按照BC省新政策,Graduate Adult免费读英文。到温哥华South Hill Education Center考试后(免费),发配就读English 11.2012年9月4日-11月2日,English 11,报名费20刀,课本押金100刀(课程学期结束退回80刀);2012年11月13日-2013年1月25日(含圣诞break 2weeks),English 12,报名费20刀,课本押金100刀(课程学期结束退回80刀).就读内容三大块:1. Literary terms: 通过short stories, 分析解读作品。E11和E12内容差不多,只是E12分析的更深入.2. writing: Paragraph writing, essay writing.E11的essay writing只含expository essay, E12增加了narrative essay. 写作要求上,E11语法正确即可,E12要求文字尽量不重复,句型结构多样化。3. Poetry: 诗歌的分类和sound devices. E11和E12区别不大。
回复: 短暂高中生涯。。。以E12为例, 6篇Short Stories: “The Shining Houses”, “The Rocking Horse Winner”, “Tuesday Siesta”, “The jade peony”, “The most dangerous games”, “Souvenir”. 8首诗: “The Bear on the Delhi Road”, “Fern Hill”, “Annabel Lee”, “Snake”, “The Tyger”, “Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night”, “Death Be Not Proud” “Sonnet 116: Let Me Not to the Marriage of True Minds”, “She Walks in Beauty”, “The Passionate Shepherd to His Love”. 1篇小说Novel(从老师提供的LIST上选,每个学生不同) Writing: 4 expository paragraph 课堂1个小时完成,计入成绩(不含Middle term的考试中expository paragraph)。1 expository essay, 课下完成。1 expository essay, final exam 课堂两个小时完成。1 narrative essay,课堂两个小时完成.1 book report, 课下完成。课堂上完成的paragraph和essay, 不允许使用字典。课下的,一般都需附上works cited list.
回复: 短暂高中生涯。。。哦,校友来的,顶一个.我是2012年6月结束 ENGLISH 12 也读了ENGLISH 11。好像从1月到6月就 11,12 结束了,短暂。
[/SIGPIC]2011.5.29登陆温哥华,2011.6.16成了加拿大地主。10.9狗狗女儿来加,一家团聚!回复: 短暂高中生涯。。。各市教育局都有这个项目吧?好像押金全退的,也没听说报名费呀。
回复: 短暂高中生涯。。。毕业啦!恭喜啦!
回复: 短暂高中生涯。。。Reading List for E11/E12, 7页.
回复: 短暂高中生涯。。。顶大姐孜孜不倦热爱学习帖
回复: 短暂高中生涯。。。Reading List for E11/E12,two pages more...可以选喜欢的类型或作者,图书馆里都有。
回复: 短暂高中生涯。。。E12完成的assignments和tests: 15 Nov. 2102 quiz for "the shining house" 21 Nov. 2012 Paragraph writing "Discuss irony in the story 'The Rocking Horse Winner'" 23 Nov. 2012 Paragraph writing "direct and indirect presentation of characters in the story of 'Tuesday Siesta"27 Nov. 2012 Paragraph writing "explaining how the author's biography revel insights into the story 'Tuesday Siesta'"28 Nov. 2012 Vocabulary quiz 5 Dec. 2012 Plot Summary "The Most Dangerous Game" 11 Dec. 2012 Vocabulary quiz 12 Dec. 2012 middle term test 15 Jan. 2013 Vocabulary quiz 16 Jan. 2013 Venn Diagram and Contrasting the poem and the novel 17 Jan. 2013 Essay with works cited list 21 Jan. 2013 Poetry quiz 22 Jan. 2013 Narrative Essay 23 Jan. 2013 Final Exam:Expository Essay for the novel The Martian Chronicles 24 Jan. 2013 presentation of book report
回复: 短暂高中生涯。。。我吐了。一看11,12就脑袋模糊,10年级读完,一说有诗歌我就崩溃了
回复: 短暂高中生涯。。。汉语诗歌我都没有明白
回复: 短暂高中生涯。。。接下来楼主改去试大学英语了
专业ESL家教穷游记:旧金山$800西雅图$300回复: 短暂高中生涯。。。累昏poker007算了
回复: 短暂高中生涯。。。我真佩服死你了,你英文那么好了,还这么学,以你为榜样继续学。
回复: 短暂高中生涯。。。课下完成的2篇,使用了电脑。有同学要看E12达到的写作要求,就贴着两篇。1. 说服类expository essay。选题的过程很有意思。每个学生先提交一份自己感兴趣的ISSUES, 提交给老师,然后和老师商量,选定题目。因此,班里每个学生写的标题都不同。晕死,贴过来,格式都变了。works cited list的格式不符合要求,大虾们莫拍。 POTENTIAL KILLERS SHOULD NOT BE RELEASED Kayla Bourque, a convicted animal killer and potential human killer, is out of prison on probation and will live in Vancouver. Bourque showed no remorse for her crime and “is considered high risk to reoffend” (CBC News). How could a potential killer be allowed into the society? Potential killers should be locked up because there is a warning sign to hurt people, there is a high chance of reconviction and there is serious danger to public safety. A warning sign of potential criminal intent should never be neglected. Animal abusing is a strong warning signal since many human killers abused innocent animals as killing practices. A study from Northeaster University exposes that “animal abusers are five times more likely to commit violence towards people”. The two killers at the Columbine high school massacre in the USA tortured small animals before slaughtering humans(“The Correlation…”). A recent heinous crime committed by notorious Luka Magnotta further affirms that animal abusing is a prelusion of murder. Magnotta is accused of killing and dismembering a Chinese international student, and then mailing the body parts to different political parties and elementary schools in 2012. In fact, a warning signal was sent in 2010 when