加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息加拿大公民可以在全BC省的17所公立大专院校免费


加拿大公民现在也可以在全BC省的17所公立大专院校免费学习ESL课程。ESL课程提供从入门到高级的不同水平的英语教育,以往只向新移民开放。BC移民协议新规定,ESL免费课程也将开放给加拿大公民群体,来帮助母语非英语的加拿大人就业以及更好地融入本地生活。 转自城市知道-温哥华微博 17所学校是:British Columbia Institute of Technology, Camosun College, Capilano University, College of New Caledonia, College of the Rockies, Douglas College, Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Langara College, North Island College, Northwest Community College, Northern Lights College, Okanagan College, Selkirk College, Thompson Rivers University, University of the Fraser Valley, Vancouver Community College, Vancouver Island University.

回复: 加拿大公民可以在全BC省的17所公立大专院校免费学习ESL课程到几级是免费啊,我的是059,希望他们给免了,谢谢

回复: 加拿大公民可以在全BC省的17所公立大专院校免费学习ESL课程是的,059 098 099 都免费了。

[/SIGPIC]2011.5.29登陆温哥华,2011.6.16成了加拿大地主。10.9狗狗女儿来加,一家团聚!赞反馈:windcm 2012-04-06#4 carrie8888 2,507 $0.00 回复: 加拿大公民可以在全BC省的17所公立大专院校免费学习ESL课程上次我电话langara,他们态度很差,说,我们没免费的,你要免费去VCC。

[/SIGPIC]2011.5.29登陆温哥华,2011.6.16成了加拿大地主。10.9狗狗女儿来加,一家团聚!回复: 加拿大公民可以在全BC省的17所公立大专院校免费学习ESL课程数字是什么意思?

香港英国保诚保险公司保险代理人 游强00852--52669216[email protected]赞反馈:windcm 2012-04-06#6 carrie8888 2,507 $0.00 回复: 加拿大公民可以在全BC省的17所公立大专院校免费学习ESL课程是VCC的课程代码。098相当11年级,099相当12年级。

[/SIGPIC]2011.5.29登陆温哥华,2011.6.16成了加拿大地主。10.9狗狗女儿来加,一家团聚!回复: 加拿大公民可以在全BC省的17所公立大专院校免费学习ESL课程仅限公民吗?居民呢?以前新移民免费的ELSA可没到099那么高

回复: 加拿大公民可以在全BC省的17所公立大专院校免费学习ESL课程[FONT=&quot]ESL courses now tuition-free[/FONT]​ [FONT=&quot] [/FONT] [FONT=&quot]VANCOUVER ? Canadian citizens can now take English as a Second Language courses tuition-free at 17 public post-secondary institutions throughout British Columbia. [/FONT] [FONT=&quot] [/FONT] [FONT=&quot]English as a Second Language (ESL) programs provide language instruction at basic, intermediate and advanced levels to people whose first language is not English.[/FONT] [FONT=&quot] [/FONT] [FONT=&quot]Under the Canada-B.C. Immigration Agreement, ESL courses are being provided tuition-free to new immigrants, such as [/FONT][FONT=&quot]permanent residents. As well as ESL in the 17 public post-secondary institutions, this includes WelcomeBC’s English Language Services for Adults (ELSA) program in communities throughout the province.[/FONT] [FONT=&quot] [/FONT] [FONT=&quot]The Province is extending this tuition-free policy to Canadian citizens at public post-secondary institutions, ensuring that they have access to the same opportunities as recent immigrants.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]The Ministry of Advanced Education will also continue to provide financial assistance to ESL students with a demonstrated financial need under its Adult Basic Education Student Assistance Program (ABESAP) to help with associated fees, books, transportation, child care and other costs.[/FONT] [FONT=&quot] [/FONT] [FONT=&quot] [/FONT] [FONT=&quot]Quotes:[/FONT] [FONT=&quot] [/FONT] [FONT=&quot]Naomi Yamamoto, Minister of Advanced Education ? [/FONT] [FONT=&quot] [/FONT] [FONT=&quot]“We want to make sure all British Columbians[/FONT][FONT=&quot] have the adult education opportunities they need to find jobs, raise families, participate in their communities and fulfil their dreams.” [/FONT] [FONT=&quot]“This investment will help Canadian citizens and Canadian-born residents whose first language is not English improve their English language skills in order to move on to higher levels of education, skills and trades training and employment.”[/FONT][FONT=&quot]Tanis Sawkins, faculty member in the professional and career English department at Vancouver Community College (VCC) ? [/FONT] [FONT=&quot] [/FONT] [FONT=&quot]“Creating tuition-free ESL for Canadian citizens removes a potential barrier on their pathway to success, because the sooner someone whose first language is not English can improve their language skills, the sooner they can become full participants in the community and in employment.” [/FONT] [FONT=&quot] [/FONT] [FONT=&quot] [/FONT] [FONT=&quot]Quick Facts:[/FONT] [FONT=&quot]Government-funded ESL courses are offered at the following public post-secondary institutions: British Columbia Institute of Technology, Camosun College, Capilano University, College of New Caledonia, College of the Rockies, Douglas College, Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Langara College, North Island College, Northwest Community College, Northern Lights College, Okanagan College, Selkirk College, Thompson Rivers University, University of the Fraser Valley, Vancouver Community College, Vancouver Island University.[/FONT] ・ [FONT=&quot]For the 2010-11 academic year, these 17 public-post secondary institutions delivered ESL training for more than 8,800 domestic students.[/FONT] ・ [FONT=&quot]The average full-time ESL domestic tuition was $2,300 at B.C.’s public post-secondary institutions in 2010-11.[/FONT] ・ [FONT=&quot]The 2010 Developmental Student Outcomes Survey found that:[/FONT] [FONT=&quot]o [/FONT][FONT=&quot]82 per cent of respondents said their ESL courses were very helpful or helpful to them in achieving their most important goal for enrolling; [/FONT] [FONT=&quot]o [/FONT][FONT=&quot]91 per cent of those who took further education said they had been very well or somewhat prepared for the studies they enrolled in after leaving their ESL courses.[/FONT]

