加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息请问在BC哪里看星空比较漂亮?
没选票、没土地、没政治权利的一群人,聚在一起高谈民主的坏处,我仿佛看到一群太监在说性生活多伤身体,幸亏咱们阉了。---王朔在家里因路灯问题,看不到很多的星星.点击展开...我们一般是去居民区里的学校操场,那里到晚上黑黑的,看天空感觉非常的近,非常清楚,甚至有点吓人 夏天的星空很漂亮,牛郎织女鹊桥,还有狮子星座,大勺子,W星座等等吧,记不住。。。
人生不过是行走的影子 赏 反馈:如果有来生 2013-07-29#3 1,901 $0.00 回复: 请问在BC哪里看星空比较漂亮?西温北温的山上
------------------------------------------------http://www.beaware.gc.ca/english/toce.shtmlhttp://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/publications/pub/bsf5056-eng.htmlhttp://www.inspection.gc.ca/english/toce.shtml 赏 反馈:如果有来生 2013-07-29#4 付费矿工 766$(0.14$赞力,#44) 10,000 $0.00 $766.22 回复: 请问在BC哪里看星空比较漂亮? 西人也有此一问: Star-gazing spots in/around Vancouver, BC? Robynator答: You don't have to go very far to get excellent star-gazing skies in Vancouver. The issue is cloud cover. I'm a bit of an amateur astronomer, and there are 3 places which are reliable:1. Garry Point Park in Steveston. It's the extreme south-west corner of Richmond where the Fraser River opens up in to the Strait of Georgia. If you walk into the park (which is a relatively flat peninsula of grasses and wildflowers), it gets darker by the second as there are no lights in the park itself, and of course, being on the edge of what's essentially the ocean, facing away from the city, means panoramic darkness. A lot of people come here to stargaze, especially when the Perseids can be seen.2. Boundary Bay Airport (the road that leads up to it) in Delta. It's surrounded by farmers fields (no lights) and you're close to Boundary Bay (no lights) so the light pollution feels almost non-existant. I came here with some serious amateur astronomers with their fancy computer equipment and massive telescope. 3. Whytecliff Park, West Vancouver. This is just west of Horseshoe Bay by about 10 minutes or so. A very small but beautiful park located on the western edge of a peninsula, facing out over the Strait of Georgia, Bowen Island, and Howe Sound. Again, by being on the water surrounded by mountain vistas on the other side of a mountain from Vancouver means you really have no sense of light pollution.I'd recommend Garry Point and Whytecliff.
买房好帮手 / 免费精神科医疗诊治 / 食补 / 免费无限电话BC省MSP医疗辅助保健/儿童保健计划/药物补助计划补助金(GIS)/ 老人金 (OAS) / 退休金 (CPP) / 园艺 / 健身 / 相片 / 减脂 / 诗集 / 插花 赏 反馈:如果有来生 2013-07-29#5 L 1,167 $0.00 回复: 请问在BC哪里看星空比较漂亮?在sfu山上考察过, 仍然不理想, 因为城区灯光多强会影响观看. 我有个炮筒, 一直没机会拿出来玩, 只能在后院看看月亮, 哎
回复: 请问在BC哪里看星空比较漂亮?10年前从温哥华开车去Winnipeg,晚上开夜车,尿急就下车在路边方便,一抬头把尿生生的吓了回去,生平第一次见到银河,实在是太美了。回到车里开到路肩打开天窗放低座椅enjoy了半个多小时。楼主开车出城两个小时远离城市灯光就能看到了。
Remember, Nothing is More Powerful than Your Imagination ~Imagination is More Important than Knowledge; Imagination will Get You Everywhere~ Albert Einstein ~ 10年前从温哥华开车去Winnipeg,晚上开夜车,尿急就下车在路边方便,一抬头把尿生生的吓了回去,生平第一次见到银河,实在是太美了。回到车里开到路肩打开天窗放低座椅enjoy了半个多小时。楼主开车出城两个小时远离城市灯光就能看到了。点击展开... 可以一试,谢谢分享
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