加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息今天收到一封奇怪的信。。


今天收到一封奇怪的信: 发信者: Pacific Rim Administration Services Ltd. 215-3993 Henning Drive Burnaby, BC V5C 6P7 信的内容: Valued Client, We are Pleased to announce that effective November 1 , 2012 we will be offering Direct Deposit for all of our clients. We will now be abel to deposit your claims payments directly into your bank account. If you would like take advanage of this new service, please return this notice wth all of your information and attach a void cheque. Employee Name:Employer:Plan Number:Email Address:Bank Name: Please attach a void cheque. 底下还是要电子邮箱的要求。 大家谁接到过类似的信件吗? 这个Pacific Rim Administration Services Ltd.公司是个保险公司吗? 我从没和他们联系过, 他们怎么会给我发信件, 还要银行信息, 是骗子公司?

回复: 今天收到一封奇怪的信。。今天收到一封奇怪的信: 发信者: Pacific Rim Administration Services Ltd. 215-3993 Henning Drive Burnaby, BC V5C 6P7 信的内容: Valued Client, We are Pleased to announce that effective November 1 , 2012 we will be offering Direct Deposit for all of our clients. We will now be abel to deposit your claims payments directly into your bank account. If you would like take advanage of this new service, please return this notice wth all of your information and attach a void cheque. Employee Name:Employer:Plan Number:Email Address:Bank Name: Please attach a void cheque. 底下还是要电子邮箱的要求。 大家谁接到过类似的信件吗? 这个Pacific Rim Administration Services Ltd.公司是个保险公司吗? 我从没和他们联系过, 他们怎么会给我发信件, 还要银行信息, 是骗子公司?点击展开...http://www.pacific-first.com/contact/你们公司没给你买保险?

Idiot runs Idiots Table,Moron outruns Idiots Table. You blow me away, nice(BLOW) job, Couve!!http://www.pacific-first.com/contact/ 你们公司没给你买保险?点击展开...哦, 对啊, 是公司的保险, 我说呢! 呵呵, 谢谢您啦, 还把我给吓了一大跳, 呵呵, 给您送分啦!

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