加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息新移民申请PharmaCare Plan
请问新移民,没有报税,有了MSP,现在申请PharmaCare Plan,Health Insurance BC会要什么文件证明收入(因为在加拿大还没有报税,所以没有前两年的NOA)?请有类似经验的同学分享一下经验.多谢.
michelle2007 说:那个要一年以后才能申请。点击展开...官网说可以拿到msp后马上申请不用一年后,打电话agent 说没有noa的申请health insurance 会发封信告知应提供什么样的文件来证明收入,所以想问问有没有类似经历的。http://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/topic.page?id=27DBC7DB591B4D018C78714840378E86 If you are a new resident of Canada, register for Fair PharmaCare as soon as you receive your Medical Services Plan (MSP) CareCard.You may register:online using the Fair PharmaCare Web Registration, orby phone by contacting Health Insurance BC.When completing your registration, provide your family net income for the relevant tax year. Be sure to report all income, including income earned outside Canada.PharmaCare will attempt to verify your family net income for the relevant tax year with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). If the Canada Revenue Agency has not received an income tax return from you for that tax year, PharmaCare will send you a letter explaining that they could not verify your income.When you receive the letter, contact Health Insurance BC at the contact numbers provided in the letter. They will advise you of the documentation you can submit to verify your income.
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