加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息奇文共賞


China CITIC Bank International LimitedFrom The Desk Of: Mr. Robert ChenInternational Banking Division5-7/F, Zhongxin Mansion,Zhongxin Chengshi Plaza,No 1093, Shenn, Shenzhen,China P.R.Tel: +8613627546255Payment Code: (777WQS)Dear Sir,Following the recent meeting held by the board members of this esteemed financial institution, the new Board of Directors of the world Bank, the Financial Adviser to the President, members of audit Committee on Foreign Payment and in conjunction with International Community Delegates, international monetary fund {IMF}. We are very pleased to contact you due to a report reaching us regarding your OUTSTANDING FUND ($10.500,000,00) Ten Million Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars only, which has been long over due for payment but was made impossible by some corrupt retired bank officials.In the course of our General Auditing and Account revision of the first quarter of 2017, we discovered that the Bank Accounts belonging to some Benefactors have been changed on the basis that the owners have died some time last year or have given out an authorization note of change of data. After the investigations however, it was revealed that there are Foreigners who are collaborating with Retired Staffs of this bank to make these changes illegally without the knowledge of the Benefactors and one traced to your own change is this (MR.GERALD SAMAROO) who said you are dead, hence they have forwarded some documents/Death certificate so as to divert your fund. The bank account below was forwarded/presented by (MR.GERALD SAMAROO) as the new account for the payment: Bank Account Information:1. Bank Name: J.P. Morgan Chase Bank, N.A. of U.S.A.2. Branch Address: 1001 West Bay Drive, Largo, Florida 33770,United States Of America.3. Account No: 8311281153 (Checking)4. Name On the Account: Mr. Gerald Samaroo 5. Swift Code: CHASUS33 7. Routing No: 075000019 In order confirm if actually this is true hence decided to write to your email address which after 7 days from now and there is no response, it will be ascertained that you are truly DEAD, then proceed with the telegraphic transfer. If proved otherwise by you to be ALIVE?, please forward to us all the related Benefactors particulars including your Telephone numbers, contact address bank particulars, these details from you will help reach a conclusion that you still ALIVE.Because this MAN'S message brought shock to our minds. And we just can't proceed with him until we confirm if this is a reality OR not, But if it happened we did not hear from you after 7days, then we say: MAY YOUR SOUL REST IN PERFECT PEACE" YOUR JOY AND SUCCESS REMAINS OUR GOAL.Mr. Robert Chen.Foreign Remittance departmentTelex Transfer Section,China CITIC Bank International Limited.

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