加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息Ask & Answer!


Ask:“为什么被中国官员和有钱有势的人包养的女人不能叫卖淫?”Answer:“富贵不能淫。” Ask:“为什么有钱有权的都移民了?” Answer:“贫贱不能移!” Ask:“为什么有权有势的都永远不会认错?” Answer:“威武不能屈。。。。”

Aggressive behavior and Vulgar language will not be tolerated here. Should this type of behavior occur, I will not hesitate to take appropriate action and thank you!The more I learn about people, the more I like my dog ---Mark TWAINWe have to remember that what we observe is not nature herself, but nature exposed to our method of questioning---Werner Heisenberg 2014-08-15#2 花無语 902 $0.00 中加最近很活跃呀,莫非有指标?

实在忍不住了,是 QUESTION & ANSWER !

[FONT=Arimo, sans-serif]机会像雪片一样向我扑来,都被我一一闪过。。。。。。[/FONT]中加最近很活跃呀,莫非有指标?点击展开...彼此彼此, 你也不很活跃吗、?

Aggressive behavior and Vulgar language will not be tolerated here. Should this type of behavior occur, I will not hesitate to take appropriate action and thank you!The more I learn about people, the more I like my dog ---Mark TWAINWe have to remember that what we observe is not nature herself, but nature exposed to our method of questioning---Werner Heisenberg 2014-08-15#5 科学养猪 17,904 $0.00 加拿大入关的时候应该要求新移民大声朗读A-Z的。

[FONT=Arimo, sans-serif]机会像雪片一样向我扑来,都被我一一闪过。。。。。。[/FONT]实在忍不住了,是 QUESTION & ANSWER !点击展开...哈哈, 忍不住就说说, 别憋出问题来。

Aggressive behavior and Vulgar language will not be tolerated here. Should this type of behavior occur, I will not hesitate to take appropriate action and thank you!The more I learn about people, the more I like my dog ---Mark TWAINWe have to remember that what we observe is not nature herself, but nature exposed to our method of questioning---Werner Heisenberg赞反馈:花無语 2014-08-15#7 科学养猪 17,904 $0.00 要么带着一肚子墨水过来,要么带着一袋子金子过来,一幅破绽百出丧权辱国的样子,移个什么民嘛?!

[FONT=Arimo, sans-serif]机会像雪片一样向我扑来,都被我一一闪过。。。。。。[/FONT]要么带着一肚子墨水过来,要么带着一袋子金子过来,一幅破绽百出丧权辱国的样子,移个什么民嘛?!点击展开...您老说的这两方面, 您连我的热土(引用儿歌口头禅:一般百米运动员穿跑鞋赛跑, 前面的跑鞋扣起来的飞尘落下时,后面的慢的童鞋才经过, 意思是不在一个层面)都吃不上。银子? 您有我的百分之一就不错了, 知识?除了比脑残之外, 别的你滚一边去!少混过来跟我比, 怕折了我的面子!

Aggressive behavior and Vulgar language will not be tolerated here. Should this type of behavior occur, I will not hesitate to take appropriate action and thank you!The more I learn about people, the more I like my dog ---Mark TWAINWe have to remember that what we observe is not nature herself, but nature exposed to our method of questioning---Werner Heisenberg要么带着一肚子墨水过来,要么带着一袋子金子过来,一幅破绽百出丧权辱国的样子,移个什么民嘛?!点击展开...呵呵, 您在这儿要说您是亚洲人, 因为有棒子和矮子,我就认了; 不说您什么的!如果您说您是我们中国人, 我真想对您不客气, 您能滚多远就滚多远! 少丢俺大中国之儿女之名!

