就罢了,老拿中国说事,你别用我们中国字啊~~ 难道中国警察可以招惹?题目本来就有问题,城管打死你呵呵呵点击展开...
回复: 提醒大家:去美国时千万别招惹美国的警察!你跟中国有仇啊,人家楼主只是好意提醒大家注意别引起不必要的误会,这你都能扯过来,抬杠就罢了,老拿中国说事,你够贱别用我们中国字啊~~点击展开...敢问你们是什么东西,连“中国字”都是你们的了?
回复: 提醒大家:去美国时千万别招惹美国的警察!你跟中国有仇啊,人家楼主只是好意提醒大家注意别引起不必要的误会,这你都能扯过来,抬杠就罢了,老拿中国说事,你够贱别用我们中国字啊~~点击展开...说句实话你也不用齐头白脸的恼羞成怒吧,请问您是哪颗葱啊。
回复: 提醒大家:去美国时千万别招惹美国的警察!你是什么东西都不知道,这素质还混中国字啊~~给你祖先留点脸吧~ 敢问你们是什么东西,连“中国字”都是你们的了?点击展开...
回复: 提醒大家:去美国时千万别招惹美国的警察!我是中国人,你应该是被我当烂草割掉的那根葱~~ 说句实话你也不用齐头白脸的恼羞成怒吧,请问您是哪颗葱啊。点击展开...
回复: 提醒大家:去美国时千万别招惹美国的警察!难道中国警察可以招惹?题目本来就有问题,城管打死你呵呵呵点击展开...好像你被城管打过一样.
回复: 提醒大家:去美国时千万别招惹美国的警察!美国总统,可以调侃,中国就不能,心里有鬼,才要封别人的口。要有批评和自我批评,这个社会才能进步嘛。美国警察不能惹,中国警察更不能惹,警贼一家,国内我周围的小警察们,合股开个波庄或游戏机室或按摩院,每人一年赚个一两百万人民币,湿湿碎啦,那可是在小城市哦。乱世出英雄抑或是趁火打劫浑水摸鱼?怎么说都对,反正大家齐心合力向钱看,牛的狠。
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