注:本文完全出于本人原创,您可以全部或部分引用、转发,以做非商业用途,但请注明本文出处,及作者网名“闻粥粥”,谢谢!两年多前写了篇关于VOIP的文章,也参与了一些关于架设VOIP的讨论,详情请见:http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=452462http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=524361一直想写一篇从头到尾、详尽细致的攻略,一直未能动笔。今次特别抽出两三天时间整理出这个文章,基本可算是一篇完整的攻略,希望对大家有所帮助。本文适合于有一定IT/网络基础的人群,但不建议连无线路由器都没有设置过的读者实践。通过一定的调研,我觉得Obihai公司的产品OBi200和OBi202基本上是目前市场上功能最强大的VOIP盒子了,所以本文基于这两款设备写成。你可以在amazon或newegg上购买到它们,它俩最大的区别是202带两个电话口,并可以当路由器使用。千万不要买302,因为它不支持Google Voice。另在此要向扑克前版主及一些朋友道个歉,曾经误导他们购买了Linksys的产品,实践证明Obihai的产品比Linksys的好用!
行车记录仪:http://goo.gl/8vjKK 信用卡:http://goo.gl/G8BxZ PLC帐户:http://goo.gl/3TaI9 Dropbox:http://goo.gl/RUfJB VOIP:http://goo.gl/iRl5E SPA3102:http://goo.gl/72FQF 电力猫:http://goo.gl/m29Sk 高清播放器:http://goo.gl/6ww8n 水处理:http://goo.gl/Ba1hH 赏

行车记录仪:http://goo.gl/8vjKK 信用卡:http://goo.gl/G8BxZ PLC帐户:http://goo.gl/3TaI9 Dropbox:http://goo.gl/RUfJB VOIP:http://goo.gl/iRl5E SPA3102:http://goo.gl/72FQF 电力猫:http://goo.gl/m29Sk 高清播放器:http://goo.gl/6ww8n 水处理:http://goo.gl/Ba1hH 赏

行车记录仪:http://goo.gl/8vjKK 信用卡:http://goo.gl/G8BxZ PLC帐户:http://goo.gl/3TaI9 Dropbox:http://goo.gl/RUfJB VOIP:http://goo.gl/iRl5E SPA3102:http://goo.gl/72FQF 电力猫:http://goo.gl/m29Sk 高清播放器:http://goo.gl/6ww8n 水处理:http://goo.gl/Ba1hH回复: 手把手教你架设VOIP电话系统(OBi200/202+FPL+Voip.ms+GV)三、申请Google Voice号码主要功能:主叫、被叫、语音信箱。我们主要用这条线路拨打美国长途,以及FPL不能免费覆盖的加拿大地区费率:美国及加拿大拨打、接听全免费申请方法:对于美国用户来说申请不是个问题,但对于加拿大用户来说,比较麻烦,要走VPN,还要一部美国本地的号码。如果你不愿意花太多心思在这些鸡毛算皮的小事上,我的建议是新申请一个gmail帐号,然后去中国的淘宝网上找人帮你注册google voice,大约花费人民币5元,你要给人家gmail帐号及密码,你可以在线与卖家交流,以便挑一个你希望的地区的好号码,注册GV成功后记得改密码哦。记好gmail帐号和密码,这个要用在OBi上。
行车记录仪:http://goo.gl/8vjKK 信用卡:http://goo.gl/G8BxZ PLC帐户:http://goo.gl/3TaI9 Dropbox:http://goo.gl/RUfJB VOIP:http://goo.gl/iRl5E SPA3102:http://goo.gl/72FQF 电力猫:http://goo.gl/m29Sk 高清播放器:http://goo.gl/6ww8n 水处理:http://goo.gl/Ba1hH回复: 手把手教你架设VOIP电话系统(OBi200/202+FPL+Voip.ms+GV)四、OBi注册及基本设置1.把你的OBi200或202接到网络中,并在Phone口(在202上是Phone1)上接一部电话2.注册并登录http://www.OBitalk.com3.Add Device: 取消“I want to configure GoogleVoice on this device”,点Next4.这时它会提示你拿起电话(你接到OBi的那部,不是手机,不是其它电话哦)拨一个号码,比如 **5 9421,照做即可,你有约120秒的时间做这件事5.设备填加好后,设置好正确的Local TimeZone,并选中Daylight Saving Time(如果你在北美用的话)。6.下面的步骤,我们会把FPL设到SP1上,voip.ms设到SP2上,GV设到SP3上,然后做一定的修改来达到满意的使用效果,请记得每设置完一个页面后,要点Save保存配置哦。另外我没提到的选项,请一率选默认值。7.如果SP1-SP4上已有配置,请点它们后面的垃圾筒删除掉。8.点SP1后成的齿轮进行配置,Service Provider选freephoneline,设置如下:Primary Line for Outgoing Calls: Enable (如果是OBi202,请在Phone1和Phone2上都Enable)Incoming Calls Will Ring On: 此为OBi202独有,请在Phone1和Phone2上都EnableVoicemail Notification: Enable (如果是OBi202,请在Phone1和Phone2上都Enable)7-Digit Dialing for USA & CAN: 604Use This Service for Emergency 911 Calls: EnableService Provider Proxy Server: voip.freephoneline.cafreephoneline SIP User Name (RingCentral Authorization ID): (参见前文 “一.5”)freephoneline SIP Password (RingCentral Password): (参见前文 “一.5”)配置完后,你可点SP1后的齿轮再次查看和设置。9.点SP2后面的齿轮进行配置,Service Provider选voip.ms,设置如下:Primary Line for Outgoing Calls: Disable (去掉勾)Incoming Calls Will Ring On: Enable (如果是OBi202,请在Phone1和Phone2上都Enable)Voicemail Notification: Disable (去掉勾)7-Digit Dialing for USA & CAN: 604 Use This Service for Emergency 911 Calls: Disable (去掉勾)Proxy Location: Seattle, WAUsername: (参见前文 “二.2”)Voip.ms Password: (参见前文 “二.2”)配置完后,你可点SP2后的齿轮再次查看和设置。