Mark.Wang 赏 2015-02-28#4 W 561 $0.00 建议:现金,用文件袋装。用百元大票,装一万张。保证钱到病除。
《Want fast care? Slip an MD some cash》'It's systemic'.Privatization fosters black market, physician saysBy CHARLIE FIDELMANThe Gazette November 27, 2010When their mother was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, the twin sisters didn't hesitate for a moment: They chose the surgeon they wanted and slipped him $2,000 in cash to bump their mother to the top of the waiting list."We wanted to save our mother," Vivian Green said. "It was cash incentive, to buy our place ahead of everyone else."Green and her sister, Ora Marcus, say bribes are an open secret in the medical field. They grew up with a father who was an obstetrician at the Jewish General Hospital."If you have money, you live, and if you don't, you die," Green said.Critics say the practice is illegal and unethical, but several patients who contacted The Gazette say offering envelopes stuffed with thousands of dollars to surgeons has become a way to speed treatment in public hospitals.One high-ranking physician who works with doctors at several Montreal hospitals told The Gazette that obstetricians often accept cash offered by expectant parents to ensure their doctor attends the delivery, rather than having to depend on whichever doctor is on call."I've learned that it's current practice. ... Everyone within these hospitals knows about it," he said of the hush-hush payments. "It's systemic, and it has been so for a long time now."The prices?Minimum $2,000 to guarantee that a woman's doctor will be there for the birth. "And it can go up to $10,000," he added.For general surgery, the cost runs between $5,000 to $7,000 to jump the wait list into the operating room, he said.For Green and Marcus, the $2,000 got their mother's operation bumped up -but not the surgeon they wanted.Green and her mother initially offered cash to a surgeon at the Jewish General. He accepted an envelope but returned it within days, saying the operation was beyond his expertise.Green was then referred to a doctor at the Royal Victoria Hospital."We wanted to have the operation done by (someone) who we know is the best," she said. She said she slid an envelope filled with $20 bills across the surgeon's desk at the second appointment to set the surgery date."I gave it to him discreetly and he took it -he knew what was in the envelope," she said. "He took the money and never showed up."Another member of his surgical team removed the tumour in September. Their 80-year-old mother died this month of the cancer.The family plans to file a formal complaint, Green said, because patients are helpless. "Payment for services should be stopped."But patients who get what they want won't complain, she noted.Karine Rivard, press attache to Quebec Health Minister Yves Bolduc, said that the Health Department has never heard of the practice."But if this is the case, then it's unacceptable," Rivard said.After consulting Bolduc, Rivard called back: "Minister Bolduc is urging people who are aware of it to report it tothe Quebec College of Physicians."Paul Saba, a primary care physician at Lachine Hospital, said that not only has he heard of the practice but that he, too, has been offered gifts for quicker access to care."People have offered me money and I've refused it," Saba said. "Today ... one patient offered me cash. People are desperate for services and they want to move things along."The black market for care is encouraged by the privatization of services, he said. Doctors feel underpaid and the demand for medical services in the public system outstrips supply, he said.But doctors shouldn't accept such gifts, he said.Quebec has to find solutions within the public system to relieve the pressure on operating rooms and diagnostic procedures, "so peopledon't feel like they have to put money in an envelope to get a test," he said."It's unacceptable, but I don't blame the patients. We need to find solutions -I don't want to see my colleagues doing this, either."Disgusting, scandalous and indefensible, said Gaetan Barrette, head of the Quebec Association of Specialists."It makes me very sad," he said, adding that patients should complain to Quebec's physicians disciplinary board.The Quebec College of Physicians said it condemns any form of kickbacks but it is not aware of any complaints about the practice.The board's main investigator, Francois Gauthier, has not had a single complaint, said newly elected president Charles Bernard."It's not normal if this is happening," Bernard said.Another patient -who sent the Jewish General a letter of complaint last year about services not rendered following payment to a doctor -said she got a "donation" certificate acknowledging her "gift" in response to her complaint.Nicolas Steinmetz, a former executive director of the Montreal Children's Hospital, said he, too, is aware of extra payments made under the table."Disgusting," he said. Years ago, patients would give their doctors tokens of appreciation -a bottle of wine or a fruit basket at Christmas, he said. "In the country, it would be a chicken, but that's different -that won't buy you a Mercedes."Michael McBane of the Health Council of Canada said the problem of greedy doctors exists everywhere, not just Quebec, but the medical profession polices itself."Doctors aren't going to report on themselves -the fox is guarding the chicken coop," he said.However, illegal billing and queue jumping are clear violations of the Canada Health Act, he added.Hospital officials at the Jewish General and the Royal Victoria hospitals have refused repeated requests for interviews. Both issued statements via email late yesterday."There's no preferential treatment of patients. All receive best quality care. Furthermore the JGH has a policy on conflict of interest regarding possible gifts offered to staff by patients."The McGill University Health Centre "expects professional conduct from all staff. ... This includes avoiding potential conflict of interest with respect to offers of cash or gifts."
