加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息如何给美国期刊投稿?
一学金融的朋友想借个道,学术方面的文章。只听说美国的金融学报(Journal of Finance)是美国金融学界顶级刊物,有哪位知道怎么投啊?或者有投过其他种类刊物杂志之类的,有什么要注意的?因为有个问题,他文章里举了个肯定让美国政府非常不高兴的案例,就比如跟江XX说FLG延年益寿一样,但是这个案例很典型,不想删。
回复: 如何给美国期刊投稿?你说的是 这个吧?Edited By: Kenneth J. SingletonImpact Factor: 4.333ISI Journal Citation Reports © Ranking: 2012: 1/86 (Business Finance); 3/332 (Economics)既然搞学术,想要投稿,难道自己还不会研究“怎么投稿”?http://www.afajof.org/details/page/2870711/Submissions.htmlOnline ISSN: 1540-6261
乱码回复: 如何给美国期刊投稿?Submissions Electronic Submission Information All papers must be must be submitted electronically. Please note that refereeing at the Journal of Finance is now single-blind-- the identity of the author is known to the referee. Therefore, your cover page should contain the title of the manuscript, the names of the authors, and an abstract of not more than 100 words. To submit a new paper to the Journal of Finance, click here. To submit a revision requested by Ken Singleton, Bruno Biais, or Michael Roberts, click here and select "Resubmission" in Step 2. Note: authors submitting in response to a “reject and resubmit” decision by Cam Harvey should contact Wendy Washburn at [email protected] for assistance. Editorial Express only accepts PDF files. In preparing Acrobat files, make sure that all fonts are embedded, and it is recommended that the document be created using Distiller. Fees for submission are: High-Income Economies. AFA Members: $200, Non-Members: $250Middle-Income Economies. AFA Members: $100, Non-Members: $150Low-Income Economies. No Submission FeeClick here for lists of economies by income level.Submission fees will be paid via credit card (Visa, MasterCard or American Express) as part of the submission procedure.The Journal of Finance allows authors to appeal rejected submissions, but now charges $500. Click here for our new appeal policy and instructions for submitting. Click here to submit an appeal. Return/Refund Policy: The submission fee will be refunded if the editorial decision on a submission is rendered more than 100 days after the receipt of the submission by the editorial office. This refund policy applies only to a manuscript's first submission. Minimal style guidelines are enforced for manuscripts submitted for review by the Journal of Finance. If the paper is accepted, then authors should follow these more detailed instructions. 1.All submitted manuscripts must be original work that is not under submission at another journal or under consideration for publication in another form, such as a monograph or chapter of a book. Authors of submitted papers are obligated not to submit their paper for publication elsewhere until an editorial decision is rendered on their submission. Further, authors of accepted papers are prohibited from publishing the results in other publications that appear before the paper is published in the Journal unless they receive approval for doing so from the editor. 2.A resubmission of a manuscript that was previously rejected by the Journal of Finance will be immediately desk rejected.3.The text of the manuscript should be prepared in 12pt type with 1 inch margins and 1.5 inch top/bottom margins. The text should be double-spaced.4.Footnotes should appear at the bottom of the page on which they are referenced (that is, they should not be endnotes that appear at the end of the document). 5.Tables and figures can appear either embedded or at the end of the manuscript. Please ensure that all variables and graphs are clearly labelled and easily understood.6.All but very short mathematical expressions should be displayed on a separate line. Equations should be numbered consecutively on the right margin. 7.An abstract, of no more than 100 words, must be entered or pasted into a separate text box as part of the on-line submission. 8.The introductory section should emphasize the incremental contributions of your research. Citations should be kept to the minimum required to clarify and highlight your contributions. The article should end with a brief nontechnical summary statement of the main conclusions. 9.Submissions can include a Supplementary Appendix that might include extra tables, extra figures, data description, and proofs. If the paper is accepted, part of the Supplemental Appendix will appear as an on-line supplement to the paper on www.afajof.org.