10.点SP3后成的齿轮进行配置,Service Provider选Google Voice,设置如下:Primary Line for Outgoing Calls: Disable (去掉勾)Incoming Calls Will Ring On: Disable (去掉勾,此为OBi202独有)Google Voicemail Notification: Enable7-Digit Dialing for USA & CAN: 604 Your Gmail Username: (参见前文 “三”)Your Gmail Password: (参见前文 “三”)配置完后,你可点SP3后的齿轮再次查看和设置。11.点Device Configuration回到该设备的配置页面,点最下面的OBi Expert Configuration,再点Enter OBi Expert,进入“专家配置”模式。12.Star Codes -- Star Codes Profile A:找到*98, Blind Transfer, coll($Bxrn)这一项(我的是Code28),把OBiTALK Settings, Device Default上面的对勾全部去掉,这样就可以修改该选项了,然后把*98改成*99,改完的结果是*99, Blind Transfer, coll($Bxrn)13.点“Submit”保存配置。14.注意:“专家模式”下的所有配置更改都要像上面“12”和“13”一样,先把OBiTALK Settings, Device Default上面的对勾全部去掉,才能更改。更改完后的结果要“Submit”保存。此为默认操作,以后不再辍述了。15.Star Codes -- Star Codes Profile B:同“12”一样处理。16.设置CallerIDName,可以在被叫人的电话上显示你的名子(需要运营商和电话支持)Voice Service -- SP1 Service -- CallerIDName: Firstname Lastname (换成你的名子)Voice Service -- SP2 Service -- CallerIDName: Firstname Lastname (换成你的名子)Voice Service -- SP3 Service -- CallerIDName: Firstname Lastname (换成你的名子)17.至此,你OBi设置完成,可以正常工作了,默认情况下所有呼出的电话都会经过FPL(SP1)呼出;如果你想拨中国长途,则拨**2-011-86-xxx…..,这会通过voip.ms(SP2)呼出;如果拨美国的电话,就是**3-1-xxx-xxx-xxxx,这会通过GV(SP3)呼出。
行车记录仪:http://goo.gl/8vjKK 信用卡:http://goo.gl/G8BxZ PLC帐户:http://goo.gl/3TaI9 Dropbox:http://goo.gl/RUfJB VOIP:http://goo.gl/iRl5E SPA3102:http://goo.gl/72FQF 电力猫:http://goo.gl/m29Sk 高清播放器:http://goo.gl/6ww8n 水处理:http://goo.gl/Ba1hH回复: 手把手教你架设VOIP电话系统(OBi200/202+FPL+Voip.ms+GV)五、优化这里的操作全部在“专家模式”下,分为A和B两大部份,A内部及B内部的各项设置之间都有关联,需要一气呵成的全部设置完成,否则会影响使用,严重的情况会导至无法打电话。但是A部分和B部分无关联,你可以只应用A,也可以只应用B,或者两个同时应用。A.实现FPL和Voip.ms的服务器冗余及备份这里对于FPL(SP1)设置了两个服务器进行冗余,并启用了Secondary Registration的机制;而对Voip.ms(SP2)设置了四个服务器进行冗余,你还可以根据需要更改此服务器列表,以得到最优性能Router Configuration -- WAN Setting -- Local DNS Records1: freephoneline.ca=voip.freephoneline.ca,voip2.freephoneline.ca2: voip.ms=seattle.voip.ms,seattle2.voip.ms,toronto.voip.ms,toronto2.voip.msService Providers -- ITSP Profile A SIPProxyServer: freephoneline.caX_ProxyServerRedundancy: enableX_SecondaryRegistration: enableService Providers -- ITSP Profile B SIPProxyServer: voip.msX_ProxyServerRedundancy: enableB.根据呼出的电话号码自动选择SP下面的这一大堆设置实现了以下功能:1.拨国际长途走Voip.ms(SP2),拨号规则如下:011-xxxxxxx. (举例:011-86-10-8765-4321) 通过voip.ms设的默认International Routing线路呼出,我们在前文”二.4”中设为了Premium033-xxxxxxx. (举例:033-86-139-0010-1234) 033和011一样,都是拨国际长途,但是强制使用Value线路044-xxxxxxx. (举例:044-86-22-2345-6789) 044和011一样,都是拨国际长途,但是强制使用Premium线路2.拨北美的Toll Free电话,如果不加前辍1,则走FPL(SP1);如果加前辍1,优先使用Voip.ms(SP2),万一Voip.ms服务器失效,则用GV(SP3)举例:800-1234-5678走FPL,1-800-1234-5678走Voip.ms我推荐大家都尽量使用FPL拨Toll Free电话,只有在个别时候FPL不能呼达时,再加拨号前辍1。3.拨北美长途(即加拨号前辍1),则用GV(SP3)呼出,如果GV失效,再用Voip.ms(SP2)4.拨“本地电话”(即不加拨号前辍1),优先使用FPL(SP1),如果FPL失效则走voip.ms(这时会产生费用,对方显示的还会是你的FPL的号码),如果voip.ms再失效(这几乎不可能,除非你网断了)则走GV(这时不产生费用,但对方显示的是你GV的号码)。事实上加拿大绝大多数稍大点的城市,你都可以当“本地电话”来打,请参见以下页面:http://www.freephoneline.ca/cityListing5.拨*98接通FPL的Voicemail,拨*97接通GV的Voicemail以下是设置部分:User Settings -- User Defined DigitMaps -- User Defined Digit Map2 (注意是2,不要去改1)Label: dlsDigitMap: (1[2-9]xx[2-9]xxxxxxS0|[2-9]xx[2-9]xxxxxxS0|xx.