回复: 机场罢工,会影响周五的航班吗?RT,谢谢点击展开...請問是哪個機場呀?不會是溫哥華機場吧,一會就要出發去機場了呀
加國獎學金申請加拿大、美國、英國,大學申請網站JUST KEEP GOING It's the dream,afraid of waking,that never takes the chance.回复: 机场罢工,会影响周五的航班吗?温哥华机场
回复: 机场罢工,会影响周五的航班吗?請問是哪個機場呀?不會是溫哥華機場吧,一會就要出發去機場了呀点击展开...
买房好帮手 / 免费精神科医疗诊治 / 食补 / 免费无限电话BC省MSP医疗辅助保健/儿童保健计划/药物补助计划补助金(GIS)/ 老人金 (OAS) / 退休金 (CPP) / 园艺 / 健身 / 相片 / 减脂 / 诗集 / 插花
加國獎學金申請加拿大、美國、英國,大學申請網站JUST KEEP GOING It's the dream,afraid of waking,that never takes the chance.昨晚航班都正常点击展开...谢谢,希望那天也正常
回复: 温哥华机场罢工,会影响周五的航班吗?正赶开学,然后老师再罢工。加拿大还能再农民点儿不?
回复: 温哥华机场罢工,会影响周五的航班吗?今天送人走温哥华机场,正常起飞
回复: 温哥华机场罢工,会影响周五的航班吗?一定要罢工吗?要是真这样了,我周日的航班看来走不了了,不知道加航可不可以退票
回复: 温哥华机场罢工,会影响周五的航班吗?明天女儿中午国航回温哥华,有问题没?去哪里查罢工消息呀?
赏 明天女儿中午国航回温哥华,有问题没?去哪里查罢工消息呀?点击展开...回温哥华应该不需担心的,可能行李啥的会慢一些拿到而已吧我估计,肯定不是说不给降落,这绝对不可能。
Remember, Nothing is More Powerful than Your Imagination ~Imagination is More Important than Knowledge; Imagination will Get You Everywhere~ Albert Einstein ~ 回温哥华应该不需担心的,可能行李啥的会慢一些拿到而已吧我估计,肯定不是说不给降落,这绝对不可能。点击展开...谢谢小超。有点好奇,在机场不关闭停运的情况下,罢工是怎样进行的呢?消极怠工?
赏 谢谢小超。有点好奇,在机场不关闭停运的情况下,罢工是怎样进行的呢?消极怠工?点击展开...提供有限服务。
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. 不要去欺骗别人,因为你能骗到的人,都是相信你的人。正赶开学,然后老师再罢工。加拿大还能再农民点儿不?点击展开...今年的留学生岂不是最惨,先是签证官罢,然后机场。。。然后。。。这以后还有人敢来留学吗?
回复: 温哥华机场罢工,会影响周五的航班吗?提供有限服务。点击展开...是否意味通关,取行李,最后出来的时间会变长乃至翻倍?
回复: 温哥华机场罢工,会影响周五的航班吗?有罢工肯定麻烦
回复: 温哥华机场罢工,会影响周五的航班吗?Strike averted - Tentative Deal Struck between Vancouver Airport Authority and the Public Service of CanadaAugust 29, 2013Vancouver Airport Authority and the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) are pleased to announce they have reached a tentative deal that is fair and equitable for both parties.The PSAC Local 20221 represents employees working at Vancouver International Airport (YVR) that provide emergency services, finance and administrative services.The PSAC will need to present the tentative agreement to their membership and employees will need to vote on the adoption of the agreement as presented. The period of union member review and voting will have no impact on airport operations. Vancouver International Airport will continue to operate as normal. Details of the settlement will become available after the ratification vote.Vancouver Airport Authority appreciates the patience of the travelling public. As a reminder, the Labour Day weekend is among the busiest days of the year and travellers are encouraged to connect with their airlines and visit yvr.ca for the latest information.这意味着不罢工啦,正常啦?
回复: 温哥华机场罢工,会影响周五的航班吗?Strike averted - Tentative Deal Struck between Vancouver Airport Authority and the Public Service of CanadaAugust 29, 2013Vancouver Airport Authority and the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) are pleased to announce they have reached a tentative deal that is fair and equitable for both parties.The PSAC Local 20221 represents employees working at Vancouver International Airport (YVR) that provide emergency services, finance and administrative services.The PSAC will need to present the tentative agreement to their membership and employees will need to vote on the adoption of the agreement as presented. The period of union member review and voting will have no impact on airport operations. Vancouver International Airport will continue to operate as normal. Details of the settlement will become available after the ratification vote.Vancouver Airport Authority appreciates the patience of the travelling public. As a reminder, the Labour Day weekend is among the busiest days of the year and travellers are encouraged to connect with their airlines and visit yvr.ca for the latest information.这意味着不罢工啦,正常啦?点击展开...对头,deal达成了,不罢了。
Remember, Nothing is More Powerful than Your Imagination ~Imagination is More Important than Knowledge; Imagination will Get You Everywhere~ Albert Einstein ~ 谢谢小超。有点好奇,在机场不关闭停运的情况下,罢工是怎样进行的呢?消极怠工?点击展开...客气客气
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