回复: 如何给美国期刊投稿?靠,竟有这种学者。
Eat well, don't smoke, and a fuck was equal to a five-mile walk-----Elizabeth Jane Howard回复: 如何给美国期刊投稿?好像美国的期刊一般是约稿,无名小卒的投稿会石沉大海,不过万一的机会还是会有的,别灰心,有梦想就好
回复: 如何给美国期刊投稿?好像美国的期刊一般是约稿,无名小卒的投稿会石沉大海,不过万一的机会还是会有的,别灰心,有梦想就好点击展开...谁生下来就是有名大将, 都是无名小卒开始的.
回复: 如何给美国期刊投稿?谁生下来就是有名大将, 都是无名小卒开始的.点击展开...薄大哥生下来,习大哥生下来就是大将,对了还有金正恩大人,帝王将相有种这么浅显的道理老百姓都知道。
回复: 如何给美国期刊投稿?薄大哥生下来,习大哥生下来就是大将,对了还有金正恩大人,帝王将相有种这么浅显的道理老百姓都知道。点击展开...他们的爸爸生下来是什么, 什么都不是.
回复: 如何给美国期刊投稿?他们的爸爸生下来是什么, 什么都不是.点击展开...他们的爸是谁那我们管不着,就知道他们是王公贵戚。口号:打倒Sabre,草根就是草根,龙种就是龙种
回复: 如何给美国期刊投稿?估计人家是问如果给审稿的人点炮吧
如果一个人脑袋装满了如下内容:李鸿章丧权辱国、义和团保家卫国、太平天国农民起义、蒋介石只会摘桃子、地主个个是周扒皮、旧社会暗无天日、美帝亡我之心不死、有国才有家,俄罗斯是兄弟。那么恭喜你!你基本具备脑残和傻逼的基本配置了…… ——作家王朔回复: 如何给美国期刊投稿?活着就要有梦想
回复: 如何给美国期刊投稿?移民都是大胆之人,还怕投稿?
本人登陆加国一年半,已经回流中国两年半。回复: 如何给美国期刊投稿?现在sci杂志都是online submission,编辑收到后先做格式审查,审查通过后发给reviewers同行评议(peer review),根据reviewers的意见决定是reject、major revision、minor revision或者直接accept(可能性极小),只要不是直接被reject了,经过大修或小修后发表的可能性还是很大的。
回复: 如何给美国期刊投稿?感谢各位大神了!就不一一致谢了!感谢Sabre大哥!给的链接应该很有用确实是第一次有此想法,想尝试一下。那个说约稿的我也听说过,不过好像是商业性的比如好莱坞的剧本啥的
回复: 如何给美国期刊投稿?我有个朋友在学校当教授,她刚开始投稿如果没有找到关系REFER是很难发表的.当然,如果你真的做出了什么重大的发现,还是没问题.
回复: 如何给美国期刊投稿?你说的是 这个吧?Edited By: Kenneth J. SingletonImpact Factor: 4.333ISI Journal Citation Reports © Ranking: 2012: 1/86 (Business Finance); 3/332 (Economics) 既然搞学术,想要投稿,难道自己还不会研究“怎么投稿”?http://www.afajof.org/details/page/2870711/Submissions.html Online ISSN: 1540-6261点击展开...同问
回复: 如何给美国期刊投稿?美国这类期刊都是通过参加年会提交论文,会上交流再整理发表的。首先要加入成为他的会员,然后提交论文,14年conference 的论文提交deadline是今年的3月15号,早就过期了。学术论文基本在每年三月份前要提交的。你文中提到的例子正好应该在年会上和大家交流才知道怎么处理最合适。
@感谢各位大神了!就不一一致谢了!感谢Sabre大哥!给的链接应该很有用确实是第一次有此想法,想尝试一下。那个说约稿的我也听说过,不过好像是商业性的比如好莱坞的剧本啥的点击展开...你大哥给你的只是最后一步physically 提交的方法,不是你朋友要的整个论文提交的方式。好莱坞啥的是你捉摸的吧
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