加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息看看这段话是不是有道理?
For many working-class couples, the first baby in the family arrives just nine months after marriage. They hardly have tiem to adjust to being husband and wife before being thrust into the demanding roles of mother and father. the result can be financial problems, bickering, and interference from in-law. The young husbands may not be ready to " settle down," and they resent getting less attention from their wives. In contrast, middle-class couples ofent postpone the birth of their first child, which gives them more time to adjust to each other. On average, their first baby arrives three years after marriage. Their greater financial resouces also work in their favor, making life as parents a lot easier and the marrage more pleasant.
回复: 看看这段话是不是有道理?晚婚晚育?
回复: 看看这段话是不是有道理?有道理,很有道理。结婚是要很长的适应期的,有了孩子就再难有两个人自己的时间了。Not sure about the class part。
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