加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息听力与言语保健知识&“美好未来慈善步行”活


大家好,五月是北美的“听力与言语保健” 月,我做义工的机构每年五月的一个周日都会举办“美好未来慈善步行”活动。在我们机构的义工里面,有一个华裔女孩,叫Rosalind, 我把她的故事还有这次活动的信息贴上来, 希望能引起更多家园朋友们对听力保健的关注。同时,也希望能有更多的华人朋友加入到今年的“美好未来慈善步行”活动中来。谢谢!upload_2014-4-30_21-17-51.pngRosalind Ho是一名UBC英国文学专业的毕业生。2006年,她以优异的成绩考入UBC这所在BC省知名的高等学府。在UBC读书期间,她广泛地参加各种校内活动,是UBC Perspective英-中报纸的编辑;曾获得过Go Global International Learning项目的奖励;还在激烈的竞争中脱颖而出,获录取就读斯坦福大学商学研究院举办的夏季课程。Rosalind看上去跟其他大学生并没有太大的不同。但是,她却有严重听障。出生8个月即被检查出双耳重度听损,她就开始佩戴助听器。4岁时,她接受了人工耳蜗的植入,是最早借助人工耳蜗重获听力的BC省的听障儿童之一。Rosalind和她的家庭曾接受过BC家庭听力资源中心 (BC Family Hearing Resource Society)的听力言语康复服务(10个月-6岁),现在作为该机构一名义工,她仍旧积极参与听障儿童服务工作。在BC 省,每1000个新生儿当中就有2~3个患有不同程度的听力问题。 “美好未来慈善步行”(Bright Futures Walkathon)活动已经成功开展了12年。该项活动,就是为听障儿童及其家庭提供更好的听力言语康复服务项目而筹集善款。汇集个人的绵薄之力,为听障儿童们带来美好的未来,是这个活动的目的。关于BC家庭听力资源中心 (BC Family Hearing Resource Society)的更多信息,请访问:http://www.bcfamilyhearing.com/关于“美好未来慈善步行”活动,请访问:http://www.gifttool.com/athon/AthonDetails?ID=1761&AID=2637

关于Rosalind的比较详细的介绍的英文版本,我贴在这里。​Rosalind Ho is a University of British Columbia(UBC)graduate with a major in English Literature.She graduated from high school with 10 scholarships and was offered early admission into several universities.While at university, she received the Go Global International Learning ProgramsAward, was the Co-English Editor of the English-Chinese studentnewspaper UBC Perspectives and also was a member of the UBC Equity Ambassadors.She even had the opportunity to work as an intern at Mayor Brown JSM, an international law firm in Hong Kong and attend the Summer Institute for General Management at Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business, a professional development program for university graduates.Rosalind Ho is also profoundly deaf.Diagnosed with deafness in both ears at just 8 months old, Rosalind wore hearing aids for the first few years of her life.At the age of four, she was one of the first children in BC to receive a cochlear implant.upload_2014-4-30_21-27-27.png​Rosalind attributes much of her academic success, in part, to the guidance she and her family received from BC Family Hearing Resource Society(BCFHRS)very early in her life.BCFHRS is the largest non-profit in the province that provides services to deaf and hard of hearing children from birth to age five.Rosalind’s parents, who are both hearing, were shocked and overwhelmed by their daughter’s diagnosis.At just a few weeks old, they were concerned about her lack of response to sound.But it was not until a few months later when they got an appointment for testing at a local hospital that her hearing loss was confirmed. With this diagnosis,they knew theywould need guidance and support for the entire family.The Ho family chose to receive services at BCFHRS because of the organization’s family-centered approach and the variety of communication options that are offered.At the BC Family HearingResource Centre, located in Surrey, the Ho family learned all about communicating as a family.They benefited from weekly signlanguage classes and communicated with Rosalind with sign-supported speech.Not only did the family learn how to communicatewith Rosalind, the family was empowered.They learned to focus on what Rosalind could accomplish, not what she couldn’t accomplish.At the Centre, Rosalind learned the basics of self-advocacy, a skill that hashelped her throughout her academic life.The care, support and education that Rosalind and her family received at BCFHRS laid the basis for a very successful lifetime of learningToday, Rosalind chooses to actively support the organization where all her learning began.She isa volunteer member of the BCFHRSBoard of Directors.She is also a strong supporter of the annual Bright Futures Walkathon.Two to three out of every 1,000 children born in British Columbia are born with hearing loss.The Bright Futures Walkathon raises funds for specialized programs for deaf and hard of hearing children.This year the event will be held on Sunday, May 25 at Campbell Valley Regional Park in Langley.This is a family event that includes a 1.5 kilometer walk and a three km walk/run to raise money for programs and servicesat BCFHRS.To learn more, register for the walkathon or to sponsor a participant, go to http://www.bcfamilyhearing.com.


丁丁爸 说:先mark一下点击展开...Thanks!

