心中有佛满世界都是佛 赏
回复: 家有儿女初长成回想来这里时,一切都显得那么陌生,令人浑身不自在。这里的空气再好,人再怎么nice,制度再建全,也是别人的国度。做为土生土长的中国妈妈,如何让自己的孩子们健康快乐的成长,成为整日里困扰我的大事。儿子刚来时,上小学七年级,做为国内长大的好孩子,到学校后却一下子举头无措,沉迷萎顿,让人心疼不已。倾注全副功夫在他身上(具体情况日后再详述),好歹让他找到了点点感觉。女儿刚来时,仅2.5岁(刚刚可以说句子,3个字以上), 尽最快速度让她上了DAYCARE,一时间,中英a番轰炸,我可怜的Baby,现在还有些许语言障碍,吐字不清。因为刚来,全家都在学习语言,老公如侯鸟飞来飞去,外加进入青春期的小男生,担误不得,误以为提供了小女孩的温饱,就已然足够。却错了!
心中有佛满世界都是佛回复: 家有儿女初长成支持,楼主继续
回复: 家有儿女初长成羡慕,有儿有女,好
回复: 家有儿女初长成儿子的家庭作业让我大吃一惊,这小子天天在网上混,昨天还和我讲条件,硬生生地把家里的宽带速度上调为50zhao,嘿嘿,不料,,,早上乍一看,以为是读后感,未料从头到尾都是自己想象的,妙!上传上来,共享一下。。。
心中有佛满世界都是佛回复: 家有儿女初长成David is almost 18, he was not going to college, not because he didn’t made it, because he doesn’t want to. His life is easy, he only have to do all the home work and make sure he is passing every class. He had a lot of friend, Saline Rosaline, Jackson and Tom. They were all like him, not going to the college, except Saline, she is a really focus on her work, one of the college is already chosen her to be their student. Tom is super good in computer, he once almost got in jail because he invade to the government’s internet. They were friend since elementary school, that's why they always do crazy things together. They can even know what he (she) is thinking by looking through his (her) eyes.David went back home at 8, because he stayed after school to finish his test for science. “Mom, I m back!” he said as normal, but there was no respond. Strange, maybe she is just making a dinner, thought David. He came to the kitchen, looked around for some food. Strange, very strange, it’s so quiet. “Mom, Are you there?” David yelled. But there was still no respond. “What’s that?” David finally heard a little voice form up stairs, he ran up and opened her mom’s bedroom. “Oh my god, what is going on?” David saw her mom lying on the ground, her face is painfully together. “I’ll call the hospital, hold up mom.” David seems a little panic because this is the first time he saw her mom got this painful.Second day morning, 3 o clock, David sat on the chair in the hospital by a closed door, his tow hands was clutching his head. His friend came too, Saline and Jackson were consoling him, but didn’t work very well. Tom is calling his dad for some money, because David seem got a little trouble on the fee. Doctor finally came out, “She got cancer, maybe only 3 month for.......” “Ok.” David heavily inhaled, “I will be prepared for the money by next week is that ok?” The doctor sighed “all right than, but we can’t work without money next week.” Saline’s dad is the Glok bank’s owner, but she never gets any money from the bank. Every thing is store in the vault, but the code of the vault is in Saline’s dad’s room. “Maybe I have a idea.” said Saline. Second day, every one comes out from David’s house, they were little excited worried and even a little fear, because they had a crazy plan. Saline came in the bank first, she went straight his dads office. “Dad, how are you?” she went in front of the table. “Don’t ask me for more money, I have give you enough.” She’s dad sighed. But he never realized that her daughter is putting a laxative in his coffee. “Ok dad, see you!” Her left with a strange smile, when she closed the door, “I’m sorry dad, but this one is for my friend!” she sighed and walked away.Jackson’s girlfriend works in the bank, her name is Betty. “Hi Betty, how are you.” Jackson came inside just before Saline. At the same time, Rosaline came in front of the body guard. “Hei, sweetie, I think we can go out just a few seconds and talk.” She wore a shiny cloth just today. “ Ok, I think it doesn’t matter if I go out for few minutes.” the body guard smiled. Rosaline took him out side. Jackson stared to talk with Betty, because he wanted to cover Saline’s dad and also the body guard, and this is only space that can see it.No one saw Saline’s dad ran out, but he is painful in the washroom, maybe it’s little to much of the laxative. Where is Tom and David? Good question, they were just out side of the bank in a car that covered in black. David pulled out