空中飞人不想续办枫叶卡了,不续枫叶卡了从哪儿找到关于放弃移民身份的表格? 据说团聚移民比较容易,可是还是这几年想先不办团聚移民,因为办了还是住不够,还不如就办探亲签证。 探亲签证是要在放弃移民身份以后? 还是先不管移民身份放弃的事情,在办理探亲签证时,移民官需要你放弃再补办放弃手续? 不知道有没有朋友亲身经历?
24小时新浪微博上找俺、悄俺、互粉http://weibo.com/u/2756378825?wvr=3.6&lf=reg 赏
回复: 关于“放弃移民身份”和“办理探亲签证”的问题同问,同关注!枫叶卡到期了不RENEW是否就等同放弃身份?还要填表吗?还有请问如何报停B. C CARE CARD?谢谢!点击展开... 要声明的。
24小时新浪微博上找俺、悄俺、互粉http://weibo.com/u/2756378825?wvr=3.6&lf=reg回复: 关于“放弃移民身份”和“办理探亲签证”的问题哦,这样呵,多谢LZ! 等更详细的解释。。
回复: 关于“放弃移民身份”和“办理探亲签证”的问题我们家刚办,申请探亲签证时问是否放弃移民身份,不进行申诉?申明放弃后,探亲签证很快就办下来,签证处说不影响以后的移民申请。不过不知以后到底会怎样
回复: 关于“放弃移民身份”和“办理探亲签证”的问题当年,因为还差2个月枫叶卡的第一个5年就满了,怕不让入关,于是申请探亲签证,被拒。之后,枫叶卡到期,申请放弃身份及办理团聚。所以,个人感觉不申请放弃,探亲申请很难批准,起码在申请探亲的同时申请放弃身份吧(除非你申请表上不填写曾经有过枫叶卡的信息,但不知是否妥当)~~
回复: 关于“放弃移民身份”和“办理探亲签证”的问题我们家刚办,申请探亲签证时问是否放弃移民身份,不进行申诉?申明放弃后,探亲签证很快就办下来,签证处说不影响以后的移民申请。不过不知以后到底会怎样点击展开...一个朋友也说是这样的。谢谢
24小时新浪微博上找俺、悄俺、互粉http://weibo.com/u/2756378825?wvr=3.6&lf=reg当年,因为还差2个月枫叶卡的第一个5年就满了,怕不让入关,于是申请探亲签证,被拒。之后,枫叶卡到期,申请放弃身份及办理团聚。 所以,个人感觉不申请放弃,探亲申请很难批准,起码在申请探亲的同时申请放弃身份吧(除非你申请表上不填写曾经有过枫叶卡的信息,但不知是否妥当)~~点击展开...加分分了!
24小时新浪微博上找俺、悄俺、互粉http://weibo.com/u/2756378825?wvr=3.6&lf=reg回复: 关于“放弃移民身份”和“办理探亲签证”的问题还是不明白呀,请问楼上,到哪里可以拿到“放弃移民身份”的表格呢?是否填完这个表格就意味着工卡,医疗卡一同失效了?还有何时申请放弃合适呢?若十月枫叶卡到期,现在申请可以吗?多谢!
回复: 关于“放弃移民身份”和“办理探亲签证”的问题看来放弃身份的人不少。
加西万里行旅途杂记 比较几个省的亲属团聚类省提名温哥华家庭旅馆通讯录 温哥华的成人高中 莲藕家的新房子--自建房过程全记录(进行中)藕也织围脖:http://t.sina.com.cn/1852492914回复: 关于“放弃移民身份”和“办理探亲签证”的问题加拿大北京大使馆的网站上有一个境外的加拿大永久居民申请的旅行签证,枫叶卡过期的人是否可以申请这个回到加拿大,申请这个需要申明放弃永久居民身份吗?