美好未来慈善步行”(Bright Futures Walkathon)Info: Date & Time May 25, 2014 09:00 AM to May 25, 2014 01:00 PM (Sunday) LocationCampbell Valley ParkAssemble at Old Orchard Picnic site8th Avenue & 200th StreetLangley, BCCanada Registration Options PriceCADIndividual - Registration Fee $20.00Individual - Fee is waived for those collecting pledges over $50 $0.00Family - Registration Fee $30.00Family - Fee is waived for those collecting pledges over $50 $0.00I will collect donations but will NOT participate in the Walk $0.00Registration ClosesMay 25, 2014 12:00 AM

中国的3月3日“爱耳日”大家知道吗,我们国家也有爱耳日,是每年的3月3日,选定这一天,是因为3看起来就好像我们的耳朵一样。ZT1998年3月,在政协第九届全国委员会第一次会议上,社会福利组15名委员针对我国耳聋发病率高、数量多、危害大,预防薄弱这一现实,提出了《关 于建议确立爱耳日宣传活动》的第2330号提案。这一提案引起了有关部门的高度重视,经中国残疾人联合会、卫生部等10个部门共同商定,确定每年3月3日 为全国爱耳日。    曾有专家论证,如果“爱耳日”活动能够实施,每年仅7岁以下儿童药物中毒性耳聋至少可以减少1~2万名。  自2000年确立全国“爱耳日”,耳聋预防的公众宣传、全民的爱耳意识都有所提高。  从国务院组织的第一次全国残疾人抽样调查中可以看到,0~14岁听力言语残疾儿童致残的原因和所占的比例是:原因不详的占27.79%,中耳炎 占17.47%,高烧疾病12.97%,药物中毒11.92%;家庭遗传9.08%,发育畸形6.95%,妊娠期疾病2.8%;地方病、产钳外伤、嗓音等 均不到1%。前四项占70%以上。近30%的家长说不清孩子致听力残疾的原因,也就是说家长对于孕期或婴儿期致聋原因不了解,对于可能使胎儿或婴儿致聋的 因素不能排除。  这需要社会多宣传爱耳防残的科学常识,家长应多学习这些知识并采取保护胎儿和婴儿顺利成长的措施,使儿童不受致残因素的影响。近40%的原因中 有的是可以避免的,如,可以不用耳毒性抗生素要来避免药物中毒;有的是可以正确治疗而无后遗症的,如中耳炎等。如估算我国一年新增3~4万聋儿,那么有 2~3万名是在前4项致聋原因之内。排除了这4项原因就可少产生约70%的聋儿。  在调查中还看到0~4岁的听力残疾儿童中城市占5.64%,城镇占11.16%,乡村占83.2%。这说明大多数(80%以上)听力残疾的婴幼 儿和少年在广大农村,也就是宣传防聋科普知识和爱耳工作的重点和难点所在。  据世界卫生组织估算,全世界有轻度听力损失者近6亿,中度以上的听力损失者2.5亿。

Check your hearing online!Identifying and addressing hearing loss allows you to improve your quality of life—because dealing with it enables you to stay involved in the things you love and to stay connected with the people you love.So go ahead. Join millions of others in taking that first step. In the privacy and comfort of your own home—at a time that is right for you—take the confidential, online BHI Hearing Check at no charge. Just click here at any time to start. We’ll walk you through it.http://www.betterhearing.org/check-your-hearing

a cartoon regarding how to protect our ears and hearing.http://www.no video.com/watch?v=fOMBzdzh6tQ

hearing-damage-chart.png 91ec1bac454fb07f35b04fdba4a44ee2.jpg Noise_infographic_no_logo.jpg Decibel Danger – Know what hurts. Normal talking is only 60 dB.


人生不过是行走的影子 2014-05-14#11 R 599 $0.00 Mark一下

octor 说:这个女孩知道是谁,住在西温吧见过这张照片,奇怪的是2006年,好像只是小学生或中学生,怎么可能已经上大学了?点击展开...I guess because time flies. Actually she finished high school in 2006, and graduated from UBC already. I don't know where she lives. I met her at BC Family Hearing Resource Centre in March. She is quite short and has a baby face, like high school student.

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raulmm 说:Mark一下点击展开...Thanks!

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听力损失的影响功能影响听力损失最影响与他人沟通的能力。耳聋儿童会出现语言功能发育迟缓。听力损失和中耳炎等耳病可能对儿童的学业表现产生重大不利影响。但是,如果给听力损失者提供沟通机会,他们就能够平等参与。相关沟通可以通过说话、写字或手语进行。社会和情绪影响难以获得服务和与人沟通会对日常生活造成重大影响,导致孤独、孤立和沮丧感,特别是对听力损失的老年人而言。如果先天性耳聋患者在儿童期没有获得学习手语的机会,他们可能会感觉自己在社会交往中被排斥。经济影响在发展中国家,听力损失和耳聋儿童很少接受学校教育。听力损失成年人的失业率也更高。即使找到工作,和一般劳动者相比,听力损失者在 职场中处于较低级别的比例也更高。应改进听力损失者获得教育和职业康复服务的机会并提高公众特别是雇主的认识,这将有助于降低听力损失成人的失业率。除给个人带来经济影响外,听力损失还会对社区和国家的社会和经济发展产生重大影响。

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