Magnotta suffocated two kittens with a vacuum cleaner, and posted the torture process to YouTube(“Luka Magnotta”). Sadly, most of the warning signals are dismissed, and the conducts of animal abusing are only exposed after murdering human. Immediate actions should be taken at a warning sign to stop the crimes, especially, to stop the reconviction. There is a high chance that a convicted criminal commits crimes again. According to the Public Safety Canada, reconviction rate for all federal offenders in the first year released from April 1, 1994 to March 31, 1995 was 44%(“The recidivism…”). The report from the Bureau of Justice Statistics in the USA is also bleak which states that 67.5% of prisoner released in 15 states in 1994 were rearrested within 3 years (“Recidivism”). People intend to believe that a criminal can be fully rehabilitated, and then released to the society without danger. However, the reality says otherwise. In 1990, 18 years old Staples killed his 38 years old female roommate. His crime was evaluated as a ONE-TIME act of adolescent age. Shockingly, 15 YEARS later, Staples kidnapped two women and raped them at his residence ( “Wife of paroled…”). Both statistics and cases are warning the public that possibility of reconviction is staggeringly high, and public safety is not guarded as it should be. Public safety should not be compromised. To release remorseless convicted criminals with probation is not a solution, but a serious danger to the public. The probation condition can hardly prevent reconviction because criminals always find their ways to commit crimes. The Statistics Canada highlights 34% breach of probation rate in Alberta between April 1, 2003 and March 31, 2005 (Johnson). Last fall, Randall Hopley breached his probation and kidnapped a 3-year-old boy in southeast B.C. (“Accused kidnapper…”). In the UK, child killer Jon Venalbes who murdered a two-year-old boy in 1993 offended child pornography after his released in 2001 (Sims). It is time to review the failed probation procedure NOW. Potential dangerous killers wandering in the street, such as Kayla Bourque who purposely enrolled SFU criminology courses in order to learn how to cover her crimes, are deadly threats to the public. Being Interviewed by several psychologists, Bourque admitted her taking delight in killing animals and fantasizing about shooting homeless people(CBC News). What Bourque needs is a mental health establishment to cure her psyche illness, NOT a release on probation! To protect vulnerable children, elders and women, probation should not be granted to high risk re-offenders. Public safety should preponderate over individual criminal right. Kayla Bourque is walking in the street and targeting her next victim. She is not the only convicted criminal freed from the prison without remorse, there are many more like her roaming in the street. With strong warning signs, high reconviction rate and public safety concern, potential killers should be locked up before it is too late. It is high time to waken the public and to fix the broken legal system. List of Works Cited: CBC News. “Animal killer Kayla Bourque released to live in Vancouver.” cbc.ca 8 Jan. 2013. 12 Jan. 2013 <http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/story/2013/01/07/bc-kayla-bourque-released.html>. CTV News. “Accused kidnapper pleads guilty to probation breach.” ctvnews.ca 23 Jan. 2012. 12 Jan. 2013 <http://bc.ctvnews.ca/accused-kidnapper-pleads-guilty-to-probation-breach-1.757677#ixzz2HwOz5qMi>. CTV News. “Wife of paroled murderer saw 'no signs' he'd reoffend.” ctvnews.ca 11 Oct. 2011. 12 Jan. 2013 <http://www.ctvnews.ca/wife-of-paroled-murderer-saw-no-signs-he-d-reoffend-1.709915>. Johnson, Sara. “Outcomes of Probation and Conditional Sentence Supervision: An Analysis of Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Saskatchewan and Alberta, 2003/2004 to 2004/2005” Statistics Canada – Catalogue no. 85-002-XIE, Vol. 26, no. 7. 12 Jan. 2013 <http://publications.gc.ca/collections/Collection-R/Statcan/85-002-XIE/85-002-XIE2006007.pdf>. “Luka Magnotta.” Wikipedia. 