加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息咱们自己争来争去有什么用,看看本地加拿大人





I live in Vancouver and agree with the professor. My problem is the transience and lack of attachment. Vancouver is like one big hostel. I grew up in Toronto which has a very diverse ethnic population. I loved living there. Vancouver has less of a mix and I think we need more diversity. And we need immigrants who are attached to this country and don't regard as something to be exploited for personal gain. Hong Kong is experiencing a similar deluge mainly from Mainland China. China has billions of citizens and millions of wealthy people arrive with no meaningful attachment to Canada, the culture, or the city's environment. They are here to buy up property, have the children they can't have in China (because it's vastly overpopulated) and many appear to have no interest in assimilating because the populations are so large there's no need to. So you have situations where children are enrolling in elementary school, high school and university and can't speak or read English. I've been approached by foreign students willing to pay me to write their essays for them. They just want the grades. So much for ethics and values and placing any real value on learning. A relative of mine teaches ESL and she's says smaller immigrant populations are more keen to learn but larger populations don't have that pressure. They form huge insular and exclusive communities.


Too fast, too quick, and not slowing down anytime soon. When you allow immigration of this scale in such a short period of time, you face difficulties with integration. And you also end up with ethnic enclaves, such as what is happening in the adjoining city of Richmond. 65 percent of Richmond's population is now of Chinese ethnicity. The language of the playground is no longer English. The downtown commercial area is home to numerous displays of Chinese only signage. Many retail, business, and hospitality outlets now require employees to speak Mandarin or Cantonese. I do not know if the fast pace of immigration from one ethnic demographic has damaged Vancouver, but it is sure changing the City into a community where, if you do not change as well, you will be not only the minority, but you will also be on the outside looking in.


I'm seeing a lot of Chinese seniors choosing to settle in my community. I guess their kids send them here for the free health care but the kids themselves tend to work elsewhere like the U.S. I don't know how this is going to affect Canadian health care which is already under stress.我看到很多中国老人住在我的社区,我猜他们的孩子送他们到这儿享受免费福利,但是他们的孩子自己却去别的国家比如美国工作,我不知道这对已经就紧张的加拿大医疗系统会带来多少影响

A lot of wonderful old character homes in Vancouver are being torn down and replaced with ummm...distasteful buildings. In many instances, no one seems to live in them.很多很好很有特色的温哥华建筑被拆毁,取而代之的是很不雅观的新建筑,几乎没人住在里面

Very true. What I don't understand is how people can immigrate here without speaking any English or French and the society change the rules to accomodate these people. Many schools in Vancouver translate documents into Chinese and Korean and organize Chinese and Korean only meetings to explain school rules, events and changes. One of there school is the shaughnessy elementary school.我不知道为什么英文法文都说不好的人是如何移民到这个国家的。而且他们居然还要这个社会来宽容他们。很多温哥华学校居然把教材翻译成中文或者韩文,然后专门给韩国人和中国人开小会解释学校的规则,活动。shaughnessy小学就是这么做的!

The mass immigration when Hong Kong reverted to China did, indeed, harm BC in terms of real estate prices. Political correctness has its place but when it squelches the truth, then it needs to be tossed out.在中国回收香港之前,大量香港人移民到温哥华,严重损害了bc省的房地产市场,推高了房价。政治正确性让我们噤声,但是现在需要有人勇敢说出事实