从蒙特利尔公立医院受贿丑闻,看加拿大医疗体制改革的紧迫性 2010年11月30日加拿大蒙特利尔“宪报”(The Gazette)2010年11月27日爆出丑闻:蒙特利尔的犹太总医院(the Jewish General Hospital)和皇家维多利亚医院(the Royal Victoria Hospital)等公立医院的医生收受病人及其家属的贿赂,就是我们通常所说的“送小红包”(详情请见本文的附件)。请看:为了将手术提前,至少要向有关大夫暗地里送小红包二千加元。为了要某某知名医生亲自操刀做手术,要送小红包五~七千加元。为了要自己想要的医生亲自来接生,孕妇及其准爸爸要送小红包至少二千加元,多则一万。据业内权威人士透露,这种现象在蒙特利尔整个公立医院系统已是公开的秘密,并且已经很长时间了。他们承认,“这是全系统的问题。”“暗箱操作培育了黑市”。甚至有的病人家属发出这样的感慨:“有钱活命,无钱去死!”等等,等等。蒙城公立医院的暗箱操作是何等的猖獗,何等的黑暗!而魁北克省卫生部的有关负责人却说:“从来不知道有此等事情发生。”他们又是何等的官僚!这种事情发生在以“廉洁”、“清白”著称的加拿大,尤其令人震惊!归根结底,这种腐败现象产生的根本原因在于加拿大的医生和护士极度短缺。据报道,仅魁北克的家庭大夫就缺八万多。因为缺少护士,造成护士长年加班,以至于护士一年的加班费达到其全年工资的总额。而加拿大,特别是魁北克医生短缺的主要原因有三:首先,每年医学院招生名额要有一个医生委员会来批准。他们为了保护他们的既得利益,垄断地位,严格限制每年的招生名额。第二,医生外流,特别是魁北克。第三,限制新移民中具有医生资质的人从医。新移民中有相当数量的人在原住国本来就是大夫,只需经过一定的短期培训和考核,就可上岗做医生。但是,在加拿大不行。据报,这项规定虽然已经开始松动,但仍然阻力重重,进展迟缓。另外,加拿大的医生每天看的病人数量太少,应该以个位数论。这更加剧了这种紧张形势。由于医生、护士极度紧缺,造成在候诊室等待时间太长,有的病人就死在了候诊室。这种情况时有发生,这几年经常见诸报端,已经见怪不怪了。病人,特别是儿童,在急诊室等待几个小时,十几个小时,甚至二十多个小时,都见不着医生的情况,简直就是家常便饭。至于大型手术,需要等待的时间则是以月,甚至以年为单位计算了。对此,几乎每一个加拿大人,包括我自己,都有深刻的体会。就是在这一种严峻形势下,出现了以钱买优先,买服务的暗箱操作。这能责备病人及其家属吗?!有人说,这是加拿大现行的医疗体制造成的。没错!凡是一个没有竞争的垄断(或者叫专权)体系,必定会产生权钱交易,必定会产生腐败。就像一潭死水,由于没有流动,其中必定会产生腐朽的东西,产生臭气,最后形成一池令人厌恶的臭水!联想到最近曝光的蒙城旅馆门卫向出租车司机索贿,以便出租车司机能获得载客的机会。还有最近闹得沸沸扬扬的魁北克省官员在建筑行业受贿的腐败案,等等。加拿大的医生工资是普通工薪阶层的数倍,他们过着悠哉的生活。可仍然贪得无厌。使人不得不想到有一句老话,“人不为己,天诛地灭”。我想,每一个人都有私欲的基因,或者叫种子,就看有没有合适的土壤(也叫温床)和气候。有了,它就会膨胀、发芽。没有,它就会得到抑制。而现在加拿大的医疗体制就是这种土壤和气候。所以,加拿大目前的医疗体制必须进行改革。它已经到了非改革不可的地步!附件一:宪报原文中译文 想要尽快得到医疗服务吗? 偷偷地递现金给医生(摘要) 作者:查理.费德门(CHARLIE FIDELMAN) 翻译:蒋楚宋 原载:“宪报”(the Gazette) “Want fast care? Slip an MD some cash” 2010/ 11 /27,A3版 副标题:医生说,“这是全系统的(问题)”,暗箱操作培育了黑市。当他们的母亲被确诊为胰腺癌的时候,这对双胞胎姐妹丝毫也没有犹豫:他们选择了他们想要的外科医生,偷偷地递给他两千加元现金,以便将她们母亲的名字从候诊的名单中提到最前面去。“我们想救我们的母亲。” 薇薇安.格林说:“这是现金刺激,以便买到其他人前面的位置。”