加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息新I PHONE 5S 出来了, 老I PHONE 现在多少钱?求推荐手


手机该换了, 不想追时髦, 捡漏4S 或5 现在得多少钱? 前段时间入手SUMSUNG NOTE 2 一枚,是WIND 的机子, 可惜WIND 在我家信号不行,忍痛 退了. 想换手机,求推荐

回复: 新I PHONE 5S 出来了, 老I PHONE 现在多少钱?求推荐手机4S 最好,价格300元左右。

xuexue4S 最好,价格300元左右。点击展开...哪里有300多的》 今天AMAZON上看了看, 要500 左右呢

回复: 新I PHONE 5S 出来了, 老I PHONE 现在多少钱?求推荐手机300指的是二手吧成色很难说!

三口之家ebates.ca 推荐链接http://www.ebates.ca/referrer?referrerid=dh/du73U4bo=网上购物 shop.ca 推荐链接 http://www.shop.ca?plcktb=ZwJzXWwCbQ2300指的是二手吧成色很难说!点击展开...看看Vansky,8成新大概这个价格

优品会团购广告合作,欢迎大家联系我,778-858-3567回复: 新I PHONE 5S 出来了, 老I PHONE 现在多少钱?求推荐手机I PHONE 4S 8G的450加元, 不含税 http://store.apple.com/ca/buy-iphone/iphone4s

回复: 新I PHONE 5S 出来了, 老I PHONE 现在多少钱?求推荐手机8G 感觉不够用啊。

三口之家ebates.ca 推荐链接http://www.ebates.ca/referrer?referrerid=dh/du73U4bo=网上购物 shop.ca 推荐链接 http://www.shop.ca?plcktb=ZwJzXWwCbQ2回复: 新I PHONE 5S 出来了, 老I PHONE 现在多少钱?求推荐手机iphone 5已經停產了, 存貨賣完後就沒了.4S跑ios 7還是有些吃力.

回复: 新I PHONE 5S 出来了, 老I PHONE 现在多少钱?求推荐手机手机该换了, 不想追时髦, 捡漏4S 或5 现在得多少钱? 前段时间入手SUMSUNG NOTE 2 一枚,是WIND 的机子, 可惜WIND 在我家信号不行,忍痛 退了. 想换手机,求推荐点击展开...怎麼看起來你應該換的是電話公司.5S支持wind, 不過在你家的信號可能還是不行.

回复: 新I PHONE 5S 出来了, 老I PHONE 现在多少钱?求推荐手机怎麼看起來你應該換的是電話公司.5S支持wind, 不過在你家的信號可能還是不行.点击展开...现在用的MOBILICITY ,不想换公司, 就想买无合约机或解锁机

回复: 新I PHONE 5S 出来了, 老I PHONE 现在多少钱?求推荐手机现在用的MOBILICITY ,不想换公司, 就想买无合约机或解锁机点击展开...mobilicity的話就非常受限了, 它和wind使用的是同一頻率, 據說wind已經聲稱支持5C, 5S了. 那麼mobilicity應該也可以. 但在wind和mobilicity的網站上都還沒有此消息.老的iphone都不支持其頻率.The new iPhone 5c and iPhone 5s will not officially be coming to WIND Mobile, but that isn’t stopping the carrier to offer a promo that encourages Canadians to sign up on their network.According to an internal doc we received, WIND will be coming out with the “Bring You Own iPhone to WIND” promo. This will actually start this coming Thursday and last until September 23rd. The details are slim, but the basics are that anyone who brings their new iPhone 5c or iPhone 5s to WIND will see a $500 service credit applied to their account. Of course, there’s a bunch terms and conditions.The doc notes that you’ll have to bring your unlocked AWS (1700/2100) compatible iPhone, plus purchase a WIND nanoSIM ($25), then sign up on their $40/monthly plan (if you leave the plan at anytime the credit vanish). The $500 in credits can be used for premium data, voicemail+, international roaming and long distance calling. In addition, this promo seems to be ‘ONLY available for new activations.’Here’s some info from the docs – look for this promo to go live on Thursday:“On Friday September 20th, 2013, Apple is set to release two new highly anticipated smartphones – the iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c. To welcome these new products to the market, WIND is offering up to $500 in service credits for customers that bring their new iPhone 5s/iPhone 5c to WIND and join on our WIND 40 plan by Monday September 23rd, 2013.”“To ensure continued receipt of the Bring Your Own iPhone (BYO iPhone) service credits the customer must remain on the WIND 40 plan and continue to use a Nano-SIM Card for the duration of the 20 months”

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