|*xx.|(Mipd)|[^*]@@.)Service Providers -- ITSP Profile A GeneralDigitMap: (Mdls)Service Providers -- ITSP Profile B GeneralDigitMap: (Mdls)Service Providers -- ITSP Profile C GeneralDigitMap: (Mdls)Voice Service -- Gateways & TrunkGrpsTrunk Group1 -- Name: IDDTrunk Group1 -- TrunkList: sp2Trunk Group1 -- DigitMap: (0(11|33|44)xx.)Trunk Group2 -- Name: Toll FreeTrunk Group2 -- TrunkList: sp2,sp3Trunk Group2 -- DigitMap: (18(00|8[0-9]|77|66|55|44|33|22)xxxxxxx)Trunk Group3 -- Name: North AmericaTrunk Group3 -- TrunkList: sp3,sp2Trunk Group3 -- DigitMap: (1[2-9]xx[2-9]xxxxxx)Trunk Group4 -- Name: LocalTrunk Group4 -- TrunkList: sp1,sp2,sp3Trunk Group4 -- DigitMap: (<1604>[2-9]xxxxxx|<1>[2-9]xx[2-9]xxxxxx)Physical Interfaces -- PHONE 1(此项设置根据机型不同,稍有差异,请注意区分)OutboundCallRoute(OBi202专用。为了避免和本论坛的表情符冲突,我在下面的规则中插入了一些空格,使用时请把空格去掉。另,请把最前面部分的12345678900替换成你的GV号码): {(<*97:12345678900>):sp3},{*98:sp1},{911:sp1},{([1-9]x?*(Mpli)): pp},{(<#:>): ph2},{(<**82:>(Mbt2)):bt2},{(<**81:>(Mbt)):bt},{(<**8:>(Mbt)):bt},{**0:aa},{***:aa2},{(<**1:>(Msp1)):sp1},{(<**2:>(Msp2)):sp2},{(<**3:>(Msp3)):sp3},{(<**4:>(Msp4)):sp4},{(<**9:>(Mpp)): pp},{(Mtg1):tg1},{(Mtg2):tg2},{(Mtg3):tg3},{(Mtg4):tg4},{(Mpli): pli}OutboundCallRoute(OBi200专用。为了避免和本论坛的表情符冲突,我在下面的规则中插入了一些空格,使用时请把空格去掉。另,请把最前面部分的12345678900替换成你的GV号码): {(<*97:12345678900>):sp3},{*98:sp1},{911:sp1},{([1-9]x?*(Mpli)): pp},{(<**82:>(Mbt2)):bt2},{(<**81:>(Mbt)):bt},{(<**8:>(Mbt)):bt},{**0:aa},{***:aa2},{(<**1:>(Msp1)):sp1},{(<**2:>(Msp2)):sp2},{(<**3:>(Msp3)):sp3},{(<**4:>(Msp4)):sp4},{(<**9:>(Mpp)): pp},{(Mtg1):tg1},{(Mtg2):tg2},{(Mtg3):tg3},{(Mtg4):tg4},{(Mpli): pli}Physical Interfaces -- PHONE 2 (此项设置仅适用于OBi202)OutboundCallRoute(为了避免和本论坛的表情符冲突,我在下面的规则中插入了一些空格,使用时请把空格去掉。另,请把最前面部分的12345678900替换成你的GV号码): {(<*97:12345678900>):sp3},{*98:sp1},{911:sp1},{([1-9]x?*(Mpli)): pp},{(<#:>): ph1},{(<**82:>(Mbt2)):bt2},{(<**81:>(Mbt)):bt},{(<**8:>(Mbt)):bt},{**0:aa},{***:aa2},{(<**1:>(Msp1)):sp1},{(<**2:>(Msp2)):sp2},{(<**3:>(Msp3)):sp3},{(<**4:>(Msp4)):sp4},{(<**9:>(Mpp)): pp},{(Mtg1):tg1},{(Mtg2):tg2},{(Mtg3):tg3},{(Mtg4):tg4},{(Mpli): pli}
行车记录仪:http://goo.gl/8vjKK 信用卡:http://goo.gl/G8BxZ PLC帐户:http://goo.gl/3TaI9 Dropbox:http://goo.gl/RUfJB VOIP:http://goo.gl/iRl5E SPA3102:http://goo.gl/72FQF 电力猫:http://goo.gl/m29Sk 高清播放器:http://goo.gl/6ww8n 水处理:http://goo.gl/Ba1hH回复: 手把手教你架设VOIP电话系统(OBi200/202+FPL+Voip.ms+GV)六、OBi的附加功能OBi设备的附加功能是很丰富的,有兴趣的可以在这里下载他们的文档:http://www.obihai.com/docs-downloads以下是我截取一些功能介绍(并有所删节),地址:http://www.obihai.com/OBiAdminGuide.htm注意:Blind Transfer 这个功能,我们在上文中已经把它的Star Code从*98改成了*99,原因是它与FPL的Voicemail有冲突。