格林和她的姐姐噢然. 马库司说:贿赂是医疗界公开的秘密。他们是跟父亲长大的,而她们的父亲是犹太总医院的产科医生。格林说:“有钱活命;没钱去死。”批评者说,这种做法是非法的和不道德的。但几个与“宪报”有接触的病人说,私下递给外科医生装有几千加元的信封,在公立医院已成为一种加速治疗的途径。一个与几个蒙特利尔医院医生共事的高级医生告诉宪报说,妇产科医生经常接受孕妇及准爸爸的现金,以确保他们想要的医生在生产时到场,而不是随便哪个随叫随到的候诊医生。关于这种秘密交易,他说,“我知道,这是现行的做法。 ……在这些医院内的每个人都知道这种事。”“它是全系统的(问题),这样做已经很长时间了。”价码?为确保一个孕妇的医生来到接生现场,最低两千加元。“多则一万加元。”他补充说。他说,对于一个普通手术,五千加元到七千加元,可以将候诊名单跳到手术室。至于格林和马库司的两千加元,只能将他们母亲的手术提前,但不是他们想要的手术医生。格林和她的母亲最初给了犹太总医院的一名外科医生现金。他接了那个信封,但几日后就退回来了,说该手术超出了他的能力。格林然后转到皇家维多利亚医院的一名外科医生。“我们想要我们知道是最好的(某人)来完成这个手术。”她说,在第二次确认手术日期的约见时,隔着这位外科医生的书桌,她递过去装满二十加元的信封。”“我小心翼翼地将信封递给他,他接了过去。他知道信封中装的是什么。”她说,“他拿了钱,再也没有露面。”切除(她母亲的)癌瘤的手术是由那位大夫的手术小组的另一个成员在九月完成的。而他们八十岁的母亲这个月(译者注:十一月)死于这个癌症。格林说,她们家计划提交一份正式的抱怨书,因为,病人没有得到帮助。“为医疗服务付款应停止。”但她认为,不应该责备想要得到(优先服务)的病人。魁北克省卫生部长伊夫. Bolduc的新闻发言人Karine Rivard说,卫生部从来没有听说过这种做法。Lachine 医院的初级保健医生保罗. 萨巴说,他不仅听到过这种做法,而且,为了病人更快获得治疗,他还接受过礼物。萨巴说,“有人给我钱,我没要。”“今天,……,一个病人给了我钱。人们渴望得到治疗,他们不想再拖下去。”他说,医疗服务的黑市由于服务的暗箱操作而得到鼓励。他还说,医生觉得工资较低,在公共医疗系统中的医疗服务供不应求。

mailan 说:人生第一次生大病,而且是慢性的,这辈子都要靠我的专科医生了,他是hk的,刚开始感觉人还热情,现在好像有点不开心了,估计是要红包了,(因为有看到别人给他送,当然是笑不拢嘴咯)求助有经验的前辈,这边给医生送礼一般要多少钱啊?送多少价值比较合适?茶叶?购物卡?恳请大家指点,万分感激!!!!!点击展开...
来过枫叶国 说:加国也行贿受贿呀?点击展开...是数量多少问题,不是存在不存在问题。 世界本没有净土。
tangge 说:加拿大不是世外桃源,同样的事情在另一个省发生过。一个中介组织专门收钱把人的手术提前。加拿大的政治制度是好的,比较透明,也相对公平。但是人性是一样的,西方人,东方人,人本性自私的方面差不多。想个问题,如果医生护士的家属手术难道排队吗。谁没有过预约了医生被推迟一个月的经历?那是咋回事?在中国大家肯定生气理论一下,在这里呢,你只有理解万岁。点击展开...医疗方面存在效率低、浪费严重也是有目共睹的。我去年六月发高烧,在家抗了三天,去看家庭医生。医生开验尿单子,一个礼拜后约我去,说化验的某项指标正常;过1个月,再发烧,再查另一项指标,过一个星期再去医生那里复诊,说还是正常,无法确诊发烧原因。就这样,我莫名其妙发烧两次,都没查到啥原因,倒是不烧了,就丢开了。碰中国,当场开单子当场去化验中心,噌噌噌所有指标都验出来了,用得着折腾仨月还没说出个子丑寅卯么?
乱弹农夫 说:千万别送点击展开...为什么?
快乐痛苦 说:如果这是真的,再次说明了加拿大和国内的无差距。美国和加拿大这么近,美国也这样吗?点击展开...这个我真不知道
来过枫叶国 说:加国也行贿受贿呀?点击展开...不管你信不信,我是真看到的
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