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来这里从国内夜生活的丰富多彩现在转变为周末喜欢远足,我是初级选手吧,每次大概6公里左右。喜欢领略大自然的风光,又能锻炼身体又能欣赏风景。请问大家有没有hiking 的微信群啊,周末无聊可以一起爬山。
每个人都有自己的朋友圈,不同时间也会有不同的朋友或者家人一起远足,不好意思,没有和陌生人远足的习惯,而且每个人的居住地点时间表也不同,好像和悲哀无关。不过可以介绍一些美好的路线。有具体名称和难度介绍,适合入门者。记得一次没有仔细看清路线,本来想去公园照相的,结果走进了一条本拿笔Lake的 Trail,走了四个小时才转出来,所以提前做好功课,欣赏美景,锻炼身体。我们远足是从如下的网站开始,https://www.vancouvertrails.com/#vancouvertrails。
10 BEST VANCOUVER HIKESJuly 26, 2017Written by: Jennifer KolbucWith so many trails to choose from in the lower mainland, you’ve got lots of options for your hiking plans. If you’re new to the area, visiting for the weekend, or just want to snag the best views, here’s where you can find them on these 10 best hikes around the Vancouver area. What other ones would you recommend adding to the list? Let us know if the comments below!Pro Tip: If you’re looking to hike on a busy summer weekend, make sure you arrive early to be able to find parking near the trail head. Looking for more peace and quiet? Hike early morning mid-week to avoid the crowds.GARIBALDI LAKEAt the top of any 10 best hiking list for British Columbia you’ll find Garibaldi Lake. With its turquoise-coloured water nestled between alpine mountains and a spectacular glacier as the backdrop, it is one of the most scenic destinations around Vancouver. Just south of Whistler you’ll find the trailhead for this 18 kilometre round trip hike. The first 6 kilometres are a series of switchbacks that might just feel like they’ll go on forever, but push through to the junction and you’ll find yourself at the tip of this picturesque lake – you won’t be disappointed! Garibaldi Lake Trail Details.PANORAMA RIDGEThe view of Garibaldi Lake from the top of Panorama Ridge.The name says it all. The views from Panorama Ridge are some of the most scenic in the Garibaldi Provincial Park area with views over Garibaldi Lake, Black Tusk and Helm Lake. While this hike at 30 kilometres round trip can be completed as a very long day hike, it’s generally more enjoyable to spend a night camping at Garibaldi Lake (see above) before continuing on to the ridge the next day. However you choose to complete it, it will be well worth the effort! Panorama Ridge Trail Details.BLACK TUSKThe view of Black Tusk from the Panorama Ridge Trail.The jagged edges of the Black Tusk make it an easily identifiable mountain peak near Whistler, making it the perfect landmark to be hiked. It’s a full day hike at 29 kilometres round trip, or a weekend adventure if you choose to camp overnight at Garibaldi Lake (see above). The last section of the trail is a scramble over loose shale towards the base of the Tusk. Make note that BC Parks does not maintain a trail past this point and continuing on is at your own risk. If you choose to proceed to the base of the Tusk you’ll find views over the entire area surrounding Garibaldi Lake. Black Tusk Trail Details.JOFFRE LAKESThe view of Upper Joffre Lakes.Located north of Pemberton, this hike with three stunning, glacier fed lakes makes the 10 kilometre round trip trek one with lots of pay off. From the trailhead it only takes about 15 minutes to reach the first of the three lakes. After you’ve enjoyed the view, head back to the main trail as you wind your way up to the middle lake. Home to the famous “log photo” this is a good spot for a quick rest break before you ascend up to the final lake. Once you’ve made it to the top you can wander around the campground and find your best vantage point to enjoy the lake and glacier backdrop before heading back. Joffre Lakes Trail Details.DIEZ VISTASA view from the Diez Vistas Trail near Buntzen Lake.Head east to Buntzen Lake in Port Moody for this top 10 hike near Vancouver. Named for is ten views, this hike offers beautiful scenery overlooking Indian Arm as you make your way around the Buntzen Lake area. The 15 kilometre loop trail makes for a full day out, so pack a lunch and enjoy a dip in the lake after the hike! Diez Vistas Trail