加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息新的投机税


Speculation Tax In Budget 2018, the BC government announced that it would be introducing legislation to impose an annual speculation tax. The tax will be effective for the 2018 tax year. The majority of BC homeowners will be exempt from this tax. The speculation tax will target foreign and domestic speculators in BC. These are homeowners who have removed their units from BC’s long-term housing stock – meaning they are not owner-occupied or a qualifying long-term rental property.Satellite families - households with high worldwide income that pay little income tax in BC - will also be captured by the tax. The speculation tax will initially apply to the Metro Vancouver, Fraser Valley, Capital and Nanaimo Regional Districts, and in the municipalities of Kelowna and West Kelowna. In 2018, the tax rate will be $5 per $1,000 of assessed value. In 2019, the rate will increase to $20 per $1,000 of assessed value. Exemptions The majority of BC homeowners will be exempt from this tax. Exemptions will be available for:  Principal residences (excluding satellite families)  Qualifying long-term rental properties  Certain special cases Income Tax Credit A non-refundable income tax credit will help offset the tax for BC residents.This will leave the bulk of the tax levied on vacant and short-term rental properties owned by individuals who do not live in BC, as well as satellite families. Speculation Tax Page 2 of 3Frequently Asked QuestionsQ. When is the new speculation tax effective?A. The speculation tax will be effective for the 2018 tax year. Homeowners will receive their first tax notice in the fall of 2018.Q. Who is going to pay the tax?A. The speculation tax will target foreign and domestic speculators in BC. These are homeowners who have removed their units from BC’s long-term housing stock – meaning they are not owner-occupied or a qualifying long-term rental property. A corresponding income tax credit will help offset the tax for BC residents. This will leave the bulk of the tax levied on vacant and short-term rental properties owned by individuals who do not live in BC, as well as satellite families.Q. What is the definition of a qualifying long-term rental property?A. These details, as well as information on how to apply for an exemption/income tax credit, will be provided in the coming months, prior to the implementation of the tax.Q. Will satellite families have to pay the tax?A. Yes, satellite families will be required to pay the tax. We will be collecting information from home owners to identify families with high worldwide income. These families will not be eligible for the up-front principal residence exemption. To the extent that they pay tax in BC, they will still be eligible to claim the income tax credit.Q. I live outside the province and own a residential property within the area the tax applies to. Will I have to pay the tax?A. If the property is not a qualifying long-term rental, you will be required to pay the tax.Q. What about British Columbians with two homes? A resident who lives in Vancouver and owns a vacation property in Kelowna?A. A non-refundable income tax credit will help offset the tax for BC residents. This will leave the bulk of the tax levied on vacant and short-term rental properties owned by individuals who do not live in BC, as well as satellite families. Speculation Tax Page 3 of 3Q. I think I have a property that might be subject to the tax. How can I avoid the tax?A. Principle residences and homes rented out long-term will be exempt from the tax. A non-refundable income tax credit will help offset the tax for BC residents. This will leave the bulk of the tax levied on vacant and short-term rental properties owned by individuals who do not live in BC, as well as satellite families.Q. How will the tax be administered? How can I apply for an exemption/income tax credit?A. The speculation tax will be administered by the Province, outside of the normal property tax system and property tax cycle. The Province will issue notices by mail that will direct residential property owners to a BC Government website that will contain an electronic tax form (paper and phone options will also be available). The notices will contain information on the various exemptions. One of the goals in designing the tax and its administration will be minimizing the compliance burden for the vast majority of homeowners who will be claiming an up-front exemption and reducing the number of notices that need to be sent in future years.Q. I have read the FAQs but need further details to know if I have to pay the tax? Where can I get more information?A. These details, as well as information on how to apply for an exemption/income tax credit, will be provided in the coming months, prior to the implementation of the tax.

虽然细则没出台,但这次感觉是可行的,基本是用non-refundable credit 的方式来控制,所以还是比较聪明的。同时配以一些自报表格来收集信息。



sabre的马甲 说:你们温哥华的市评估跟市场价差别大吗点击展开...不算太大。


没有哪个屋主会蠢到等着去交那个0.5/2%的投机税的。不就是说没有报税吗?那就每年报一些税不就行了么?每年报个收入,1-2万的,不就可以避免了么?? 收入来源可以报房屋出租,基金收益等等都可以。

沧水 说:没有哪个屋主会蠢到等着去交那个0.5/2%的投机税的。不就是说没有报税吗?那就每年报一些税不就行了么?每年报个收入,1-2万的,不就可以避免了么?? 收入来源可以报房屋出租,基金收益等等都可以。点击展开...没用的不够抵,这次用 non refundable tax credit 是非常聪明的

sabre的马甲 说:你们温哥华的市评估跟市场价差别大吗点击展开...有的差别大,有的小啊,但一旦有成交就会按新的调整。我一个客户买了一块地上手是5100刀买的,这手就60万了,吓死我了,也不知道5100是什么时候的价

波波KIKO 说:楼主把段落分下比较好看。2016年就关注这个税法。终于出台了,真是不容易的。点击展开...本来是分的,一 paste 就这样了没办法刚分了下

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