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PASSPORT TO TERROR: MailOnline reporter buys Syrian papers being sold to ISIS fighters sneaking into Europe hidden among refugeesRead more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3235320/PASSPORT-TERROR-MailOnline-reporter-buys-Syrian-papers-sold-ISIS-fighters-sneaking-Europe-hidden-refugees.html#ixzz3rVxdzmuR Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebookhttp://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3235320/PASSPORT-TERROR-MailOnline-reporter-buys-Syrian-papers-sold-ISIS-fighters-sneaking-Europe-hidden-refugees.html

https://boereport.com/ 2015-11-14#2 STILLWELL 8,161 $0.00 PASSPORT TO TERROR: MailOnline reporter buys Syrian papers being sold to ISIS fighters sneaking into Europe hidden among refugeesReporter bought $2,000 Syrian passport, ID card and driving licence in Turkey under the name of a real man who was killed in the conflictForger boasted that ISIS fighters are using documents to travel to Europe to start terror sleeper cells or live under false name free of past crimesAlso being used by economic migrants from other countries exploiting generosity of Europe to Syrian refugees Keith Vaz, chairman of the Home Affairs Select Committee told MailOnline the scam was 'deeply disturbing' and should be 'addressed immediately'The blank documents are genuine, having been stolen from government offices by militias fighting regime of Bashar Al-AssadEU border official admits fraud is rising and bigger than first thoughtBy NICK FAGGE ON THE SYRIA BORDER FOR MAILONLINEPUBLISHED: 06:13 GMT, 17 September 2015 | UPDATED: 12:47 GMT, 17 September 2015 23kshares2kView commentsISIS fighters and economic migrants are able to buy Syrian identity documents that allow them to hide among refugees travelling to Europe with frightening ease, an investigation by MailOnline can reveal.Our reporter was able to buy a Syrian passport, identity card and driving licence from a fraudster in a Turkish border town this week.The genuine documents were stolen from Syria when they were blank. The forger added our reporter's picture and gave him the identity of a Syrian man from Aleppo killed last year.Scroll down for video +7Easy: Our reporter was able to acquire the $2,000 haul of documents within just four days from criminals. Above are Syrian passport, driving licence and identity card+7Fake identity: The documents are all genuinely made - having been plundered by Syrian opposition forces including ISIS - as they overran offices held by Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad+7Dead man walking: The passport was in the name of a real man who had died in the Syrian city of AleppoRELATED ARTICLESPrevious1NextCroatia warns it will struggle to cope after 5,650 migrants...EXCLUSIVE - Flying over the Great Wall of Europe: Drone...Pictured: Syrian father tripped up by Hungarian camerawoman...Three British 'people smugglers' held at Dunkirk camp: Cars...SHARE THIS ARTICLEShare23k sharesThe documents, on sale for around $2,000, would help an asylum claim in Europe.The forger who sold us the papers, said that they are being used by ISIS fanatics to travel undetected across borders into Europe hidden among tens of thousands of genuine refugees fleeing the terror and destruction.Once in Europe they can set up sleeper cells or live freely under a new identity without facing the consequences of their brutal past actions. ISIS fighters are among the people going to Europe in this way. They are going to Europe to wait for the right time to become a fighter for ISIS again Forger As the forger chillingly put it: 'ISIS fighters are among the people going to Europe in this way. They are going to wait for the right time to become a fighter for ISIS again.'The revelation comes as Lebanon warned two in every 100 Syrian migrants smuggled into Europe are ISIS-trained fanatics, with most travelling overland through Turkey to Greece.The extremist group is sending trained jihadists 'under cover' to attack targets in the west, Lebanese Education Minister Elias Bousaab told British Prime Minister David Cameron during his visit to the country on Monday.'ISIS will not stop at the border with Lebanon, before you know it ISIS will be in Europe,' Mr Bousaab claimed. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3235320/PASSPORT-TERROR-MailOnline-reporter-buys-Syrian-papers-sold-ISIS-fighters-sneaking-Europe-hidden-refugees.html#ixzz3rWC1VE52 Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

https://boereport.com/ 2015-11-14#3 蝶★荡☆ 27,131 $0.00 我也有本备用护照,还有全套头巾长袍,难民要住我家就扮好了再亮出备用护照:热和娜.Li


家园论坛歌唱大赛2019颁奖仪式☌☌☌ 家园论坛 ⟣想唱就唱⟢☌☌☌♡♡我也有本备用护照,还有全套头巾长袍,难民要住我家就扮好了再亮出备用护照:热和娜.Li点击展开...为了自保,一家让一个人加入伊斯兰得了。刚刚老公给我pulled pork,让我吃,我说觉得我开始害怕从伊朗移民过来的邻居老太太了,从现在开始我一点猪肉都不吃了(我以前吃但吃的很少)。老公说,切,你是不是昨天去了一vegan朋友家玩了5小时受影响了。

https://boereport.com/ 2015-11-15#6 susann 5,090 $0.00 这件事在上次那个海滩上死去小男孩事件后已经报道过,不过没有引起大家注意。现在大家担心的事情真的发生了,才又提起这件事。希望小土豆重视起来,认真甄别难民,不要引火烧身。

STILLWELL 说:为了自保,一家让一个人加入伊斯兰得了。刚刚老公给我pulled pork,让我吃,我说觉得我开始害怕从伊朗移民过来的邻居老太太了,从现在开始我一点猪肉都不吃了(我以前吃但吃的很少)。老公说,切,你是不是昨天去了一vegan朋友家玩了5小时受影响了。点击展开...伊朗实际上是波斯人,他们的穆斯林和阿拉伯穆斯林完全不同,革命前的伊朗是个很开放的国家,什么比基尼舞厅酒吧都有,所以不用担心伊朗人。

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