再补充一句:由于VOIP与传统的电话系统不同,你可能会感觉有的时候拨完号要等比较长的时间才呼出,遇到这种情况,你可以在所拨的电话号码尾部加拨#,这样它就会立即呼出,举例:011-86-10-8765-4321#End User Features Available on the OBiOBiTALK Web Portal:The OBiTALK Web Portal allows you to manage your OBi endpoints and their relation to other endpoints in your Circle of Trust. OBiTALK is a web portal and OBi configuration utility which helps OBi users configure devices for optimum savings and access applications which make using OBi with even more convenience. OBi Circles of TrustThe OBiTALK Web Portal is also where you can set-up Circles of Trust. The Circles of Trust provide a means to team-up with other people with OBi devices and endpoints so that everyone’s calls can be made as inexpensively as possible.OBiON iPhone & iPod Touch + Android Smart Phone AppsAfter setting up an account and logging in to the OBiTALK portal, users may download applications for their iPhone and Android smart phones. OBiAPP for PC Soft Phone AppAfter setting up an account and logging in to the OBiTALK portal, users may download applications for their iPhone and Android smart phones.Bridge Your Services for Optimum Savings & ConvenienceWith the OBi device, you can bridge multiple services to route calls in the most efficient cost-effective way. You can connect your telco phone service to the OBi at your house and use your PC or Apple iPhone, iPod touch or Android Smart phone to bridge a call from the OBiTALK network to the phone landline or Internet phone service connected to the OBi device at home.Call ForwardingCall Forwarding allows you to send incoming calls to another number of your choosing. Calls can be forwarded to a number reachable from the landline service, VoIP service or OBiTALK network. The following types of call forwarding are possible with the OBi:Call Forward ALL: When you use Call Forward ALL, all calls are immediately forwarded to the number you indicate when you turn on the feature. To enable Call Forward ALL, from a phone attached to the OBi, dial *72. You will be prompted to enter the number to which the calls will be forwarded. Dial the number plus the # key and a confirmation tone will be heard. To disable Call Forward ALL, dial *73. A confirmation tone will be heard.Call Forward on Busy: When you use Call Forward on Busy, all calls are forwarded to the number you indicate only when you are already engaged in a call with your phone attached to the OBi. To enable Call Forward on Busy, from a phone attached to the OBi, dial *60. You will be prompted to enter the number to which the calls will be forwarded. Dial the number plus the # key and a confirmation tone will be heard. To disable Call Forward on Busy, dial *61. A confirmation tone will be heard Call forward on No Answer: When you use Call Forward on No Answer, all calls are forwarded to the number you indicate only when you do not answer the call with your phone attached to the OBi. To enable Call Forward on No Answer, from a phone attached to the OBi, dial *62. You will be prompted to enter the number to which the calls will be forwarded. Dial the number plus the # key and a confirmation tone will be heard. To disable Call Forward on No Answer, dial *63. A confirmation tone will be heard.Caller ID – Name & NumberCaller ID allows you to see the number and (if available) the name of the person calling you. You can use this information to decide whether or not to answer the call. You must have a phone (or device) that supports caller ID to use this feature.Call WaitingCall waiting lets you take a second call that comes in when you are already on