加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息请教森林之歌 BCAA的保险



回复: 请教森林之歌 BCAA的保险BCAA房屋保险好像比较贵,也关注。

回复: 请教森林之歌 BCAA的保险但是听说,有一些其他的免费的服务

回复: 请教森林之歌 BCAA的保险在BCAA买房屋保险,车保险不需要先加入会员会员买房屋保险会有优惠BCAA有中文服务需先预约华裔职员哦!​ Vancouver Broadway 999 W. BroadwayV5Z 1K5 (604) 268-5600​ RichmondLansdowne Centre618-5300 No. 3 Rd.V6X 2X9 (604) 268-5850​

买房好帮手 / 免费精神科医疗诊治 / 食补 / 免费无限电话BC省MSP医疗辅助保健/儿童保健计划/药物补助计划补助金(GIS)/ 老人金 (OAS) / 退休金 (CPP) / 园艺 / 健身 / 相片 / 减脂 / 诗集 / 插花BCAA房屋保险好像比较贵,也关注。点击展开...可以向BCAA的房屋保险询问各方面的优惠,像BCAA会员约减$95。曾在BCAA买汽车保险,减$25。新房子、砖瓦顶Tile Roof、烟雾感应器、警钟连讯、Block Watch、45岁以上、无吸烟、双重门锁、楼上或楼下有一层是全铁花窗等等,都有优惠折扣!将Deductible上限$1000,约减$100。地震险只保重建,不保家俱用品,保费就便宜多了!另外,赠送灭火器!BCAA Office Locations & Hours[FONT=新明]若需中文服务,需先预约华裔职员哦![/FONT] Vancouver Broadway 999 W. BroadwayV5Z 1K5 (604) 268-5600​ RichmondLansdowne Centre618-5300 No. 3 Rd.V6X 2X9 (604) 268-5850​ BCAA Home Insurance Your BCAA home insurance policy is packed with money-saving, customizable features and rewards.Money saving discountsGet discounts that can help you save on your home insurance: Claims free up to 15%BCAA membership up to 15%Age-related up to 15%New/renovated home up to 10%Concrete construction 15%Monitored intrusion alarm 5%Monitored fire alarm 2.5%Secured housing complex 15%Multi-line discount* $25Safe home+ up to 10%​ Multi-line discountSave $25 if you insure both your home and auto through BCAA.​ The Safe home discountThis discount is structured with a points system. The more safety measures you’ve taken around your home, the more points you’ll qualify for. Add them up, and see how much you save!​ Burglar bars installed on all grade-level accessible floors - 25 pointsDeadbolts on all exterior or entrance doors - 20 pointsIntrusion alarm permanently installed and audible - 20 pointsSmoke/heat detector on each floor - 10 pointsFire sprinkler system professionally installed - 10 pointsElectronic water shut-off, professionally installed - 10 pointsElectronic natural gas shut-off, professionally installed - 10 pointsBlock Watch member - 5 points​ Here's how you save: 55+ points: 5% 75+ points: 10%Milestone rewardsLoyal and claims free policy-holders are rewarded with these perks:​ $200 Deductible You'll qualify for our lowest ($200) policy deductible, at no extra charge if you have been claims free for 3 years AND either a 5-year BCAA Home Insurance policyholder OR a 5-year BCAA Member​ One Claim Forgiveness We’ll "forgive" your first claim, and you’ll still keep all your discounts and your low policy deductible, if you have been claims free for the previous 5 years AND either a 10-year BCAA Home Insurance policyholder OR a 10-year BCAA Member​

买房好帮手 / 免费精神科医疗诊治 / 食补 / 免费无限电话BC省MSP医疗辅助保健/儿童保健计划/药物补助计划补助金(GIS)/ 老人金 (OAS) / 退休金 (CPP) / 园艺 / 健身 / 相片 / 减脂 / 诗集 / 插花赞反馈:SunnySmile 和 xinxianyu 2012-11-12#6 X 678 $0.00 回复: 请教森林之歌 BCAA的保险

回复: 请教森林之歌 BCAA的保险这个有用,问问看。TKS

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