12 Jan. 2013 <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luka_Magnotta>. “Recidivism.” Bureau of Justice Statistics. 12 Jan. 2013 <http://www.bjs.gov/index.cfm?ty=tp&tid=17>. Sims, Paul. “Jon Venables the big-mouth.” Mailonline. 6 Mar. 2012.12 Jan. 2013 <http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2111040/James-Bulger-killer-Jon-Venables-kept-prison-safety.html>. [FONT="]“The Correlation between Animal Cruelty and Violent Behavior.” LCA: Last Chance for Animals. 12 Jan. 2013 <http://www.lcanimal.org/index.php/investigations/investigations-in-the-field/luka-magnotta-animal-abuser>.[/FONT] “The recidivism of federal offenders.” Research summary Vol. 8 No. 4 July 2003. Public Safety Canada. 12 Jan. 2013 <http://www.publicsafety.gc.ca/res/cor/sum/cprs200307_1-eng.aspx>.
回复: 短暂高中生涯。。。恭喜! 说说再去混高中的目的?
移温轶事:http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=86181与北极光共舞:http://www.crossna.com/forum/topic10928.html烈日炎炎走大圈: http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=357548回复: 短暂高中生涯。。。一天10个以上小时学习
回复: 短暂高中生涯。。。2. Book Report:每个学生从READING LIST中挑选,不能选相同滴。每人5分钟台上presentation, 不允许念。 Book Report The novel The Martian Chronicles published in 1950 is written by Ray Bradbury. Bradbury borne on 22 Aug. 1920 and passed away on 5 June, 2012, was one of the most celebrated 20th-century American writers. During his life time, Bradbury wrote 27 novels and over 600 short stories (“Ray Bradbury”). The stories happen in the future from 2030 to 2057 with scientific and imaginary elements, so it is categorized as science fiction. In Feb. 2030, Earth sent two men to Mars by a rocket. As soon as they landed on Mars, they were gunned by a jealous husband whose wife dreamed their landing date and site and eagerly expected Captain York’s visit. The first attempt from Earth failed. In August 2030, Earth tried the 2nd launch to Mars. This time, the crew of 4 member led by Captain Williams landed successfully. They approached Martians to introduce themselves as Earthman, but Martians did not believe them, and considered them insane and their rocket was just a hallucination. All 4 members were shot by a psychologist before he killed himself because he thought he was contaminated by Captain Williams. The 2nd attempt from Earth failed again. In April 2031, Earth dispatched the 3rd expedition team to Mars. 16 men led by Captain Black landed on Mars, and found an ideal Illinois town Martians created by hallucination. Martians predicted their arrival by telepath, and changed their bodies to duplicate crew’s lost relatives. Each member of the crew is welcomed by his dead family member. However, the next morning, a funeral was held for 16 men from Earth. The 3rd attempt from Earth fails once more. In June 2032, the forth expedition of 20 men from Earth landed on Mars, led by Captain Wilder. The crew included archaeologist Spender, physician and geologist Hathaway, and violent Parkhill. How did Martians celebrate the forth expedition’s landing this time? Did Earth Men settle in Mars? What are the destiny of Mars and Earth? The written style is very unique since the novel is gathered from short stories. There are over 30 main characters, and most of them just appear in one chapter. The theme, tone are varied among Chapters. To read this novel, just likes to appreciate one pearl necklace that each pearl has different shape, color, and touch. Each pearl stands alone for your admiration. Bradbury waved his magic wand creating different Martians: some have telepath, some transform their bodies like waxes, and some move freely like blue sphere without body. Also, Bradbury presents readers vivid images for his characters and events with poetic words. It is a book highly recommended! Work Cited List: [FONT="]“Ray Bradbury.”[/FONT][FONT="]Wikipedia. 23 Jan. 2013[/FONT][FONT="] <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ray_Bradbury>.[/FONT]
回复: 短暂高中生涯。。。south hill的写作很好,大学都是认可的
回复: 短暂高中生涯。。。不像地毯说的那么可怕。。。随便混混就行了。我12年级还拿了个B呢。
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