加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息求教 - Dropbox !!! 谢谢
我个人的所有文件都储存在dropbox里面。 今天我无法打开dropbox。 每次sign in 都会得到如下message。 我每天都用同一个电脑。 请教电脑专家。 我该怎么办才能sign in。 谢谢你。 Error (403)It seems you tried to do something we can't verify. Did you log into a different Dropbox account in a different window? Try clicking here to go back to the page you came from, or just go home.
愿你永远有一颗微笑的心。回复: 求教 - Dropbox !!! 谢谢你没装client吗?貌似你在用web方式访问?实在不行清一下cookies试试?
行车记录仪:http://goo.gl/8vjKK 信用卡:http://goo.gl/G8BxZ PLC帐户:http://goo.gl/3TaI9 Dropbox:http://goo.gl/RUfJB VOIP:http://goo.gl/iRl5E SPA3102:http://goo.gl/72FQF 电力猫:http://goo.gl/m29Sk 高清播放器:http://goo.gl/6ww8n 水处理:http://goo.gl/Ba1hH你没装client吗?貌似你在用web方式访问?实在不行清一下cookies试试?点击展开...谢谢你。 我几乎就是用这台电脑sign in。 从来没有问题。 请问,怎样清cookies?这次感谢。
愿你永远有一颗微笑的心。回复: 求教 - Dropbox !!! 谢谢http://www.wikihow.com/Clear-Your-Browser's-Cookies
行车记录仪:http://goo.gl/8vjKK 信用卡:http://goo.gl/G8BxZ PLC帐户:http://goo.gl/3TaI9 Dropbox:http://goo.gl/RUfJB VOIP:http://goo.gl/iRl5E SPA3102:http://goo.gl/72FQF 电力猫:http://goo.gl/m29Sk 高清播放器:http://goo.gl/6ww8n 水处理:http://goo.gl/Ba1hHhttp://www.wikihow.com/Clear-Your-Browser's-Cookies点击展开...Thanks for giving me the link for deleting the cookies. I did but I still cannot sign in and the following message pops up again. Is there any possibility that I blocked the dropbox by accidently click something? Error (403)It seems you tried to do something we can't verify. Did you log into a different Dropbox account in a different window? Try clicking here to go back to the page you came from, or just go home.
愿你永远有一颗微笑的心。Thanks for giving me the link for deleting the cookies. I did but I still cannot sign in and the following message pops up again. Is there any possibility that I blocked the dropbox by accidently click something? Error (403)It seems you tried to do something we can't verify. Did you log into a different Dropbox account in a different window? Try clicking here to go back to the page you came from, or just go home.点击展开...你是否可以试试DB的客户端软件?如果那个也不行,我也没主意了!我只找到这个:https://forums.dropbox.com/topic.php?id=91259
行车记录仪:http://goo.gl/8vjKK 信用卡:http://goo.gl/G8BxZ PLC帐户:http://goo.gl/3TaI9 Dropbox:http://goo.gl/RUfJB VOIP:http://goo.gl/iRl5E SPA3102:http://goo.gl/72FQF 电力猫:http://goo.gl/m29Sk 高清播放器:http://goo.gl/6ww8n 水处理:http://goo.gl/Ba1hH回复: 求教 - Dropbox !!! 谢谢Thank you. I will try to see if it can help.
愿你永远有一颗微笑的心。回复: 求教 - Dropbox !!! 谢谢Thank you.
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