加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息为什么daycare很多都是女生多?
回复: 为什么daycare很多都是女生多?我儿子的daycare是男孩多
快乐的boo妈~回复: 为什么daycare很多都是女生多?哈哈有可能不过我看的几家都没问性别,只问了年龄现在刚好报九月份的
回复: 为什么daycare很多都是女生多?没有啊,凑巧吧,我女儿的学校是男孩子稍微多些
回复: 为什么daycare很多都是女生多?我上班的Daycare,是男生偏多喔!.....^ 0 ^
回复: 为什么daycare很多都是女生多?没有啊,凑巧吧,我女儿的学校是男孩子稍微多些点击展开...学校不一样,都得上学的呀。另外还有story time的时候,图书馆或mall里,也都是女生多,尤其后来做手工的时候,清一色十几个全是女的,男孩子全走光了。
回复: 为什么daycare很多都是女生多?我儿子的daycare就他一个男生,结果学了一些女孩子的发嗲动作回来了,急死我了。
回复: 为什么daycare很多都是女生多?我儿子的daycare就他一个男生,结果学了一些女孩子的发嗲动作回来了,急死我了。点击展开...看来选学校也很重要了
回复: 为什么daycare很多都是女生多?我儿子的daycare就他一个男生,结果学了一些女孩子的发嗲动作回来了,急死我了。点击展开...太可爱了。不用担心,经大家证实,同性恋是天生的,不是后天形成的。
回复: 为什么daycare很多都是女生多?我儿子的daycare就他一个男生,结果学了一些女孩子的发嗲动作回来了,急死我了。点击展开...hahaha
回复: 为什么daycare很多都是女生多?我家大宝上家庭式幼儿园的时候,2个男孩,8个女孩。后来上公立幼儿园,4男4女。猜想私人幼儿园会挑人吧。毕竟女孩子乖巧一些,容易照顾。
回复: 为什么daycare很多都是女生多?我家大宝上家庭式幼儿园的时候,2个男孩,8个女孩。后来上公立幼儿园,4男4女。猜想私人幼儿园会挑人吧。毕竟女孩子乖巧一些,容易照顾。点击展开... 我也觉得私人的是挑的,不象大点的公司管waitinglist的人跟daycare的人是分开的。
回复: 为什么daycare很多都是女生多?太可爱了。不用担心,经大家证实,同性恋是天生的,不是后天形成的。点击展开...有天生也有后天环境原因的。
回复: 为什么daycare很多都是女生多?我儿子也是去家庭式daycare,看来家庭式的男女比例不平衡啊,这倒是个课题。我儿子在daycare已经有女朋友了,每次送去人家女朋友都大叫他的名字,老师就说去跟你女朋友玩去吧。OMG,才不到三岁,臭小子比他爹厉害多了。
回复: 为什么daycare很多都是女生多?我儿子也是去家庭式daycare,看来家庭式的男女比例不平衡啊,这倒是个课题。我儿子在daycare已经有女朋友了,每次送去人家女朋友都大叫他的名字,老师就说去跟你女朋友玩去吧。OMG,才不到三岁,臭小子比他爹厉害多了。点击展开...家庭式的和比较小型的group的,我发现都是女生多,但是大点的公司下的daycare男子基本差不多。尤其家庭招的小的孩子女生多,接送小学生校前校后的那种倒是男生无所谓,反正都很大的孩子了。
回复: 为什么daycare很多都是女生多? 找到证据了。看来不只是daycare的原因,所有的daycare都是这样,也就是说主要是家长的决定,家长更愿意送女孩子去daycare。见下面英文研究报告:widely studied, there evidence claiming that there are more girls attending daycare than boys, perhaps because they may benefit from day-care more than boys for various reasons. Research done by Hiedm ann, Joesch, and Rose(2004) has indicated that mothers appear to make different decisions regarding childcare for their sons than for their daughters. They studied about 1,500 mothers who had children under the age of 13 and observed that daughters are significantly more likely to attend regular out of home day-care
回复: 为什么daycare很多都是女生多?as to why mothers might feel more comfortable with putting their daughters in day-care than their sons. They have found evidence from other research indicating that the birth of a son is often correlated with more father involvement. This provides the child with a wider network of day-care providers, mainly the paternal grandmothers and other relatives on the father’s side, eliminating the need for day-care. Another reasonable argument for this phenomenon is that parents often use maturity as a measurement to determine when they should start sending their child to day-care. Since girls have been found to mature behaviorally at an earlier age this may account for the higher numbers of girls in day-care than boys.
回复: 为什么daycare很多都是女生多?我儿子DAYCARE,10男1女
回复: 为什么daycare很多都是女生多?to the benefits of day-care Hiedmann et al. (2004:157) also found evidence suggesting that the higher numbers of girls in day cares may be related to the more positive effects that day-care has on them compared to boys. There are a number of possible reasons for this, one relating to research that finds boys in day-care to form insecure attachments to their fathers while girls in day-care form secure attachments to them, thus parents avoiding regular day-care attendance for their sons. Also past studies have also found that girls tend to receive higher quality care from unrelated day-care providers than do boys. For example, the way many adults interact with a baby they perceive to be male is much more rough and not as gentle as theway they might respond to or take care of a baby girl. Consequently, parents may be more reluctant to send their son to day-care than their daughter
回复: 为什么daycare很多都是女生多?Daycare owner 'beat girl, 3, to death after toddler's stripper mother did not pick her up for weeks' "Two daycare owners have been arrested after one allegedly repeatedly beat a three-year-old girl, eventually killing her, while the other watched and did nothing. Savannah Cross died on Tuesday after she was left to languish in the care of strangers after her mother, a stripper, had not picked her up from the in-house daycare in Phoenix, Arizona since Thanksgiving. Ryan Reed, 27, told police he repeatedly hit, kicked and grabbed the girl at the home, while Allison Clement, 28, failed to report the abuse or seek medical aid, police spokesman Sgt. Trent Crump said. On Monday night, Reed stomped on the child's stomach while she was on the ground and she curled up and spent the rest of the night in that position, the Arizona Republic reported. Throughout the night, Reed heard Savannah groaning but only called authorities at 7am on Tuesday when he found her unresponsive, police said. She died on the way to hospital." - CapitalBay太可怜了。
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