加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息BC Hydro在美国庭外和解赔7.5亿,能源厅长说对纳税
Powerex, the electricity trading subsidiary of BC Hydro, has reached a $750 million out of court settlement over claims it drove up electricity prices in California more than a decade ago.Powerex will pay $273 million US in cash and offer California electric utilities a credit worth $477 million US to settle claims against it related to allegations that it helped inflate the California power market during that state's electricity market crisis of 2000 and 2001.Of the more than 40 settlements the state has already received, Powerex is the largest.The settlement, Powerex said, relieves it of a potential $3.2-billion liability from the ongoing actions of the U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission against the 60 electricity trading companies that sold power into the California market during that period.
一叶知秋回复: BC Hydro在美国庭外和解赔7.5亿,能源厅长说对纳税人无影响?B.C.'s Minister of Energy and Mines Bill Bennett said Friday that the decision to settle was not a happy one but that it was the right thing to do in order to avoid a drawn-out court battle with California.The potential $3.2 billion liability would go up $125 million every year in interest, he said, plus another $50 million in legal fees."I know there will be some folks over the next few days who say, well, if (Powerex) didn't do anything wrong they should just fight it out in the U.S. court system," he said. "That is a huge risk to the taxpayers of British Columbia."Bennett said the money is on the books, with the largest share of the $750 million to be paid off using a credit that California owes B.C.Powerex will run a net loss of $101 million this fiscal year as a result of the settlement, but Bennett insisted that will not mean an increase in rates.There will be no impact on the taxpayer, he said.
一叶知秋回复: BC Hydro在美国庭外和解赔7.5亿,能源厅长说对纳税人无影响?败家啊!
香港英国保诚保险公司保险代理人 游强00852--52669216[email protected]回复: BC Hydro在美国庭外和解赔7.5亿,能源厅长说对纳税人无影响?没事,涨电价。
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