加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息T4A-NR怎么报税?
我是BC省居民,可是去年去安省做了个workshop,所以拿到一个 T4A-NR表,如图请问这个怎么报?和其它T4A表有什么不一样?可以用netfile吗?Other restrictionsThe following is a list of specific situations that prevent you from filing a tax return through the NETFILE service:Your tax return was discounted by a third party.You are considered a deemed resident (that is, you don’t have to pay provincial or territorial tax).You are filing a tax return for an individual who died in 2014 or 2015.Your social insurance number or individual tax number begins with 09.You are an emigrant or non-resident of Canada. This excludes the following income and tax forms: Schedule A, Schedule B, Schedule C, income from NR4 slips, T4A-NR slips, NR-OAS slips, and NR-CPP/QPP slips, section 116 income, section 216 income, section 217 income, taxable capital gains from disposing of Canadian property if received as a non-resident, and Old Age Security Return of Income.Your address is outside Canada.You are electing to defer tax on a distribution of spin-off shares by foreign corporations.You are claiming less than the maximum federal foreign tax credit.
乱码 赏 2015-04-18#2 S 40 $0.00 怎么给你这个表,你是非居民吗?这是给非居民发佣金用的表。 有这个单子只能邮寄税表了。
shirley2014 说:怎么给你这个表,你是非居民吗?这是给非居民发佣金用的表。 有这个单子只能邮寄税表了。点击展开..."我是BC省居民,可是去年去安省做了个workshop"
乱码 赏 2015-04-23#4 S 40 $0.00 应该是他们搞错了,可以让他们改。也可以按居民先报,看税务局怎么处理。
自己回复问过税务局,问了我很多相关问题,好几遍,最后把我put on hold,又过了很久,(不太肯定的语气)说就是 “other income” line 130
乱码 赏 2016-01-23#6 19,419 $0.00 应该是会计不懂,download错了表,所以给了你错的表
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