回复: 关于“放弃移民身份”和“办理探亲签证”的问题加拿大北京大使馆的网站上有一个境外的加拿大永久居民申请的旅行签证,枫叶卡过期的人是否可以申请这个回到加拿大,申请这个需要申明放弃永久居民身份吗?点击展开... 移民局对旅行文件规定如下: Applying for a travel document (permanent resident abroad) (IMM 5529)OverviewThis application is for permanent residents who are outside Canada and who do not have a valid permanent resident card to return to Canada. Travel documents are issued to permanent residents abroad to provide proof to a transportation company that the holder is entitled to re-enter Canada as a permanent resident.Note to holders of a:Record of Landing (IMM 1000)Confirmation of Permanent Residence (IMM 5292)Returning Resident PermitThese documents are not valid for travel back to Canada. You require a permanent resident card or a travel document to re-enter Canada by train, plane, boat or bus.Who should not apply for a travel document?Canadian citizens or registered Indians under the Indian ActPermanent residents with a valid permanent resident cardPermanent residents in CanadaNote: Permanent residents inside Canada should apply for a permanent resident card using the application kit Applying for a Permanent Resident Card (IMM 5445).Application requirementsTo obtain a travel document you will need to prove your identity and your permanent resident status. You also need to meet the residency obligation of a permanent resident. Refer to the Document Checklist for more information on the documents you will need to submit with your application. Residency obligationCalculating days present in CanadaTo meet the residency obligation, you must have been physically present in Canada for a minimum of 730 days within the past five years. If this is not the case, you may also count the days you spent outside of Canada in the following circumstances:A. Accompanying a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident outside CanadaAccompanying a Canadian citizenEach day that you are accompanying a Canadian citizen outside Canada is considered a day for which you satisfy the residency obligation provided that the person you are accompanying is your spouse, common-law partner or parent (if you are a child under 22 years of age).The total number of days that you spend accompanying a Canadian citizen may be added to the total number of days for which you otherwise satisfy the residency obligation.Accompanying a permanent residentEach day that you are accompanying a permanent resident outside Canada is considered a day for which you satisfy the residency obligations provided that:the person you are accompanying is your spouse, common-law partner or parent (if you are a child under 22 years of age); andthe person you are accompanying is in compliance with their own residency obligation.The total number of days that you spend accompanying a permanent resident may be added to the total number of days for which you otherwise satisfy the residency obligations.Evidence that you are accompanying a Canadian citizen or permanent residentYou must provide supporting documents to prove that:the person you are accompanying is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident;you are the spouse, common-law partner or child of that person; andif applicable, the permanent resident you are accompanying meets his or her own residency obligation.Refer to the Document Checklisthttp://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/5529E5.asp for a list of suggested supporting documents.B. Employment outside CanadaAcceptable employmentEach day that you are working outside Canada is considered a day for which you satisfy the residency obligation provided that your employment meets the following criteria. You are an employee of, or under contract to, a Canadian business or the public service of Canada or of a province, and are assigned on a full-time basis to:a position outside Canada;an affiliated enterprise outside Canada; ora client of the Canadian business or the public service outside Canada.Canadian businessFor the purposes of this application, a Canadian business is defined as:a corporation that is incorporated under the laws of Canada or of a province and that has an ongoing operation in Canada; oran enterprise that has an ongoing operation in Canada and is capable of generating revenue and is carried out in anticipation of profit, and in which a majority of voting or ownership interests is held by Canadian citizens, permanent residents, or Canadian businesses as defined above; oran organization or enterprise created by the laws of Canada or a province.Evidence of acceptable employmentYou must provide supporting documents indicating that your employment outside of Canada meets the requirements of the residency obligation. Refer to the Document Checklisthttp://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/5529E5.asp for a list of supporting documents.C. Humanitarian and compassionate groundsIf you or a family member is unable to meet the residency obligation, it may still be possible to retain your status as a permanent resident of Canada. You will need to present evidence that, due to circumstances beyond your control or due to factors that have kept you living outside Canada, you wish to have humanitarian and compassionate grounds considered in the assessment of your application for a travel document.Factors that might justify such a consideration would be those resulting hardships you would face if you lost your permanent resident status, and that would be unusual and undeserved, or disproportionate. You must provide proof:that there are compelling humanitarian and compassionate factors in your individual circumstances that merit the retention of your permanent resident status;describing why you were not able to comply with the residency obligation; andthat the extent of any hardship that the loss of residency status may cause to one or more family members who would be directly affected by this decision, taking into account the best interests of a child directly affected by the determination.To have your application considered on humanitarian and compassionate grounds, you must complete question 18 of the application form. There are no guidelines on what supporting documents you should submit for consideration on humanitarian and compassionate grounds. You are free to make submissions on any aspect of your personal circumstances that you feel would warrant retention of your permanent residence.An officer will weigh the factors of your unique case against the extent to which you did not comply with your residency obligation and make a decision based on the evidence in your file. 显然你没有加拿大配偶陪伴、加拿大公司派遣和人道主义理由(这个很难),你在国外并且枫叶卡失效是不能领旅行签证的。 给你发旅行签证也是叫你回来续办、上诉或领卡的。你首先身份还在,只是失效了。
24小时新浪微博上找俺、悄俺、互粉http://weibo.com/u/2756378825?wvr=3.6&lf=reg回复: 关于“放弃移民身份”和“办理探亲签证”的问题放弃身份的声明是填写表格IMM5538B,可是这个表格在哪里?移民网上怎么找不到?请指教!!!
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