中国应该为王全章骄傲,而不是迫害他 编译: 赵亮

_________________________來生還做自干五_____________________________時政觀察_________________________ 赏

My grandmother used to say, "Always do good to others." She was right. I do good to others (and Nature). I sense the happiness I give them, and their happiness makes me happy.法庭審案重視理據,有沒有律師並不重要。有罪的人,聘用律師是徒勞的,罪名成立,不是律師的錯,是罪犯的錯,金錢是不能洗脱罪名的。点击展开...西方的法律体系,宁可放跑1000也不错杀一个,有罪但逃脱制裁的太多太多了,比如辛普森
11.10.27 Montréal 13.3.27 niveau désiré atteint.Day0:长灯惊险通关记:+3m我的法语学习方法-单词篇+17m:17个月,我强化法语学习阶段结束了+20m,ma carrière,c'est bien parti. 赏 2016-09-24#5

luf_7_6 说:西方的法律体系,宁可放跑1000也不错杀一个,有罪但逃脱制裁的太多太多了,比如辛普森点击展开...你怎知辛普森有罪?你是目擊證人嗎?寧可放過,不可殺錯的政策是對的。
My grandmother used to say, "Always do good to others." She was right. I do good to others (and Nature). I sense the happiness I give them, and their happiness makes me happy. 赏

My grandmother used to say, "Always do good to others." She was right. I do good to others (and Nature). I sense the happiness I give them, and their happiness makes me happy.我的案子检控官不就是她想干什么就干什么吗?地产背景的房东说的你告我去,不就是政府和司法在给她撑腰吗?加拿大版的“我爸是李刚”。点击展开...為什麼不起訴檢控官?在加拿大,人人都可以起訴政府的。但在大陸,如果要起訴檢控官或政府,較為困難,因為那些律師,都被收進監牢了!
My grandmother used to say, "Always do good to others." She was right. I do good to others (and Nature). I sense the happiness I give them, and their happiness makes me happy.律师不告诉我怎么起诉,这里的律师靠谱吗?我又不是没碰到骗钱的律师。这里的律师没收监,是因为他们察言观色,消息灵通,垄断。起诉政府?法院没那么单纯~政府在你的生活中无孔不入,整你还不是小CASE呀~这还没起诉政府呢,一个房东,政府做了什么?这么不择手段。点击展开...在加拿大,人人都有權参選,成為總理,一旦成為總理,房東,檢控官,律師,等等,都要尊重你的意見。珍惜你的權利吧!這種權利,在大陸不單止沒有,連談論一下都不容許的。
My grandmother used to say, "Always do good to others." She was right. I do good to others (and Nature). I sense the happiness I give them, and their happiness makes me happy.你是没见过他们的黑呀!明的和暗的!我不知道起诉他们对我的案子有没有用,但是我知道投诉法官不会对案子有任何的影响,所以,判案很重要,即使恶人被投诉了,有没有投诉结果还未知,而且对案子没有任何作用。检控官应该撤诉,不再起诉,叫我和房东的案子回到正常的民事纠纷诉讼中。检控官执意不撤诉,就只能刑事法院法官判决,这个本来就是租房民事纠纷,被递交刑事法院本身就是完全错误的。点击展开...不要忘記,你還可以到聯合國,起訴加拿大,有不少律師願意幫忙。加拿大尚沒有安理會的席位,莫說常務理事的席位。起訴它比起訴共産黨容易很多。
My grandmother used to say, "Always do good to others." She was right. I do good to others (and Nature). I sense the happiness I give them, and their happiness makes me happy. 赏 2016-09-26#17

My grandmother used to say, "Always do good to others." She was right. I do good to others (and Nature). I sense the happiness I give them, and their happiness makes me happy. 赏 2016-09-28#19

My grandmother used to say, "Always do good to others." She was right. I do good to others (and Nature). I sense the happiness I give them, and their happiness makes me happy. 赏 2016-09-28#20 上 466 $0.00 律师?呵呵。 在哪个国家基本都是口碑最差的几个职业之一。
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