the phone and sent out to every one. “I got it.” Now the plan finally began.Rosaline resaved the massage and told the body guard, “Would you excuse me for little time, just wait here.” “Ok, I will” said the body guard happily, Seems like they had a good talk. Saline came in the car first, and then is Rosaline, at last is Jackson. When they got in the car, they changed their cloth to a robber suit without a sound. “Every thing is ready, let’s roll.” Tom smiled, and pressed down Enter. They heard a warning form the bank, it was red means maybe there is a robber has a gun. Every one in the bank and stared to ran out and screamed. They went out side and was holing a toy guy but it’s really alike. They went in the office get the code ran to the vault with no talking. They broke the door easily and put all the money in the bag. Where is the body guard? He is locked out side (lol) because he was waiting for Rosaline. Back to David and his friend, they ran to the back door put the money in the garbage can, and ran to the hall again. “Quick guys we got harry” yelled the Tom holding the computer. We have 1 minute left and the police will come. They did not ran away, they trapped each other with the rope. So that let them looks like they are the hostage. The rest thing is simple, the police came and did not find any track of the robber and “saved” David and his friend. Why did not the monitor work? Because Tom already invade the bank internet and set it off. The police did not find even any thing, not a single fingerprint. No one knows what happened inside of the bank, because they all ran out. In the old robberies, the robber should get them as the hostage, that’s why a lot people did not even see what the robber looks like and just ran away. The police find nothing, they tried to find some clues from David and their friends, but they already made one up. The police of course can not get any thing. So they can just give up. David’s mom did not get better after the doctor’s try out. She dies and the end. But David and his friend used this huge money about 20 million, went USA they made a restaurant and lived happly ever after. ( don't know how to end .. so ) 1082Words OMG
心中有佛满世界都是佛回想来这里时,一切都显得那么陌生,令人浑身不自在。这里的空气再好,人再怎么nice,制度再建全,也是别人的国度。做为土生土长的中国妈妈,如何让自己的孩子们健康快乐的成长,成为整日里困扰我的大事。儿子刚来时,上小学七年级,做为国内长大的好孩子,到学校后却一下子举头无措,沉迷萎顿,让人心疼不已。倾注全副功夫在他身上(具体情况日后再详述),好歹让他找到了点点感觉。女儿刚来时,仅2.5岁(刚刚可以说句子,3个字以上), 尽最快速度让她上了DAYCARE,一时间,中英a番轰炸,我可怜的Baby,现在还有些许语言障碍,吐字不清。因为刚来,全家都在学习语言,老公如侯鸟飞来飞去,外加进入青春期的小男生,担误不得,误以为提供了小女孩的温饱,就已然足够。却错了!点击展开...让你愁的时候在后面呢
回复: 家有儿女初长成今天看了一个朋友的日志,很有同感,经批准后,转过来,分享一下
心中有佛满世界都是佛回复: 家有儿女初长成

心中有佛满世界都是佛回复: 家有儿女初长成幸福的LZ,你的头像是闺女么,真漂亮!
家住素里QQ群,群号82591745,欢迎加入~大家可以通过加入QQ群,找到我微信,然后加入家住素里微信群。谢谢!回复: 家有儿女初长成老二终于睡了,老大还在同学家玩,又只有麻烦同学家长送他回来,唉,累得半死,还是分身乏述。
心中有佛满世界都是佛回复: 家有儿女初长成真搞不懂,已快接近3月的天气,怎么昨天还纷纷扬扬下了好大一场雪。这乍寒的天气,令人清爽也令人郁闷。昨天下课后匆匆忙忙地买了一周的食物,赶死赶活地回家,接上两孩子,再赶往列志文学习围棋。在车上老二已沉沉睡去,无奈何只得抱上老二呆在围棋老师家静等(通常这段时间我们是在图书馆里混),胡乱地翻着中文报纸,耳朵里满是有关围棋各种比赛的信息。我的天,6月底在魁北克有加拿大全国的比赛(3天),8月初在美国的黑山市有场世界赛事(6天)。我可怜的儿子,他该怎么去?他既非独生子女,父亲也定不下来那时是否已回家,如果要去,谁陪他去?要么,放弃各种赛事,只是呆在家里,搞些短线接送?纠结中。。。
心中有佛满世界都是佛回复: 家有儿女初长成看老大踢球刚登陆时,得益于一朋友的帮助,替儿子报了PeachArch的足球,没想到平日里弱不经风的儿子,在球场上却似换了一个人,显得是那么的精神抖擞,活力四射,浑似换了人间!这个球队是个长期的term,通过它,儿子在里面找到了自信,也交了些许朋友。但是做妈妈的常常觉得内疚,因为几乎从来没有好好地观摩过一场赛事,也始终没有搞明白过足球赛事的规则。记得有一次,从滑滑梯(老二在那)那里远眺,看到整个球场突然间都静止不动了,所有球员们都半跪下去,头埋着,手却伸向天空,心里顿然惊异不已,想来想去也没有想明白这是源自哪出戏。球赛完毕后,追问儿子,儿子一脸的讶异,“啊?这都不明白?刚才我受伤了,全场队员都在为我祈福呢”俺的神,公正说来,应该算俺还是在现场哈,仅300米远,不仅不懂规则,更不知是俺的儿子负伤,当时心中那个感受啊,的的确确是一言难尽。。。自此以后再不现场观摩赛事,心想在与不在,都=0,何况天寒地冻的,更何况每每要老二做陪,也不舍得。
心中有佛满世界都是佛回复: 家有儿女初长成两个孩子的确有这样的烦恼,想让老大多参加课外活动,就只能无奈的拖着老二,如果孩子年龄差距不大还好,否则真是顾了这个,忽视了那个。再加上你老公总要飞来飞去的,你忙了孩子还有忙家务,真是太不容易了哈!
海的那一边是我的家吗?! 回复: 家有儿女初长成昨晚就电脑时间控制的事情小心翼翼地试探了一下儿子,没想到他答应得蛮快。我的要求其实真的好低,只要每天不要超过2小时就好。想想尚在国内的孩子,想想他原来的同班同学们,还在题海中奋战苦读,他可真算幸运的了,不是吗?可是每天下午3:20左右到家后,几乎也没有任何家庭作业,他能干啥?除了球类运动,还有什么适合男孩子的活动或者兴趣点,并可以呆在家做?木工活?不现实!做饼干?刷漆?。。。也许可以粉刷一下他自己的房间,有时间计划一下,呵呵,试?
心中有佛满世界都是佛回复: 家有儿女初长成瞧老二这几天欢天喜地的模样,人见人怜。呵呵,孩子要是GUAI 顺起来,真是无法再怨天尤人,感觉这阳光明媚的下雪天,也让人格外爽快。
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