回复: 加拿大公民可以在全BC省的17所公立大专院校免费学习ESL课程貌似只是以前新移民可以上的ELSA课程现在公民也可以上了?到哪一级没提啊,这个很重要

回复: 加拿大公民可以在全BC省的17所公立大专院校免费学习ESL课程我是在做梦吗,VCC的059都免费了

回复: 加拿大公民可以在全BC省的17所公立大专院校免费学习ESL课程那059相当于几年级呢?问问楼上的童鞋

回复: 加拿大公民可以在全BC省的17所公立大专院校免费学习ESL课程那059相当于几年级呢?问问楼上的童鞋点击展开...好像10年级以上

回复: 加拿大公民可以在全BC省的17所公立大专院校免费学习ESL课程谢谢。

回复: 加拿大公民可以在全BC省的17所公立大专院校免费学习ESL课程貌似只是以前新移民可以上的ELSA课程现在公民也可以上了?到哪一级没提啊,这个很重要点击展开...文章里提到的是入门到高级, 英文写得是basic, intermediate and advanced levels。

回复: 加拿大公民可以在全BC省的17所公立大专院校免费学习ESL课程good news

回复: 加拿大公民可以在全BC省的17所公立大专院校免费学习ESL课程advanced levels 相当于成人高中的6级和7级。

090211登陆加拿大;101109长登温哥华;110831父母担保寄出;110902父母担保签收;120831入籍申请寄出;130304收到父母移民申请确认信;130903入籍RQ;130909递交父母探亲签证;130912获批父母10年多次探亲签证;140301入籍RQ材料寄出;140422父母第一次探亲;140521入籍考试;140818宣誓唱歌;150728父母移民收到补料信;150831父母移民补料信寄出;150903 CIC补料签收;150929 CIC补料完整确认信签发;151224 父母移民申请IP;160613 父母移民申请DM1;160623 父母移民申请ME;160813 父母移民申请MER;;上次我电话langara,他们态度很差,说,我们没免费的,你要免费去VCC。点击展开...新政策,3月份才开始的

回复: 加拿大公民可以在全BC省的17所公立大专院校免费学习ESL课程好消息!

回复: 加拿大公民可以在全BC省的17所公立大专院校免费学习ESL课程与从前相比,没有太多的变化。VCC 的059已不属于ESL的范围。

回复: 加拿大公民可以在全BC省的17所公立大专院校免费学习ESL课程貌似只是以前新移民可以上的ELSA课程现在公民也可以上了?到哪一级没提啊,这个很重要点击展开...公民现在可以免费上ESL,不是ELSA,两者不是一回事儿!

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