the phone with another party and not have to disconnect to take the new call. When you are on the line with the first party, you will hear a tone signalling you there is a second call coming in. To answer this call, press the “flash” button on your phone or depress and release the switch hook on the telephone. The first party will be placed on hold and you will be connected to the second party until you press the “flash” button or depress and release the switch hook again.Since Call Waiting can interfere with fax calls already in progress, it is advised that you configure your fax machine to dial the Cancel Call Waiting code before it dials the destination fax machine.3-Way Calling3-Way Calling allows you to talk to two parties at the same time with everyone on a telephone at a different location. To use 3-Way Calling, when you are in a call with another party and want to add a second to the conversation, press the “flash” button or depress and release the switch hook on your phone. You will be presented with a second dial tone and the first party will be placed on hold. Dial the second party. When they answer, you will be able to inform them that you intend to connect them with the first party (now on hold) and have a conference. At this point press the “flash” button or depress and release the switch hook on your phone. This will connect the first party, the second party and yourself. You can all continue to talk together. Call Transfer (Attended)You can transfer a call to a third party using the attended transfer capabilities of the OBi. To use Attended Call Transfer, while in a call with the party who will be transferred, press the “flash” button or depress and release the switch hook on your phone. You will be presented with a second dial tone. The party who will be transferred will be placed on hold. Dial the transfer target. When the transfer target answers, you will be able to inform them that you intend to connect them with the party on hold. At this point press the “flash” button or depress and release the switch hook on your phone. This will connect the party to be transferred, the transfer target and yourself. You can continue to talk together, as this is now a 3-way call, or you can hang up the phone and the other two parties will remain connected.Caller ID Block (Anonymous Calling)Caller ID Block allows you to mask your name and number information from appearing on the phone you are calling. To use Caller ID Block for one call only, dial *67 and then the destination number. To use Caller ID Block on a persistent basis, dial *81 from the handset attached to the OBi. All calls will use the Caller ID Block feature until you cancel the Caller ID Block. To cancel Caller ID Block, dial *82 from the handset attached to the OBi.Automatic Call Back (Call Return)Automatic Call Back, also called Call Return can be used to call back the last caller who called you without actually dialing their number. To use Automatic Call Back, from the phone attached to the OBi, dial *69. The OBi will then attempt to use the previous callers Caller ID information to make