加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息温哥华的这些中国人:从工程师到洗脚妹


上次我讲到一家叫HAPPY DOLLAR MART的杂货店,我儿子的一位同学的妈妈在里面工作。这位妈妈是我见到过的最想得开,最有本领,也最敢闯敢干的中国妈妈。我尊敬的称她JENIFER妈妈。JENIFER一家比我们来得早。她在国内的时候原是一名化学工程师,来到加拿大后憋屈在这家杂货店里。2007年,ALBERTA开始大规模扩展石油工业,JENNIFER马上毫不犹豫的申请了那边的工作,被接收以后,连房子都还没有找好,就先飞过去工作了。听说她找到了好工作,她把老公和孩子留在温哥华,夏天的时候过去看她,冬天的时候,她飞过来看他们爷俩。一年后,她就豪气的带领着一家人,搬进了一家大屋子。当时买价是70万左右,现在应该远超100万了。去年冬天的某一天,我太太去到一家理疗店做针灸和理疗,电话预约的时候,店主说,她们店新来了一位华人,可以讲中文,问我太太要不要试试。大家可能猜到了,见面后,我和太太惊讶的发现原来就是JENIFER。JENIFER倒是很自然大方,说这已经比上一份工作好多了。2015年,她工作的油田关闭,她有回到了温哥华。她的上一份工作是在洗脚店里当按摩工,现在这里的工作相对轻松一些,而且稳定,工资还翻了一番。不过,正规的理疗按摩师是必须考牌的,她为此专门全职学习了两年,总学费超过4万块钱。她专门指给我们看,挂在墙上的她的专业证书复印件。她稍稍沧桑的面容上,带着满满的自信的笑容。现在,她是真正的加拿大专业人士了。

私人订制旅游赞反馈:cncba, 王记导, herbertguo 和 3 其他人 2018-03-24#3 proman 5,467 $0.00 时间长就习惯了,我还认识好几个国内大学教授在这边改行做按摩的呢。再接再厉。我也想学针灸按摩了。

太初有道,道与神同在,道就是神。天行健,君子以自强不息。谷神不死,是谓玄牝。玄牝之门,是谓天地根,绵绵若存,用之不勤。个人建议华人应该在加拿大积极参政,可以有效地保护华人的权益。赞反馈:王记导, herbertguo 和 加拿大松鼠 2018-03-24#4 SPIKE 3,294 $0.00 2007年进入油气有点晚了,估计也就是做了三四年最多,不过45万的平均年薪,能剩不少,人家也许就是闷得慌出来干点活。不过这行业没有点”本钱“还是不容易的。

proman 说:时间长就习惯了,我还认识好几个国内大学教授在这边改行做按摩的呢。再接再厉。我也想学针灸按摩了。点击展开...详细说说什么大学教授


王放谈美加 说:上次我讲到一家叫HAPPY DOLLAR MART的杂货店,我儿子的一位同学的妈妈在里面工作。这位妈妈是我见到过的最想得开,最有本领,也最敢闯敢干的中国妈妈。我尊敬的称她JENIFER妈妈。JENIFER一家比我们来得早。她在国内的时候原是一名化学工程师,来到加拿大后憋屈在这家杂货店里。2007年,ALBERTA开始大规模扩展石油工业,JENNIFER马上毫不犹豫的申请了那边的工作,被接收以后,连房子都还没有找好,就先飞过去工作了。听说她找到了好工作,她把老公和孩子留在温哥华,夏天的时候过去看她,冬天的时候,她飞过来看他们爷俩。一年后,她就豪气的带领着一家人,搬进了一家大屋子。当时买价是70万左右,现在应该远超100万了。去年冬天的某一天,我太太去到一家理疗店做针灸和理疗,电话预约的时候,店主说,她们店新来了一位华人,可以讲中文,问我太太要不要试试。大家可能猜到了,见面后,我和太太惊讶的发现原来就是JENIFER。JENIFER倒是很自然大方,说这已经比上一份工作好多了。2015年,她工作的油田关闭,她有回到了温哥华。她的上一份工作是在洗脚店里当按摩工,现在这里的工作相对轻松一些,而且稳定,工资还翻了一番。不过,正规的理疗按摩师是必须考牌的,她为此专门全职学习了两年,总学费超过4万块钱。她专门指给我们看,挂在墙上的她的专业证书复印件。她稍稍沧桑的面容上,带着满满的自信的笑容。现在,她是真正的加拿大专业人士了。点击展开...温哥华工作不好找呗,或者,大部分都不用工作的富贵人家

SPIKE 说:2007年进入油气有点晚了,估计也就是做了三四年最多,不过45万的平均年薪,能剩不少,人家也许就是闷得慌出来干点活。不过这行业没有点”本钱“还是不容易的。点击展开...能不能确认一下,是四十五万还是四五万?


