加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息木瓦片屋顶house的gutter清洗



回复: 木瓦片屋顶house的gutter清洗VERY TRUE !

*长风浩荡可扬帆 遨游美加*回复: 木瓦片屋顶house的gutter清洗清洗一套GUTTER多少钱?

*长风浩荡可扬帆 遨游美加*清洗一套GUTTER多少钱?点击展开...现场看才能知道价格,7000尺的大豪宅和3000尺的房子价格不一样

回复: 木瓦片屋顶house的gutter清洗现场看才能知道价格,7000尺的大豪宅和3000尺的房子价格不一样点击展开...7000尺 -- 7000刀*R3000尺 -- 3000刀*R

*蓝天白云下 自由无价*回复: 木瓦片屋顶house的gutter清洗R为地区系数:列治文/本拿比/温东 1.0,温哥华 1.1,温西/西温/北温 1.2

*蓝天白云下 自由无价*回复: 木瓦片屋顶house的gutter清洗R级,呵呵,电影吗?

*长风浩荡可扬帆 遨游美加*R为地区系数:列治文/本拿比/温东 1.0,温哥华 1.1,温西/西温/北温 1.2点击展开...白石系数 0.5

回复: 木瓦片屋顶house的gutter清洗白石系数 0.5点击展开...

*长风浩荡可扬帆 遨游美加*回复: 木瓦片屋顶house的gutter清洗有的房子清洗简单,收费就少

回复: 木瓦片屋顶house的gutter清洗温哥华木瓦片屋顶gutter是最难于清洗的,在漫长雨季,木瓦湿滑危险,最好在秋季不下雨的时候彻底清洗。而且在这个时候,也要检查一下瓦片是否脱落和腐烂,趁着天好修理。不要等冬天下雨,那时就为时已晚。点击展开...多谢提醒。

钢琴购买攻略(钱多得没地方花的免入)专营日本二手YAMAHA/KAWAI钢琴的批发与零售,服务大温13年,在日本设有工厂收购、检定、修整各类二手钢琴,在大温地区还可提供钢琴出租、搬运、调音服务。详情浏览加拿大钢琴超市或致电 604-306-2563微信号:pianosuperstore回复: 木瓦片屋顶house的gutter清洗How Much Does it Cost to Clean Gutters & Downspouts?Cleaning your gutters is something that should be done regularly as part of home maintenance. This is typically a job that needs to be done either annually or biannually, depending on your climate and the amount of trees near your home. Working with a licensed professional will make the job a lot easier on you. They have experience working on a ladder, and can save you the headache of doing the job as well as the risk of falling. Also by using a reputable professional, you can protect yourself from having to pay for any injuries compared to hiring a neighbor or teenager to do it. Once you find a professional to help you, then the cost to clean gutters will depend on a couple of factors.HeightA single-story house will have the lowest gutter cleaning costs. The cost to clean gutters will increase with each story. If you have more than two stories, then the taller stories might be charged on a higher rate than the lower ones because it increases the risk and usually requires special equipment. Continue ReadingClean Gutters & Downspouts CostsLocation: National Change LocationChange ViewAverage reported cost:$182based on 8,064 cost profilesMost homeowners spent between:$162 - $202Minimum cost:$100Maximum cost:$350Cost data is based on actual project costs as reported by HomeAdvisor members.How do we get this data?SizeThe cost to clean gutters is sometimes determined by the amount of linear feet of gutters or by the square footage of the home. Either way, the larger your home, the more you can expect gutter cleaning costs will be.ConditionIf you haven't had your gutters cleaned out in awhile, then the cost to clean gutters will probably be higher. If there is a lot of debris to remove, then the job might take longer. Gutter cleaning costs may reflect that extra time.ExtrasSome gutter cleaning professionals will inspect and tighten fasteners and reseal end caps and outlets. You may also opt to have a gutter cover installed so you can wait longer between cleanings. This will increase the cost to clean gutters, but could save you money in the future.DownspoutsCleaning out downspouts tends to be more expensive and will add to gutter cleaning costs. This is a crucial element of gutter cleaning, though, as this will ensure that the water pours all the way down to your yard. They take extra time to clean, though, and will increase the cost to clean gutters.DiscountsSometimes you can find discounts by signing up for a repeat service or by contacting professionals during their off season. By investigating these discounts, you might be able to save on the cost to clean gutters.Getting your gutters cleaned will make sure that you don't flood you yard, damage your foundation or your roof, or have your gutters rip off your home from the weight of debris. You don't want to be involved in any of these scenarios; the cost to clean gutters is much less than fixing any of those possibilities. Just make sure to talk to at least three professionals before hiring anyone to make sure you find someone you trust and who you can rely on to do this job going forward