the call.Repeat DialingRepeat Dialing is useful when you call a number that is busy and you want to keep trying so that your call gets through when the far end is available. Repeat dialing will continue to try the last number until the OBi device can complete the call or Repeat dialing is cancelled. To enable repeat dialing, from the phone attached to the OBi, dial *05 and hang up. To cancel repeat dialing, from the phone attached to the OBi, dial *06.Anonymous Call BlockAnonymous Call Block allows you to block calls from incoming callers when there is no identifying caller ID name or number. Incoming calls will be presented with a busy signal. To use Anonymous Call Block, from the phone attached to the OBi, dial *77. To cancel Anonymous Call Block, from the phone attached to the OBi, dial *87.Do Not DisturbDo Not Disturb (DND) allows you to set the phone to immediately forward calls made to your OBi to the number set-up as your voicemail number / account. If no voicemail account is set-up, the OBi will return a busy signal to the caller until you turn off DND. To turn on DND, from a phone attached to the OBi, dial *78. To turn off DND, from a phone attached to your OBi, dial *79.Message Waiting Indication – Visual and Tone BasedMessage Waiting Indication allows you to be notified when there is a new voice message for you. The OBi supports both Visual and Tone based Message Waiting Indication. With Tone-based Message Waiting Indication, you will know there is a message for you when you hear a “stutter” dial tone right when you first pick up the phone to make a call. Typically, this stutter tone will be removed once you listen to your message(s). Visual-based Message Waiting Indication will turn on a light or screen icon on your phone (or phone base station) when there is a message waiting for you. Typically, this light or icon will go dark when you have listened to your new message(s).Speed Dialing of 99 OBi Endpoints or NumbersThe OBi device supports Speed Dialing of 99 numbers. These numbers can be associated with phones reachable via an Internet or landline service or the OBiTALK network. Be careful with the Speed Dial Set-Up as this will conflict with the Speed Dials set-up on the OBiTALK portal. The Speed Dials that are set-up on the OBiTALK portal will always overwrite anything set-up via the phone connected to the OBi. PHONE 1/2 Collaborative Features (OBi202 Only)While PHONE 1 and PHONE 2 can function independently of each other, the OBi202 also offers some collaborative features to let the two phone ports work together as a mini phone system.With the factory default digit map and call routing rules, you can dial a single “#” (pound/hash) digit to call from one phone port to ring the other phone port. Depending on the current state of the called phone, one of the following can happen:If the called phone is idle (on-hook), it will ring normally with a special Caller-ID that indicates the call is from the other PHONE Port.If the called phone is already on a call, the calling phone will barge in to join the call.If the called phone is on-hook with a call