加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息世界上最美最有魅力的男人:NICK VUJICIC


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回复: 世界上最美最有魅力的男人:NICK VUJICIC

我不是我而你亦無所指回复: 世界上最美最有魅力的男人:NICK VUJICIC尼克·武伊契奇出生于1982年12月4日。因为患上极为罕有的“先天性四肢切断症”,他一生下来就没有双臂和双腿,只在左侧臀部以下的位置有一个带着两个脚指的小“脚”。在童年时代,胡哲饱受着同龄人的嘲笑,曾在十岁时想过在浴缸溺死,但没有成功。 胡哲的父母没有丧失希望,教给儿子生存的基本技能。力克6岁时,父亲开始教他用两个脚指打字。母亲发明了一个特殊塑料装置,可以帮助他拿起笔。在胡哲十三岁时,他看到了一篇介绍一名残疾人自强不息经历的文章,受到很深的触动,从此拾起了生活的信念。 胡哲凭借着自己的努力,学会了游泳,打高尔夫球、冲浪、踢足球。最重要的是,他已经成为了一个乐观幽默的人。 如今,胡哲已经是一名演讲大师,他鼓舞全世界的有着相似经历的人们振作起来。在2005年,胡哲被提名“澳大利亚年度青年”称号。他于2012年2月12日与宫原佳苗(音译,Kanae Miyahara)在加州举行婚礼。随即飞到夏威夷度蜜月。消息传开后获全球支持者送上祝福。并于2013年2月,其子kiyoshi诞生。[3]

回复: 世界上最美最有魅力的男人:NICK VUJICICNick VujicicFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: navigation, search Nick VujicicVujicic speaking in a church in Ehringshausen, Germany, April 2011Born(1982-12-04) 4 December 1982 (age 30)[1]Melbourne, AustraliaEthnicitySerbianEducationDouble Bachelor’s degree in Accounting and Financial PlanningAlma materGriffith UniversityOccupationEvangelist, preacher, motivational speaker, Director of Life Without LimbsReligionChristianitySpouse(s)Kanae Miyahara (m. 2012)Children1 sonWebsitelifewithoutlimbs.orgNicholas James "Nick" Vujicic (/ˈvɔɪtʃɪtʃ/ VOY-chich; Serbian: Николас Џејмс Вујичић, Nikolas Džejms Vujičić; born 4 December 1982) is a Serbian Australian evangelist and motivational speaker born with tetra-amelia syndrome, a rare disorder characterized by the absence of all four limbs. As a child, he struggled mentally and emotionally as well as physically, but eventually came to terms with his disability and, at the age of seventeen, started his own non-profit organization, Life Without Limbs. Vujicic presents motivational speeches worldwide, on life with a disability, hope and finding meaning in life. He also speaks about his belief that God can use any willing heart to do his work and that God is big enough to overcome any disability.Contents [hide] 1 Background and personal life2 Career3 See also4 Notes5 External linksBackground and personal life[edit source | edit]Nick Vujicic was born to Duška and Boris Vujicic in 1982 in Melbourne, Australia.[2] Although he was an otherwise healthy baby, he was born without arms and legs; he had no legs, but two small feet, one of which had two toes. He has two siblings, Michelle and Aaron.[3]Initially, a Victorian state law prevented Vujicic from attending a mainstream school due to his physical disability in spite of a lack of mental impairment. However, Vujicic became one of the first physically disabled students integrated into a mainstream school once those laws changed.[4] But soon enough, his lack of limbs made him a target for the school bullies and he fell into a severe depression. Following this depression, at the age of eight, he contemplated suicide and even tried to drown himself in his bathtub at the age of ten. From then after the love for his parents prevented him from following through.[5] He also states in his music video "Something More" that God had a plan for his life and he could not bring himself to drown because of this.[6]Vujicic prayed that God would give him arms and legs and initially told God that, if his prayer remained unanswered, he would stop praising him indefinitely. However, a key turning point in his faith came around when his mother showed him a newspaper article about a man dealing with a severe disability. Vujicic realized he was not unique in his struggles and began to embrace his lack of limbs.[7] After this, he realized that his accomplishments could inspire others and became grateful for his life.[8]Vujicic gradually figured out how to live a full life without limbs, adapting many of the daily skills limbed people accomplish without thinking. He writes with two toes on his left foot and a special grip that slides onto his big toe. He knows how to use a computer and can type up to 43 words per minute using the "heel and toe" method. He has also learned to throw tennis balls, play drum pedals, get a glass of water, comb his hair, brush his teeth, answer the phone and shave, in addition to participating in golf, swimming, soccer, and sky-diving.[citation needed]During secondary school, Vujicic was elected captain of Runcorn State High School in Queensland and worked with the student council on fundraising events for local charities and disability campaigns. When he was seventeen, he started to give talks at his prayer group[9] and later founded his non-profit organization, Life Without Limbs.Vujicic wrote that he keeps a pair of shoes in his closet due to his belief in miracles.[10]In 2005 Vujicic was nominated for the Young Australian of the Year Award.[citation needed]Vujicic currently lives in Los Angeles, California, United States.[2] On 12 February 2012, he married his fiancée, Kanae Miyahara. On 13 February 2013, their son Kiyoshi James Vujicic was born, weighing 8 pounds 10 ounces.[3]According to Vujicic, had he been born in a third world country, his condition might have been considered a curse or a shame by his parents and he might have been killed at birth.[9]Career[edit source | edit] Vujicic speaking during the session "Inspired for a Lifetime" at the Annual Meeting 2011 of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, on 30 January 2011Vujicic graduated from Griffith University at the age of 21 with a double major in accountancy and financial planning. Subsequently he became a motivational speaker, travelling internationally and focusing on teen issues. Having addressed over three million people in over 24 countries on five continents,[11] he speaks to corporate audiences, congregations, and schools.Vujicic promotes his work through television shows and through his writing. His first book, Life Without Limbs: Inspiration for a Ridiculously Good Life (Random House, 2010)[12] was published in 2010. He markets a motivational DVD, Life's Greater Purpose, a short documentary filmed in 2005 highlighting his home life and regular activities. The second part of the DVD was filmed at his local church in Brisbane – one of his first professional motivational speeches. He markets a DVD for young people titled: No Arms, No Legs, No Worries: Youth Version.[13]In March 2008, he was interviewed by Bob Cummings for 20/20.He starred in the short film The Butterfly Circus, which won the Doorpost Film Project's top prize of 2009[citation needed] and the Best Short Film award at the Method Fest Film Festival, where Vujicic was also awarded Best Actor in a short film.[citation needed] Butterfly Circus also won the best short film award at The Feel Good Film Festival in Hollywood in 2010.[citation needed]