回复: 木瓦片屋顶house的gutter清洗请问大卫,我也听人有另外一种说法,就是冬季前,大规模落叶后,等树上的树叶全部落干净菜可以洗gutter.如果早洗了,那么落叶很快就会堵塞gtter.之后整个冬季直到下个落叶季前都有gutter堵塞引起屋漏的风险。

2006-4-4 FN---2007-12-31 ME---2008-2-11 扣款---2008-2-18 DM---2008-3-05签发 PL---2008-3-17收到---2008-9短登---2011.8长登3年---2013年9月25日递交renew枫叶卡,2014年1月20日收到新pr卡。请问大卫,我也听人有另外一种说法,就是冬季前,大规模落叶后,等树上的树叶全部落干净菜可以洗gutter.如果早洗了,那么落叶很快就会堵塞gtter.之后整个冬季直到下个落叶季前都有gutter堵塞引起屋漏的风险。点击展开...如果房子附近有大树确实应该这样!

回复: 木瓦片屋顶house的gutter清洗温哥华木瓦片屋顶gutter是最难于清洗的,在漫长雨季,木瓦湿滑危险,最好在秋季不下雨的时候彻底清洗。而且在这个时候,也要检查一下瓦片是否脱落和腐烂,趁着天好修理。不要等冬天下雨,那时就为时已晚。点击展开...难道楼主也干这个???

回复: 木瓦片屋顶house的gutter清洗如果房子附近有大树确实应该这样!点击展开...谢谢答复。我家房子造在大森林公园里。周围都是又高又大的树。所以,还是等落叶落尽了再洗吧。

2006-4-4 FN---2007-12-31 ME---2008-2-11 扣款---2008-2-18 DM---2008-3-05签发 PL---2008-3-17收到---2008-9短登---2011.8长登3年---2013年9月25日递交renew枫叶卡,2014年1月20日收到新pr卡。请问大卫,我也听人有另外一种说法,就是冬季前,大规模落叶后,等树上的树叶全部落干净菜可以洗gutter.如果早洗了,那么落叶很快就会堵塞gtter.之后整个冬季直到下个落叶季前都有gutter堵塞引起屋漏的风险。点击展开...有很多现在就是堵得的gutter,如果是畅通的gutter,树叶会排掉,从10月开始到1月都有落叶,随时随地有堵塞可能,因此建议在雨季后,1周检查出水孔一次,以免堵塞毁坏发生

回复: 木瓦片屋顶house的gutter清洗Sometimes you can find discounts by signing up for a repeat service or by contacting professionals during their off season. By investigating these discounts, you might be able to save on the cost to clean gutters有一次清洗gutter服务和多次清洗gutter服务,根据房屋环境决定

回复: 木瓦片屋顶house的gutter清洗温哥华木瓦片屋顶gutter是最难于清洗的,在漫长雨季,木瓦湿滑危险,最好在秋季不下雨的时候彻底清洗。而且在这个时候,也要检查一下瓦片是否脱落和腐烂,趁着天好修理。不要等冬天下雨,那时就为时已晚。点击展开...家住Coquitlam,不知楼主有没有口碑好的工程师推荐,检查维修我家的木瓦片,谢谢。

美丽的温哥华 - 照片集Victoria游玩中惊奇见闻温哥华,喜欢和不喜欢之最家住Coquitlam,不知楼主有没有口碑好的工程师推荐,检查维修我家的木瓦片,谢谢。点击展开...已经给你发去了,望查收悄悄话

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