加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息寻找低收入模范家庭
有个朋友要写篇励志稿,需要找低收入模范家庭,懂得理财秘诀的 I'm writing an article about people/families who make under $35,000 a year in Canada to inspire others to look at their own expenses and help them plan their own financial lives. - the experience of a newcomer (someone who is now working and maybe also attending school,or volunteering for experience) - how he or she organizes his or her finances. The article will be made up of several individuals. It will feature a brief interview as well a summary of the person's monthly budget. 有谁愿意分享
生命是一条长长的打着结的绳子,每一个结都是人生的刻度,丈量着人生的宽广和深厚!Life is a long, long rope with knots, each of which serves as a sign of its broadness and depth![SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]回复: 寻找低收入模范家庭
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