回复: 世界上最美最有魅力的男人:NICK VUJICIC生命奇迹,佩服

回复: 世界上最美最有魅力的男人:NICK VUJICIC[ame]http://www.no video.com/watch?v=rZ6YJFfjxrM[/ame]

回复: 世界上最美最有魅力的男人:NICK VUJICIC很坚强,很强大。

Shaw 七年特惠部门经验,诚信为本,信誉至上。电话: 778-798-9898 微信号: 778-798-9898回复: 世界上最美最有魅力的男人:NICK VUJICIC[ame]http://www.no video.com/watch?v=vcFTiwNJaCY[/ame]

回复: 世界上最美最有魅力的男人:NICK VUJICIC支持正能量!姐换头像了,淡淡道是不是姐的马甲?说错了别骂啊。

回复: 世界上最美最有魅力的男人:NICK VUJICIC看过他的演讲,非常励志,充满正能量!他的人生也很幸福,去年结了婚,妻子是个健康美丽的日本女子。今年他们生了孩子,是个男孩,四肢健全。

这世界辽阔,我们会实现每一个梦。回复: 世界上最美最有魅力的男人:NICK VUJICIC又让我拾回了生命有所价值的感觉。谢谢探戈。

回复: 世界上最美最有魅力的男人:NICK VUJICIC丑妇, 你性取向明显有问题。 那位长得也就一般, 至于有没有迷人的腹肌不得而知。 说句实话,撩开他的上衣会看到什么, 我是不知道, 更不想知道。 http://www.no video.com/watch?v=_leyYopIzE4点击展开...那位至多是很tough,optimistic. 喜欢武大郎那类型的女人, 我很怀疑其是不是性无能。 当然了, 本来就丑的, 无能更好, 省的危害下一代, 自生自灭也是最好的结果。 只是难为了她丈夫

回复: 世界上最美最有魅力的男人:NICK VUJICICBe the change you want to see!

Be the change that you wish to see in the world.看过他的演讲,非常励志,充满正能量!他的人生也很幸福,去年结了婚,妻子是个健康美丽的日本女子。今年他们生了孩子,是个男孩,四肢健全。点击展开...哇,开心得我想原地转个圈圈!

Be the change that you wish to see in the world.丑妇, 你性取向明显有问题。 那位长得也就一般, 至于有没有迷人的腹肌不得而知。 说句实话,撩开他的上衣会看到什么, 我是不知道, 更不想知道。 那位至多是很tough,optimistic. 喜欢武大郎那类型的女人, 我很怀疑其是不是性无能。 当然了, 本来就丑的, 无能更好, 省的危害下一代, 自生自灭也是最好的结果。 只是难为了她丈夫点击展开...

回复: 世界上最美最有魅力的男人:NICK VUJICIC又让我拾回了生命有所价值的感觉。谢谢探戈。点击展开...I feel so happy about this.

回复: 世界上最美最有魅力的男人:NICK VUJICIC支持正能量!姐换头像了,淡淡道是不是姐的马甲?说错了别骂啊。点击展开...

回复: 世界上最美最有魅力的男人:NICK VUJICIC确实正能量,而且主人公获得了幸福。

天空没有翅膀的痕迹,而我已飞过~~http://www.no video.com/watch?v=_leyYopIzE4点击展开...真棒!坚决顶贴!献花!

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