猴打滚儿 说:能不能确认一下,是四十五万还是四五万?点击展开...上市公司高管级别的,能有四五十万,年报上的数字。油价最高峰时期,wood buffalo地区的家庭税前收入是16万,全加第一。这个地方是石油产区,几乎全员收入都来自油气和相关产业。

没那么少,wood buffalo只有8万人口,油砂全盛时期在那里工作的远超过8万,这个8万都是住在那里的,其中可能有7万多就是当地的农民,在油砂发现前就住在哪里的。很多赚的多的只是飞进飞出,干四周休息两周住trailer的没有算进去的。

SPIKE 说:没那么少,wood buffalo只有8万人口,油砂全盛时期在那里工作的远超过8万,这个8万都是住在那里的,其中可能有7万多就是当地的农民,在油砂发现前就住在哪里的。很多赚的多的只是飞进飞出,干四周休息两周住trailer的没有算进去的。点击展开...请问您说的平均四五十万数据来源?p.s. 我本人就在油气业做过若干年。下面是油价高峰时Alberta Venture杂志的文章https://albertaventure.com/2014/06/as-the-oil-and-gas-industry-flourishes-opportunities-for-unique-and-interesting-occupations-abound-human-resources/Learn About The 5 Hottest Jobs In Oil and GasWe've got average salary, the educational requirements and an explanation of just what exactly a stationary engineer doesJun 25, 2014by Jesse SnyderAlberta’s oil and gas industry is facing a labour crunch. As drilling and mining practices develop, employers will require increasingly skilled and specialized workers. Energy producers will aggressively seek out the best and brightest as they scramble to reach production forecasts. But filling these positions won’t be a cakewalk. These workers are often in short supply, particularly in the oil and gas sector where the workdays can be arduous. These opportunities go well beyond the typical grunt work associated with the energy industry. Indeed, working in the oil and gas sector doesn’t necessarily mean toiling in the mud or fastening heavy clamps to an oily wellbore. Many of these recruits are sought-after professionals, from geologists to chemists, who are upsetting the old-school stereotype of the industry.Job: Community Outreach WorkerField: Human ResourcesAverage Salary: $60,000 – $75,000Typical Employer: Oil and gas producersEducation Required: Communication degree, BA in social workWhat They Do: Engage and partner with communitiesCommunity outreach workers spend most of their time on the road, meeting with band members or municipal governments. They attend community events and communicate with business leaders and developers. It’s a gruelling schedule at times, says Rachel Moore, the vice-president of Savanna Energy Services’ human resources department. As oil sands development becomes more politicized, outreach workers are now just as important to the operational success of a company as are on-site employees.But for Moore, community outreach is about more than just finding workers. It’s about sharing the wealth generated by the province’s energy sector with a wider range of communities. “It does amaze me that we’ve got so much wealth in Alberta, and yet there are lots of people who aren’t able to share in the boom,” she says.In the northern part of the province, for example, there are many aboriginal communities with plenty of able-bodied workers who can help meet some of Alberta’s labour demands. But these communities don’t necessarily trust industry, and so working with them requires tact and diplomacy.Job: Offshore Seismic ExplorerField: GeologyAverage Salary: $105,000 – $120,000Typical Employer: Offshore drilling companiesEducation Required: Geophysics degree, seismology degreeWhat They Do: Read marine geology data for oil and gas depositsThese geologists take seismic readings of the ocean floor by trolling “streamers” behind a vessel that produces sound waves every 12 to 15 seconds. The streamers, up to seven kilometres in length, are attached to hydrophones that respond to the underwater sound waves and give evaluators an idea of what lies in the rocky layers beneath.The explorer’s readings are integral to deciding how and where drilling occurs. And as drilling becomes more and more expensive, producers expect increasingly accurate readings.This isn’t a job for a social butterfly, though. “They can be pretty long campaigns,” says Chris Mylde, the head of business development at Sproule Associates, a well-evaluation consulting firm. Many of the companies contracting these explorations are Calgary-based outfits like Shell Canada and Husky Energy, even though offshore operations tend to be in the far reaches of Canadian waters. Explorers can spend weeks out at sea, sometimes even venturing into remote regions of the Arctic Ocean.Job: Stationary and Steam EngineerField: EngineeringAverage Salary: $105,000 – $120,000Typical Employer: Oil and gas producersEducation Required: Fourth-year power engineering, stationary engineeringWhat They Do: Generate steam for mining and drilling operationsEngineers have always been sought after in the oil and gas sector, but the proliferation of steam-assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) in the heart of Alberta’s oil sands has really heated up the job market for steam engineers. They typically monitor and regulate the highly pressurized process of generating the steam used to break up and liquidize heavy oil.Steam engineers are essentially power engineers who have earned an additional certificate in steam generation. “We need steam for everything in the North, whether it’s SAGD or mining,” says Mary MacDonald, the dean of MacPhail School of Energy at SAIT.The imbalance between supply and demand is daunting. Just under 400 power engineers graduate in Alberta every year, but their profession remains the shortest-staffed of any in the industry. For their part, companies are spending money to make their job openings as attractive as possible. In some instances, these engineers have been known to earn over $200,000 annually. “They’re getting just about anything they want because they’re in such demand,” MacDonald says.Job: Drilling Fluid TechnicianField: ChemistryAverage Salary: $110,000 – $125,000Typical Employer: Research labs and drilling fluid suppliersEducation Required: Chemistry degree, fourth-year petroleum engineeringWhat They Do: Test and research the chemical makeup of fluidsWhen people think of a chemist, they might conjure up an image of a frizzy-haired scientist labouring over a bunch of bubbling Erlenmeyer flasks. But chemists are increasingly crucial to the energy industry, as well. The influx of unconventional drilling, which uses a range of chemicals in its processes, has sent producers on the hunt for effective drilling fluids. These fluids, often referred to as mud, contribute substantially to the productivity of oil and gas wells by breaking up the earth, loosening heavy oil deposits and lubricating the drill.An effective fluid can mean millions of dollars in production revenue, and that is where drilling fluid technicians come in. They are responsible for pilot testing these fluids to find the ideal chemical recipe, one that will minimize environmental damage while allowing for high recovery rates. They work with lab equipment like spectrophotometers, lubricity testers and centrifuges, testing for viscosifiers, thinners and polymers – some of the main ingredients in drilling mud – and looking for ways to enhance them.It’s not easy work. “It’s a specialized occupation,” says Tami Anderson, human resources co-ordinator at Newpark, a company that employs around 20 technicians and is always looking for more.Job: Soil Reclamation TechnologistField: Environmental scienceAverage Salary: $75,000 – $90,000Typical Employer: Land-filling and reclamation service providersEducation Required: Environmental sciencesWhat They Do: Sample and reclaim contaminated soilEnvironmental damage is an inevitable consequence of oil and gas extraction. Soil can be contaminated by anything from metals to salts to hydrocarbons. But scientists are discovering innovative land and soil reclamation methods, creating a whole crop of new jobs.Soil reclamation technologists visit developed areas after production has commenced. Much of the job is done in the sampling stage, when they decide how best to use or dispose of the soil. These technologists (similar to geotechnical engineers) are responsible for filling out reports for future reference and consulting with industry for the least intrusive reclamation tactics. Many of the sampling stations tend to be remote, and technologists can spend weeks on a well site collecting samples.Some of the leading soil reclamation work is done through landfilling, in which contaminated soil is held within a synthetic liner for storage. That contaminated earth is then covered with a clean topsoil and replanted with naturally growing vegetation. Soil technologists are expected to know which plants will have the best chance of taking root and restoring the land.Soil technologists are typically graduates of environmental sciences specializing in soil studies. Their education gives them a range of opportunities in the industry. Outside of soil reclamation, oil and gas firms are now addressing issues like erosion and groundwater contamination. Experts are always looking into new technologies, including the use of charcoal to remediate contaminated soil.