The professor is not correct who says the recent immigration damaged Vancouver. He is wrong. The reality is that the recent immigration did not damage Vancouver, it destroyed Vancouver. Think about it. Vancouver in 1985 was a Canadian city, it was a city where the average Canadian could afford to buy a home, it was a city where the parents in the homes of the richest neighbourhoods lived and worked in Vancouver, it was a city where the families in the homes of the richest neighbourhoods spoke one of Canada's official two languages in the home. That city no longer exists. Today, in its boundaries, instead there is World Resort City. World Resort City in 2015 is just that, a world resort city. It is a city where the average Canadian cannot afford to buy a home, since the average price is over a million dollars. It is a city where the parents in the homes of the richest neighbourhoods do not live and work in Vancouver, instead the breadwinner works overseas, and it is a city where the families in the homes of the richest neighbourhoods do not speak one of Canada's official two languages in the home. Vancouver was destroyed and it was replaced with World Resort City. The UBC psychiatrist who is trying to deny that, well, he might want to re-read the definition of "delusion"...这个教授说的还不够严重,这些移民不仅仅损害了温哥华,他们简直摧毁了整个温哥华。1985年,温哥华是个典型的加拿大城市,一个普通加拿大人能承受的起的加拿大城市,一个普通人能住得起现在最有钱人能住的上的社区,一个普通人能住在大家说法文和英文的社区,但是现在呢,这个城市再也不存在了。现在这个城市变成一个国际旅游城市,一个普通加拿大人没法承担的,房屋均价过百万的城市。一个富有社区居民从来不工作不居住在温哥华的城市。这个城市汇聚了世界各地的投机赢家,汇聚了太多不说英文和法文的有钱人。温哥华被彻底摧毁了。

SNOWBEARBABY 说:他们的言辞,比华人论坛文明多了。喝喝点击展开...哈哈,因为被屏蔽掉了,亲,你上去发个fuck试试,立马就封掉,马上我就发有人抱怨这个论坛审查言论的评论。他们叫作forum moderate,也就是国内的论坛审查制度。我在cnn论坛的账号就被封了多少次,现在他们直接把我ip地址封了,我无论怎么换我的id,只要是同一个ip,都不能发表言论

The facts are the facts. I am currently sharing office with six guys that created their own mainland circle. They always go to lunch together, they socialize together and discuss aloud in the office in their own language. Unless one learns mandarin, one is never part of this circle. They never understand that it is rude to talk the language others don't understand in front of the people. They crack a joke in their own language and they laugh. The rest of us don't know why. There is an evident segregation and things are going far from being integrated into English Canadian culture or society. I agree with that professor's opinion事实就是事实,我现在和六个人共享一个办公室,他们形成了他们自己的大陆圈子。他们总是一起吃午饭,他们一起社交,用他们自己的语言在办公室大声讨论。除非你会普通话,没人能打进他们的圈子。他们从来不知道在别人面前说别人不懂的语言这是多么没素质。他们用自己的语言开玩笑然后哈哈大笑,其余的人更不知道他们在笑什么。这是一个征兆,一个群体没法融入英文社会和文化的征兆,我非常赞同这个反华教授的言论

SNOWBEARBABY 说:这不是移民的错。要怪去怪政府吧。点击展开...今天下午我去中国城看看是不是雪熊下山来到旧城镇破烂角落翻找食物,结果看到我介绍的那个有机米被卖空了。


老潘SZ 说:为什么之前对华人移民的负面评价较少?那是因为以前的华人移民是技术移民为主,他们必须工作,财务不自由,不得不忍受各种歧视和不公平,同时,背后的中国也不似今天这般有底气。现在的移民,多数是投资移民,即便是技术移民,多数经济上比较宽裕,有见识,见过世面,移民的目的不是来吃加拿大的低保,而是享受良好的自然环境人文环境教育环境,更不会为生计低眉顺眼,相反出手大方,让西人顿时没了早已习惯的优越感,当然中国经济崛起也是一个重要因素。不要过于在乎西人的看法,既然来了,就多多少少会影响这个社会,新来的要适应加拿大的良好的社会制度,也完全可以把华人的好东西带过来,当然一些不好的习惯该改还是应该改了;西人也要改变一下对华人的态度,我们是选择来这里生活的,但是怎么生活是我们的自由,融入社会有很多方式,不是说一定要替西人打雷波替西人做最低级的专业工才是融入,西人也该学会与时俱进,华人现在不是贫穷的代名词,不要还活在20年前。点击展开...你说得很好,西人奴役殖民世界百年了,早就习惯了万国来朝,供着他们的感觉.他们有时对你好其实是从和你的比较中获得优越感,现在这种优越感越来越少,想必其中不少人失落,嫉妒,甚至愤恨

  ·生活百科 从PI记录的选择性数据
·生活百科 将太阳能电池板连接到家庭发电站



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