Aggressive behavior and Vulgar language will not be tolerated here. Should this type of behavior occur, I will not hesitate to take appropriate action and thank you!The more I learn about people, the more I like my dog ---Mark TWAINWe have to remember that what we observe is not nature herself, but nature exposed to our method of questioning---Werner Heisenberg您老说的这两方面, 您连我的热土(引用儿歌口头禅:一般百米运动员穿跑鞋赛跑, 前面的跑鞋扣起来的飞尘落下时,后面的慢的童鞋才经过, 意思是不在一个层面)都吃不上。银子? 您有我的百分之一就不错了, 知识?除了比脑残之外, 别的你滚一边去!少混过来跟我比, 怕折了我的面子!点击展开...别害羞,不懂就要学,你钱堆到天上也没用,是 QUESTION & ANSWER

[FONT=Arimo, sans-serif]机会像雪片一样向我扑来,都被我一一闪过。。。。。。[/FONT]呵呵, 您在这儿要说您是亚洲人, 因为有棒子和矮子,我就认了; 不说您什么的!如果您说您是我们中国人, 我真想对您不客气, 您能滚多远就滚多远! 少丢俺大中国之儿女之名!点击展开...一不小心把自己是不学无术的煤贩子的身份露出来了,不过现在煤老板们也在学习,基本上不会闹这样的笑话。是 QUESTION & ANSWER

[FONT=Arimo, sans-serif]机会像雪片一样向我扑来,都被我一一闪过。。。。。。[/FONT] 2014-08-15#12 沿途美景 1,122 $0.00 真不厚道

沿途美景 说:真不厚道点击展开...不知道前因后果就说他人不厚道的,的确不太厚道。

[FONT=Arimo, sans-serif]机会像雪片一样向我扑来,都被我一一闪过。。。。。。[/FONT]真不厚道点击展开...养猪的最近很郁闷,包括某些大师们,没法儿厚道。。。理解理解就好了,一般不是必要,我都不反击的。。。,兔子急了还要咬人呢。。。


piccolo 说:很老的段子了。整点新鲜的吧,比如给大家实时更新下你跟伊朗妹的进展?点击展开...墙裂支持。。。中加哥,知道为啥问你是不是有指标了吧?

花無语 说:墙裂支持。。。中加哥,知道为啥问你是不是有指标了吧?点击展开...呵呵, 引用了微信上的段子,想娱乐娱乐, 结果被那养猪的强加到我写出来的(什么ask与question之类的,我也没笑人家微信写得不正确, 原因是我能理解, 这位猪哥可倒好, 说成我写错了之类的。), 貌似我不认识几个英文单词? 真是可怜至极了。

Aggressive behavior and Vulgar language will not be tolerated here. Should this type of behavior occur, I will not hesitate to take appropriate action and thank you!The more I learn about people, the more I like my dog ---Mark TWAINWe have to remember that what we observe is not nature herself, but nature exposed to our method of questioning---Werner Heisenberg很老的段子了。整点新鲜的吧,比如给大家实时更新下你跟伊朗妹的进展?点击展开...再更新也不会暴露自己。 也不会写心得。 呵呵

Aggressive behavior and Vulgar language will not be tolerated here. Should this type of behavior occur, I will not hesitate to take appropriate action and thank you!The more I learn about people, the more I like my dog ---Mark TWAINWe have to remember that what we observe is not nature herself, but nature exposed to our method of questioning---Werner Heisenberg养猪的最近很郁闷,包括某些大师们,没法儿厚道。。。理解理解就好了,一般不是必要,我都不反击的。。。,兔子急了还要咬人呢。。。点击展开...他已经被围攻出惯性来了。下意识别人说什么在他哪儿不是什么好事情; 所以啊。。。

Aggressive behavior and Vulgar language will not be tolerated here. Should this type of behavior occur, I will not hesitate to take appropriate action and thank you!The more I learn about people, the more I like my dog ---Mark TWAINWe have to remember that what we observe is not nature herself, but nature exposed to our method of questioning---Werner Heisenberg别害羞,不懂就要学,你钱堆到天上也没用,是 QUESTION & ANSWER点击展开...呵呵, 呵呵呵呵呵呵。。。。。

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