on-hold, the calling phone will pick up and resume that call.If the called phone is ringing, the calling phone will pick up and aswer that call.For all other scenarios, the calling phone will hear busy tone.Note that you can prevent the calling phone port from doing 2, 3 and 4, as they can be disabled by setting the parameter EnablePhonePortBargeIn to false for that port. In that case, 2 will become normal call-waiting on the called phone, but the calling phone will hear busy tone for 3 and 4.You can also transfer an external call from PHONE 1 to PHONE 2 the usual way: while connected on an external all, hook flash and dial # to ring the other phone, then hang up to transfer when the caller phone rings or answers.For incoming calls on any trunk (SP1-4 or OBiTALK Service), one can set up the corresponding inbound call route to ring just PHONE 1 or PHONE 2 or both. The default inbound call routes are setup to ring both phone ports.For outgoing calls, each phone port has its own digit map and outbound call route configuration, which means that you have the full flexibility in allocating trunks for making calls from each port independently. Each port may also have a different primary line assigned; the default however is to set the prmary line to SP1 for both phone ports. Star Code FeaturesThe OBi device supports service features via the handset connected to the PHONE port. The following Star Codes can be used to access the indicated features. OBi Star Code Enabled Features Apply to All Voice Services.*03, Request peer device to loopback media in the next outbound call *04, Request peer device to loopback RTP packets in the next outbound call *05, Tell device to periodically redial the last called number until the called party rings or answers *06, Cancel the last repeat dial request *07 Redial*69 Call Return*81 Block Caller ID (Persistent Mode)*82 Unblock Caller ID (Persistent Mode)*67 Block Caller ID (One Time)*68 Unblock Caller ID (One Time)*72 Call Forward All (Enter Number + #)*73 Disable Call Forward All*60 Call Forward on Busy (Enter Number + #)*61 Disable Call Forward in Busy*62 Call Forward on No Answer (Enter Number + #)*63 Disable Call Forward No Answer*77 Block Anonymous Calls*87 Unblock Anonymous Calls*56 Enable Call Waiting*57 Disable Call Waiting*78 Do Not Disturb – Turn On*79 Do Not Disturb – Disable*66 Repeat Dial*86 Disable Repeat Dial*74 Speed Dial Set-Up (Enter SD No. [1-99] then Tel No. + #) ∞*75 Speed Dial Read-Back (Enter SD No.) *76, Clear a Speed Dial*96, Barge In*98, Blind Transfer*4711, Use G711 Only on the next outbound call*4729, Use G729 Only on the next outbound call*28, Make OBiBT Bluetooth Adapter discoverable for the next 120s (OBI202 only)∞ Note: Be careful with the Speed Dial Set-Up as this will conflict with the Speed Dials set-up on the OBiTALK portal. The Speed Dials that are set-up on the OBiTALK portal will always overwrite anything set-up via the phone connected to the OBi.
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回复: 手把手教你架设VOIP电话系统(OBi200/202+FPL+Voip.ms+GV)Mark
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