加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息青少年领袖训练 + 义工机会 NOW BC
一年一次的新移民活动。我们需要义工学生(和家长)参与安排游戏、活动、介绍社区信息和担任学校亲善大使Youth Ambassador training: This has been an annual event on welcoming new comers before Sept. This has been a meaningful experience for new many families. You will be trained to help with the planning and delivery of NOWBC including the design and facilitation of games and activities for newcomer youth in particular. These games and activities will help newcomer youth become familiar with Canada, Vancouver schools, the ELL system as well as basic school integration such as packing a lunch and using a locker. Click Here for more info – Calling Youth Leaders NOW 2015 Fillable PDF please contact Audrie (SWIS) [email protected] if you are interested! Deadline is extended.
加國獎學金申請加拿大、美國、英國,大學申請網站JUST KEEP GOING It's the dream,afraid of waking,that never takes the chance. 赏 反馈:Sophie Chang 2015-06-05#2 婚 1,113 $0.00 请问,活动地点在哪里?
·生活百科 惊人的太阳能报价
·生活百科 电力供应商流失并失去特许权