加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息spare stage 是什么意思?
昨天看一篇关于美国校园枪击案的报道, 其中有一句话:Alone on a spare stage, Obama was a parent in grief. spare stage 是什么意思? 谢回复!
回复: spare stage 是什么意思?截取任意句子很容易曲解。全句是:Alone on a spare stage after the worst day of his tenure, President Barack Obama declared Sunday he will use “whatever power” he has to prevent shootings like the Connecticut school massacre.点击展开...其实就是 a periond of time的意思。separately, in the remained period of time close to the end of his presidency term, after the worst incident struck U.S.A,..Alone 意思就是本届任期即将结束,仅在剩下的这段时间内, 总统将做的决断Spare: spare time, spare parts, spare tyre, meaning more than what you already have;stage: a phase during a stream of time. or the platform in a theatre for performance; here apparently you means the former.
平等还是自由?回复: spare stage 是什么意思?Thank you for your time!
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