加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息紧急求助:BC省健康卡表格填写问题
上个月寄出的健康卡申请,收到Health Insurance的邮件,说信息不完整,要求重新填写,要求提供如下:1.Residency in BC: complete, sign and return the enclosed application for enrolment providing the most recent date you moved to BC.2.Residency in BC: complete, sign and return the enclosed application for enrolment providing your previous place of residence.3.Residency in BC: complete, sign and return the enclosed application for enrolment providing confirmation that you move to BC is permanent.三年前一家人短登过,这次是我一个人长登,以下这两项是应该填YES 还是 NO呢?1. have you lived in BC since birth? 如果这项填NO, 后面的most recent move to BC和is this a permanent move都不填了吗?如果不填,那怎么知道我这次是permanent move呢?2. have you or any family member been outside BC for more than 30 days in total during the past 12 months? 这一项需要把三年前短登的离开时间和这次长登时间也填上吗?如果要填,"reason for departure and lacation"这里怎么填写合理呢?麻烦前辈们指导下,多谢~
·学习交流 纽卡斯尔大学的MBA
·生活百科 出口有限按需