悲剧收场,儿子在地上写the end, 说是对她的love, 还是问我才写对
She broke friend's spiritYou be careful, as I can't be there. (When she was climbing up in the net, and he didn't want to climb as he hurt his palms earlier at other side of playground)That's kind of yucky. I never pick my nose, I only rub it. (He pointed out hanging boogers in her nose, she then ran to mom to get it cleaned.)I hope I didn't make you sad again.Other things are okay, but she said I don't like you. That broke friend's spirit. I don't want go to this school. I want to go far far away from this school.I want to buy 11 dogs, put around her. (When he was mad at her and walked away, then saw she was scared of a little dog )I want her love everyone, but she only loves me, not my animals, she said she won't pat donkey. She said she won't come to my birthday party.Donkey should delete her, cancel her, say the end to her. She hurt donkey's feeling.How to stop being me. I want to be a garbage can, stink around, make her stay away.mommy, you come here, stand here to protect her. (When she was learning from him how to slide down the turing bar)
I want to cancel my birthday party. I will never play with girls any more. I will only play with boys.

小雷音 说:She broke friend's spiritYou be careful, as I can't be there. (When she was climbing up in the net, and he didn't want to climb as he hurt his palms earlier at other side of playground)That's kind of yucky. I never pick my nose, I only rub it. (He pointed out hanging boogers in her nose, she then ran to mom to get it cleaned.)I hope I didn't make you sad again.Other things are okay, but she said I don't like you. I don't want go to this school. I want to go far far away from this school.I want to buy 11 dogs, put around her.I want her love everyone, but she only loves me, not my animals, she said she won't pat donkey. She said she won't come to my birthday party.Donkey should delete her, cancel her, say the end to her. She hurt donkey's feeling.How to stop being me. I want to be a garbage can, stink around, make her stay away.mommy, you come here, stand here to protect her. (When she was learning from him how to slide down the turing bar)点击展开...你小孩感情还挺丰富的。
Life is simple, but not easy.Public Mobile DealPublic Mobile 激活小孩子从小太多恋爱经历也有不好,长大了就不喜欢异性了点击展开...你想太多了。挺可爱的小孩。
Life is simple, but not easy.Public Mobile DealPublic Mobile 激活 赏 2016-03-19#10

快快的想,慢慢的说 赏

6,919 $0.00 你小孩是不是只会一种语言?评论
piccolo 说:我家孩子现在会3种官方语言了,加上川普有四种了。等他大点再教他汇编语言,PASCAL,C,JAVA,PYTHON,PERL,HTML,etc.点击展开...我刚来时在西人的论坛回帖子,英语很费劲地写,有个老外观点不合就挖苦我的英语,我就回了他一句,说他不就只会一个母语吗,还会别的语言吗?他立马没动静了。
笑死了,你儿子写的还是你写的,怎么一个小孩会想出这些招,是不是卡通片里有啊?反正我是绝对想不出来She broke friend's spiritYou be careful, as I can't be there. (When she was climbing up in the net, and he didn't want to climb as he hurt his palms earlier at other side of playground)That's kind of yucky. I never pick my nose, I only rub it. (He pointed out hanging boogers in her nose, she then ran to mom to get it cleaned.)I hope I didn't make you sad again.Other things are okay, but she said I don't like you. That broke friend's spirit. I don't want go to this school. I want to go far far away from this school.I want to buy 11 dogs, put around her. (When he was mad at her and walked away, then saw she was scared of a little dog )I want her love everyone, but she only loves me, not my animals, she said she won't pat donkey. She said she won't come to my birthday party.Donkey should delete her, cancel her, say the end to her. She hurt donkey's feeling.How to stop being me. I want to be a garbage can, stink around, make her stay away.mommy, you come here, stand here to protect her. (When she was learning from him how to slide down the turing bar)点击展开...
Albert time 说:卡通里也都是爱情,都是大人教的点击展开...我们以前看的童话或者卡通很少有关爱情的,就算有也就是一笔带过而已
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