加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息墨西哥八级地震!
Earthquake of magnitude 8 strikes off Mexico's Pacific coast15 minutes ago From the sectionLatin America & CaribbeanShare this with Facebook A strong earthquake of magnitude 8 has struck in the Pacific off the southern coast of Mexico.The epicentre was about 100km (62 miles) south-west of the town of Pijijiapan and at a depth of 35km, the United States Geological Survey said.A tsunami warning has been issued for Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama and Honduras.The quake was felt in Mexico City, with buildings shaking and people running into the street.One visitor to the city, Luis Carlos Briceno, told Reuters: "I had never been anywhere where the earth moved so much."Some electricity cuts have been reported in the capital.If confirmed at magnitude 8, the quake would be equal in strength to those that struck Mexico in 1995 and 1985. The latter hit close to Mexico City and caused thousands of deaths.No tsunami warning has been issued for the US west coast in the latest quake.Mexico is currently also being threatened on its eastern coast by Hurricane Katia.The category one hurricane is about 300km south-east of Tampico and has sustained winds of 140km/h the National Hurricane Center says.Related TopicsMexico
早起的虫子被鸟吃 赏 2017-09-08#3 5,090 $0.00 美国地质调查所(USGS)表示,墨西哥南部7日深夜发生规模8.2强震,震央在墨西哥皮希希亚潘镇西南方123公里处,深度33公里。首都墨西哥城的建筑也剧烈摇晃。当局表示,这是1985年来最强烈地震。地震发生地点靠近与瓜地马拉的边界。太平洋海啸警报中心预测墨西哥沿岸恐出现高达3公尺海啸。路透报导,地震发生时正是深夜,从熟睡中惊醒的墨西哥城居民纷纷逃到街上。地震太平洋海啸警报中心表示,地震可能引发大范围的危险海啸。民众拍的影片,屋内吊灯摇晃幅度相当大。民众也拍下天空出现异样的亮光,可能是电力系统有关。根据美国地质调查所报告,有数起规模5以上余震。墨西哥民防局表示,这是1985年导致多栋建筑倒塌且数以千计民众丧生的毁灭性大地震以来,袭击墨西哥的最强烈地震。人在现场的路透社记者表示,强震于午夜前突袭,还穿着睡衣的墨西哥市民众逃到街上避难,警铃大响,部分社区停电。
susann 说:飓风还在南美肆虐,墨西哥又有大地震,今年真是不轻松。点击展开...飓风没有了吧?
Life is simple, but not easy.Public Mobile DealPublic Mobile 激活 赏 反馈:susann, 晓七爱吃鱼 和 ..............捶扭皮 2017-09-08#7 5,090 $0.00 飓风艾玛直扑迈阿密 佛州州长:快跑!我们救不了你飓风艾玛直扑迈阿密 佛州州长:快跑 我们救不了你海外网9月8日电摧毁威力惊人的超强飓风艾玛(Hurricane Irma),正在朝着美国本土步步逼近,根据最新气象预测,随着飓风眼行经路线改变,首当其冲的“最糟糕受灾点”,可能就是佛罗里达州大城迈阿密。佛州与乔治亚州均对沿海地区发布强制撤离令,几十万人的车潮已导致许多公路大堵车。美国国家飓风中心(National Hurricane Center)7日发布的飓风最新动态显示,本周末可能为佛州带来重大灾情的艾玛,飓风眼移动路线突然改变,9日或10日可能夹带具有高度杀伤力的狂风骤雨,登陆佛州南部。
IloveHalifax 说:飓风没有了吧?点击展开...德州的飓风走了,又有三个飓风来了,这次是佛罗里达。
星期四 (9月7日)上午,加拿大全球事务部( Global Affairs Canada)发布通知,告诫加拿大游客不要前往以下国家和地区:British Virgin Islands.S. Virgin Islands.Turks and Caicos.Antigua and Barbuda.Saint Kitts and Nevis.Saint-Barthélemy.Saint Martin.Sint Maarten.Puerto Rico.Southeastern and central Bahamas.Dominican Republic.Florida Keys.Northwestern Bahamas.加拿大政府建议人们,若非必须,不要去以上地区,或已经在这些地区,要高度谨慎。加拿大政府的旅游咨询信息: travel advisories here.
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