SPIKE 说:2007年进入油气有点晚了,估计也就是做了三四年最多,不过45万的平均年薪,能剩不少,人家也许就是闷得慌出来干点活。不过这行业没有点”本钱“还是不容易的。点击展开...Alberta Oil Gas杂志的文章,油气公司CEO收入排行,来源是上市公司的2014年年报。把薪水奖金和股票收入都算上,在2014年油价高峰时,有三分之一油气公司的CEO收入达不到60万https://www.albertaoilmagazine.com/2015/08/alberta-energy-sector-executive-compensation-list/?sort=totalThe complete ranking of CEO salaries in the Canadian energy sectorBY ALBERTA OIL STAFFAugust 04, 2015

加拿大松鼠 说:四五十万,肯定的前些年油田打扫客房也是8万以上点击展开...惊讶,合不上嘴了

vvv11183p 说:惊讶,合不上嘴了点击展开...我认识朋友啊6年前,他们去打扫客房,一小时25,每天还可以加班一两个小时,一倍半,提供食宿,单间住宿,有卫浴,干三周,歇一周,如果是supervisor,或者laundry,那更轻松了,拿的更多

ccyyyycc 说:俩人税前四十还算靠谱。点击展开...个别年份,加班比较多,奖金比较高的话,一个普通人能拿到20万薪水。最近遇到一个环境工程师,收入只有五万上下,他之前收入最多的年份也不到12万。长期保持在20万年收入,一般是大公司的team leader, 小公司的股东,常年能拿到好合同的牛逼个体户

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