加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息Transgender policy up for vote at Vancouver School Board ton


Vancouver School Board trustees meet tonight to vote on a controversial policy that would provide supports for transgender students.The policy update would allow students to be addressed by the name that corresponds with their own gender identity. It would also allow transgender students to use the washroom of their choice. Vancouver School Board chair Patti Bacchus says it’s a necessary step forward."We need to do this," says Bacchus. "There's research that suggests when LGBT kids are supported at school, it actually lowers high-risk behaviours for all students."Bacchus says the changes would also help combat the bias and discrimination faced by transgender students. Opponents of the policy say it is not in line with traditional values, and some even worry it might affect the value of their real estate.Last week, the Non-Partisan Association expelled two long-serving school trustees, Ken Denike and Sophia Woo, from its caucus after the pair held a news conference calling for a delay to planned revisions to the school board's transgender policy.At the news conference Denike and Woo told reporters that real estate agents are concerned about the policy's potential negative impact on the enrolment of international students, and this could lower the values of properties in the city's West Side.Bacchus says the two are not focused on the needs of students."My colleagues Ken Denike and Sophia Woo are apparently worried about property values," says Bacchus. Trustees are scheduled to vote on the proposed guidelines Monday night. Bacchus promises a lively debate starting at 7 p.m. PT.

  ·生活百科 安装批准的问题
·生活百科 消费 /生产计



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