Details.TUNNEL BLUFFSA view of Howe Sound from Tunnel Bluffs.Incredible views over Howe Sound await on this trail that starts from the Sea to Sky Highway. The first two kilometres of the trail are straight up the mountain so be sure to pace yourself as you climb over 500 metres in elevation. After that enjoy a walk along a flat section of an old logging road before arriving to your final viewpoint. Tunnel Bluff Trail Details.ELFIN LAKESElfin Lakes in Garibaldi Provincial Park.Looking for a longer hike to work out your legs on? Try the 22 kilometre round trip trek to Elfin Lakes and back. It’s a longer distance than many of the hikes on our site, however the elevation gain is gradual making it less challenging than some of the shorter, steeper hikes listed here. Two back country cabins, one about halfway and one at the end, make for great spots to stop for a lunch break. Bring your bathers and enjoy a refreshing dip in the lake at the top! Elfin Lakes Trail Details.ST. MARKS SUMMITHowe Sound from St. Mark’s Summit.Park of the Howe Sound Crest Trail, save this hike for a sunny day for spectacular views over Howe Sound. Begin your ascent from the Cypress Ski Resort parking lot keeping an eye out for the map board and signs along the way. The trail starts off gradually winding up the mountainside, then crosses a few bridges before a series of steep switchbacks bring you to the scenic lookout point. St. Marks Summit Trail Details.WEDGEMOUNT LAKEWedgemount Lake north of Whistler.It may be one of the most difficult hikes in Garibaldi Provincial Park, but the spectacular alpine scenery and less busy trail make the grueling trek well worth it. It’s a steep hike up a series of switch backs and rockslides to this glacier lake. Pack a few extra layers for the top as it is significantly cooler with the breeze coming off of the glacier and then sit back and enjoy the view – you’ve earned it! Wedgemount Lake Trail Details.MOUNT CHEAMThe scenic trail to the top of Mount Cheam.The highest peak in Chilliwack, Mount Cheam offers a 360-degree panoramic view of the region, the Fraser River, and the surrounding Cascade Mountains as far south as Mount Baker. The trail to the top is not too difficult and is filled with wild flowers mid-summer. However, the real challenge to this hike is getting to the trailhead as the road is one of the worst and requires a high clearance 4×4 and a lot of courage. Find a friend with the right wheels and enjoy an afternoon spent on this breathtaking trail. Mount Cheam Trail DetailsAll of the hikes listed here are rated as intermediate or advanced and should only be attempted with proper footwear, a day pack with the 10 essentials and a hiking buddy.Jennifer Kolbuc is an avid hiker, new mom and social media professional. Originally from Ontario, she moved to Vancouver 10 years ago and fell in love with the great outdoors. You'll find her sharing her hiking adventures onInstagram with other hikers and new parents.Posted in British Columbia, Hiking Trails
susann 说:每个人都有自己的朋友圈,不同时间也会有不同的朋友或者家人一起远足,不好意思,没有和陌生人远足的习惯,而且每个人的时间表也不同好像和悲哀无关。不过可以介绍一些美好的路线。有具体名称和难度介绍,适合入门者。记得一次没有仔细看清路线,本来想去公园照相的,结果走进了一条本拿笔Lake的 Trail,走了四个小时才转出来,所以以前做好功课,欣赏美景,锻炼身体。我们远足是从如下的网站开始,https://www.vancouvertrails.com/#vancouvertrails。点击展开...谢谢Susann。这些Trails Susann 去过几个?
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好漂亮的风景!我们这个月要去Bruce Trail 最北段走8天,那里也很美。南段从Niagara到Beaver Valley一带基本上走完了,今年冬天开始进攻中段。
susann 说:所以买一套登山杆很重要,有时Costco会有。点击展开...那样会好一些吗?那么美的风景看着真馋。
susann 说:所以买一套登山杆很重要,有时Costco会有。点击展开...可以考虑MEC,货全价实,退货容易。我们团队有个西人,买了双hiking shoes,脚上打水泡,店里主动叫她换了另一品牌的。
捶扭皮 说:加油。。。。俺知道一位大姐,腿曾经出问题,一直不好。。。经过几年坚持,现在这些trails都去过了。。。俺要向她们学习!点击展开...我主要是右腿,我最近发现好像不完全是膝盖问题,右膝盖右侧的筋好像缺练缺抻
Bomi 说:浏览附件472492 浏览附件472491 来这里从国内夜生活的丰富多彩现在转变为周末喜欢远足,我是初级选手吧,每次大概6公里左右。喜欢领略大自然的风光,又能锻炼身体又能欣赏风景。请问大家有没有hiking 的微信群啊,周末无聊可以一起爬山。点击展开...低于10公里,都不好说自己Hiking,嘿嘿。谁说只有韩裔的爱这个,华裔里爱好这个的很多。
捶扭皮 说:慢慢走,把它抻开。。。。点击展开...嗯我现在架高点压试试
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