加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息我这个月要去温哥华了, 请问有么有合租房子的


想去温哥华, 有没有出租房子的? 便宜点的多少钱一个月? 先了解一下。在温哥华待一段时间体验一下再说。

Aggressive behavior and Vulgar language will not be tolerated here. Should this type of behavior occur, I will not hesitate to take appropriate action and thank you!The more I learn about people, the more I like my dog ---Mark TWAINWe have to remember that what we observe is not nature herself, but nature exposed to our method of questioning---Werner Heisenberg回复: 我这个月要去温哥华了, 请问有么有合租房子的?

Aggressive behavior and Vulgar language will not be tolerated here. Should this type of behavior occur, I will not hesitate to take appropriate action and thank you!The more I learn about people, the more I like my dog ---Mark TWAINWe have to remember that what we observe is not nature herself, but nature exposed to our method of questioning---Werner Heisenberg回复: 我这个月要去温哥华了, 请问有么有合租房子的?你可以去Vansky发帖,去问问,或者看看别人的广告。如果有需要安装网络服务,记得找我亚。Shaw Cable最好了,没有合约。:)

回复: 我这个月要去温哥华了, 请问有么有合租房子的?你可以去Vansky发帖,去问问,或者看看别人的广告。 如果有需要安装网络服务,记得找我亚。Shaw Cable最好了,没有合约。:)点击展开...Vansky 是什么东西?

Aggressive behavior and Vulgar language will not be tolerated here. Should this type of behavior occur, I will not hesitate to take appropriate action and thank you!The more I learn about people, the more I like my dog ---Mark TWAINWe have to remember that what we observe is not nature herself, but nature exposed to our method of questioning---Werner Heisenberg回复: 我这个月要去温哥华了, 请问有么有合租房子的?在温哥华千万别呆那些便宜的土库和破房 宁愿稍微多花点钱住好点的 温哥华是享受生活的地方 不是来打LABOR受难的地方

回复: 我这个月要去温哥华了, 请问有么有合租房子的?Vansky 是什么东西?点击展开...http://www.vansky.com/gg/newsgroup.php这就是vansky的信息版,这个版块上有很多大温地区合租房的信息。不过如果你在国内很有可能打不开。习上台后好像网络屏蔽更强大了,颇有一网打尽的意思。

不图名列前茅,但求盖世无双!http://www.vansky.com/gg/newsgroup.php这就是vansky的信息版,这个版块上有很多大温地区合租房的信息。不过如果你在国内很有可能打不开。习上台后好像网络屏蔽更强大了,颇有一网打尽的意思。点击展开...是打不开。 问你一件事情, 突然发现护照里的移民纸不见了, 该怎么办?

Aggressive behavior and Vulgar language will not be tolerated here. Should this type of behavior occur, I will not hesitate to take appropriate action and thank you!The more I learn about people, the more I like my dog ---Mark TWAINWe have to remember that what we observe is not nature herself, but nature exposed to our method of questioning---Werner Heisenberg回复: 我这个月要去温哥华了, 请问有么有合租房子的?我同学家三年新的house,单独出入的两室一厅,厅在中间,卧室在两边。现在有一位男士居住,您如果是男士,可入住另一间。包水电煤气网络,每月450刀。

我同学家三年新的house,单独出入的两室一厅,厅在中间,卧室在两边。现在有一位男士居住,您如果是男士,可入住另一间。包水电煤气网络,每月450刀。点击展开...里面基本的,比如说床什么有吗? 我可是只拿两件衣服过去的那种。

Aggressive behavior and Vulgar language will not be tolerated here. Should this type of behavior occur, I will not hesitate to take appropriate action and thank you!The more I learn about people, the more I like my dog ---Mark TWAINWe have to remember that what we observe is not nature herself, but nature exposed to our method of questioning---Werner Heisenberg是打不开。 问你一件事情, 突然发现护照里的移民纸不见了, 该怎么办?点击展开...移民纸丢了可以补办Applying for a Certified True Copy, Correction, or Replacement of an Immigration Document链接:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/certcopy.asp不过估计你还是打不开。这次回国,但凡是英文网站很少有能打开的。就连我想进我的网上银行,以往是轻而易举的,现在也是很难上了。唉

不图名列前茅,但求盖世无双!移民纸丢了可以补办Applying for a Certified True Copy, Correction, or Replacement of an Immigration Document链接:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/certcopy.asp不过估计你还是打不开。这次回国,但凡是英文网站很少有能打开的。就连我想进我的网上银行,以往是轻而易举的,现在也是很难上了。唉点击展开...哎, 难啦

Aggressive behavior and Vulgar language will not be tolerated here. Should this type of behavior occur, I will not hesitate to take appropriate action and thank you!The more I learn about people, the more I like my dog ---Mark TWAINWe have to remember that what we observe is not nature herself, but nature exposed to our method of questioning---Werner Heisenberg里面基本的,比如说床什么有吗? 我可是只拿两件衣服过去的那种。点击展开...床桌椅子洗漱用品,做饭炊具都有,您淄要带着钱来就行,呵呵

回复: 我这个月要去温哥华了, 请问有么有合租房子的?豆荚加速器,注册后每月800M,翻墙利器。GOagent也可以,设置麻烦点。

^_^!在温哥华千万别呆那些便宜的土库和破房 宁愿稍微多花点钱住好点的 温哥华是享受生活的地方 不是来打LABOR受难的地方点击展开...呵呵, 人家想体验体验呢?

Aggressive behavior and Vulgar language will not be tolerated here. Should this type of behavior occur, I will not hesitate to take appropriate action and thank you!The more I learn about people, the more I like my dog ---Mark TWAINWe have to remember that what we observe is not nature herself, but nature exposed to our method of questioning---Werner Heisenberg豆荚加速器,注册后每月800M,翻墙利器。GOagent也可以,设置麻烦点。点击展开...怎么翻墙?

Aggressive behavior and Vulgar language will not be tolerated here. Should this type of behavior occur, I will not hesitate to take appropriate action and thank you!The more I learn about people, the more I like my dog ---Mark TWAINWe have to remember that what we observe is not nature herself, but nature exposed to our method of questioning---Werner Heisenberg回复: 我这个月要去温哥华了, 请问有么有合租房子的?问问英语在用,if u handsome

[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]问问英语在用,if u handsome点击展开...she is beautiful.

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