加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息温哥华房屋土地 ZONING RS1-7 分别有什么不同?
请教一下, 温哥华西区 房屋土地 ZONING RS1-7 分别有什么不同? ZONING RS-6 重建有什么条件限制?多谢!
robertxu 说:请教一下, 温哥华西区 房屋土地 ZONING RS1-7 分别有什么不同? ZONING RS-6 重建有什么条件限制?多谢!点击展开...各種zoning的分別,有些只有些少差別,當中如果採用市府鼓勵的設計,可建面積又可以大點,不是三言兩語說得明白,你可以上City of Vancouver的網站自己看。再保險的做法,親身到溫哥華市政府的建築審核部門,把地址告訴他們,有專人會即時告訴你是什麼zoning,可以建怎樣的房子,最大面積是多少等等,服務非常好,不過等候的人也極多,進門先拿號碼然後靜心等待,一小時左右吧。這部門現在已不在12街主樓,搬了去好像是對面10街地下。
多谢, Kimball
这是简单的概括:RS-1 One-Family ResidentialThis zone provides exclusively for the development of lowdensity single family lots with a minimum lot size of650m2, with limited appropriate accessory uses.RS-2 One-Family Suburban ResidentialThis zone provides for the development of low densitysingle family housing on large acreage lots of minimum4000m2 which may or may not have water services.Agricultural uses are also permitted.RS-3 One-Family ResidentialThis zone provides for the development of low densitysingle family lots with a minimum lot size of 555m2, withlimited appropriate accessory uses.RS-4 One-Family Compact ResidentialThis zone provides for the development of low densitysingle family lots with a minimum lot size of 375m2, withlimited appropriate accessory facilities.RS-5 One-Family Compact (Strata Lot) ResidentialThis zone provides for low density bare land strata singlefamily lots with a minimum lot size of 375m2, with limitedappropriate accessory uses.RS-6 One-Family (Strata Lot) ResidentialThis zone provides for low density bare land strata singlefamily lots with a minimum lot size of 555m2, with limitedappropriate accessory uses.RS-7 Small Village Single Family ResidentialThis zone provides for the development of single familylots with a minimum lot size of 340m², with limitedappropriate accessory uses.
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