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Harper says he personally favours death penaltyPublished on Tuesday January 18, 2011Share on twitterShare on facebookThe Canadian Press OTTAWAPrime Minister Stephen Harper says he personally favours the death penalty in some instances.But the prime minister says he has no plans to resurrect debate over capital punishment at least not in the next Parliament.On reinstating capital punishment, Harper said simply: “I don't see the country as wanting to do that.”When Mansbridge pointed out that he seemed to be closing the door less firmly on that issue, Harper added, somewhat disjointedly: “Well, I personally think there are times when capital punishment is appropriate.“But I've also committed that I'm not, you know, in the next Parliament, I'm not, no plans to bring that issue forward.”PMO spokesman Dimitri Soudas later said in an email that the government “has absolutely no plans to reinstate capital punishment.”Harper's minority government has studiously avoided coming anywhere near the abortion or capital punishment files at least in terms of domestic law.But it has reopened both issues as they apply to Canada's foreign policy.Harper stoked controversy last spring when he refused to include funding for abortions in his G8 initiative to champion maternal and child health in the world's poorest countries.And his government briefly initiated a new policy whereby Canada no longer automatically sought clemency for Canadians facing the death penalty in democratic countries like the United States.A Supreme Court ruling forced the government to abandon the policy.Opposition parties have been sabre rattling about triggering an election over the Harper government's next budget, expected in late February or early March. Harper said he's not sure if they're serious.“My gut tells me I don't know. It's 50-50,” Harper said.“We take the threats from the opposition very seriously. I don't think it's in the country's interest, I don't think it makes any sense to have one right now but, if we're forced into one, we'll be ready.”

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